Appendix B: Mobile Pay error codes
The following error codes replace the negative-1 error in the BootDrv\Aloha\TMP folder:
Function | Error Code |
GetCheckInfo | 5003 |
ApplyPayment | 5004 |
GetPaymentStatus | 5008 |
GetBalance | 5013 |
PageServer | 5014 |
ApplyTenderPayment | 5016 |
OrderItem | 5017 |
DeletePayment | 5019 |
AssignLoyalty | 5020 |
UnassignLoyalty | 5021 |
ReassignLoyalty | 5022 |
DeleteLoyalty | 5023 |
GetLoytaltyStatus | 5024 |
ApplyPayPalExpressCheckoutPayment | 5025 |
ApplyPayPalHerePayment | 5026 |
GetTableName | 5027 |
ApplyGiftCardPayment | 5028 |
GetSiteAuthorization | 5029 |
ApplyFastPayment | 5030 |
GetActiveCheckInfo | 5031 |
CreateCheck | 5032 |
ApplyFastTenderPayment | 5036 |
AddStatus | 5037 |
ApplySecuredPayment | 5040 |
ApplyPromo | 5041 |
DeletePromo | 5042 |
ValidateLogin | 5043 |
OpenTable | 5044 |
CloseTable | 5045 |