Other grants
Facebook is offering $100 million in cash grants and ad credits to small businesses. Sign up here to get further updates about this program.
Yelp is not offering cash grants, but they are offering $25 million in surrendered ad fees, no cost advertising products, and services to small business with their focus being on restaurants and nightlife establishments that have been impacted by COVID-19.
The restaurant and hospitality community employ nearly 16% of the American workforce and the culinary industry generates over $1 Trillion in revenue that equivocates to 4% of the GDP. The James Beard Foundation is accepting monetary donations to provide critical assistance in the form of microgrants to independent small businesses in the restaurant and hospitality industry.
Google committed to $800 million in COVID-19 grants that will be deployed to several cohorts for economic stabilization. Within that $800 million, $340 million is allocated to google ad credits available to all small businesses with an active account over the past year. In addition, google is also providing another $200 million allocated to providing non-mainstream small businesses with financial capital.