Customizing the print layout for production chits
Use the Print Designer function to customize the design of your chits. You must include the Items and Training type to every print layout design you create. If you include an element that you are not using, the system allows you add the element, but does not display any output on the chit or guest check. The system has a default kitchen chit layout that is equipped with all possible elements for a production chit. Use this default chit to copy and simply remove the elements you do not use.
Reference: Refer to the Print Designer Feature Focus Guide for information on how to configure and use the Print Designer function.
Once you finish the print layout for an Aloha Kitchen installation, you must also attach the layout to kitchen settings to use the layout design. Aloha Kitchen has several types of chits from which to choose.
To customize the print layout for production chits:
- With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings > Kitchen tab.
- Under the 'Chit Printing' group bar, select a print layout from any of the following options:
- Bag chit layout
- Kitchen chit layout
- Item label layout
- Item chit layout
- Click Save.
- Click Close to exit the Kitchen Settings function.