Appendix C: Host info
The Mobile Pay Agent Configuration Tool provides the the following settings, divided into five categories based on their function: General, Server Notifications, Payments, Web Server Connectivity, and Quick Service Features.
Category: General
Enable Mobile Pay — (Yes) Enables Mobile Pay on the next restart.Clearing this option disables Mobile Pay on the next restart.
Check Startup — (Yes) Ensures Mobile Pay starts up using current design.(If you don't know what this means, leave the option selected.)
Intercept Activity — (Yes) Ensures Mobile Pay listens to POS events.(If you don't know what this means, leave the option selected.)
Intercept Printing — (Yes) Ensures Mobile Pay listens for printing events from the POS. (If you don't know what this means, leave the option selected.)
Check Password — (No) Ensures Mobile Pay checks MP employee passwords on the next restart. (If you do not know what this means, leave this option cleared.)
End of Day — (No) Designates that Mobile Pay is to perform its EOD routine. (If you do not know what this means, leave the option cleared.)
Order Item on Physical Terminal — (Yes) Makes Mobile Pay try to order items on the terminal sent by guests from their Mobile device.Clearing this option means Mobile Pay will ignore items ordering commands sent by guests from their Mobile device.
BOH Local Directory — (N/A) The install process automatically populates this option. (\ALOHADEV99\BootDrv\Aloha) (Do not change this option, if you are unsure.)
Loyalty Wait Time — (Value=1) Designates the amount of time in seconds to attempt a loyalty card assignment before timing out.
Category: Server Notifications
Order Item — (Yes) Allows the server to approve/dismiss an item ordered through the MP app by a guest. Clearing this option disables this function.
Order Bypass Server — (No) Designates items ordered by the customer through Mobile Pay do not require server approval. The server receives a notification that an item was ordered through the Mobile Pay app/site.Clearing this option means that a Mobile Pay customer cannot send an item to the kitchen without server approval.
Order Bypass Server Skip Notification — (No) When selected in conjunction with Order Bypass Server, designates the server will NOT get a notification message that the item was ordered through the Mobile Pay app/site.Clearing this option, but leaving the Order Bypass Server option selected, means the server still receives a notification when an item is ordered through the Mobile Pay app/site.
Payment Message Skip Notification — (No) Designates the server will NOT get a notification that a payment was applied to a check through the Mobile Pay app/site.Clearing this option means that all payment notifications display for the server.
Status Item ID — (N/A) Designates the POS item number to use when adding status messages to checks (Example: "Guest may pay with MP.") Value = "9999"
Send Check Detail Show Message — (Yes) Displays a message to server when check info is sent by a third party.(If you don't know what this means, leave the option cleared.)
Send Check Detail Message — (N/A) Designates the message to appear on the POS when check info is sent by a third party.
Send Check Detail Timeout Message — (N/A) Designates the message to appear on the POS when check info by a third party times out.
Send Check Detail Timeout — (Value=30) Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait before displaying the timeout message.
Add Status Message — (N/A) Designates the additional message to add to the Status Item and Send Check messages when the message form is open.
Category: Payments
Print Chit — (No) Causes the POS to print a chit with a pay code when opening a check. Clear this option to disable this function.
Print QR Code — (Yes) Causes the operating system to print a QR code on the guest check if 'Post Receipt' is also selected. This option also causes the POS to print a QR code on the chit if 'Print Chit' is also selected. Clearing this option disables QR code printing on both the guest check and the chit.
QR Code Scale — (N/A) Specifies the scaling of the QR code on the chit and guest check. Default setting is 5.
QR Code Version — (N/A) Designates the QR code version on the chit and guest check. Default setting is 3. Values range between 0-40.
QR Code Error Correction — (N/A) Sets the type of error correction used to create the QR code on the chit. This is based on universal QR code error correction standards (L, M, Q, H). 0 corresponds to L, 1 corresponds to M, 2 corresponds to Q, and 3 corresponds to H. Default setting is 0 (L). (If you don't know what this means, leave this option alone.)
Retry to Pay on Physical Terminal — (No) Causes Mobile Pay to retry the payment using the terminal if a Check In User error occurs. (If you don't know what this means, leave the option cleared.)
Use Custom Tender — (No) Causes Mobile Pay to look for special tenders configured in POS.
Post Receipt — (No) Causes the POS to print the Mobile Pay check code on the guest check. Clear this option to disable this function.
Category: Web Server Connectivity
Mobile Pay Platform Access Token — (N/A) Designates the Access Token for the Mobile Pay Platform. This value will be encrypted after saving.
Mobile Pay Platform Secret Key — (N/A) Designates the Secret Key for the Mobile Pay Platform. This value is encrypted after saving.
Cloud Connect User — (N/A) Specifies the Cloud Connect user. This value is encrypted after saving.
Cloud Connect Password — (N/A) Specifies the Cloud Connect password. This value is encrypted after saving.
Custom URL — (N/A) Designates the URL to which to navigate the guest, if somewhere other than
Category: Quick Service Features
Intercept Barcode — (Yes) Makes Mobile Pay listen to barcode/QR code scanning on the POS and attempt to process payment if a Mobile Pay barcode/QR code is detected.
Use Order Panel — (No) Displays a default order panel after a payment is made with Mobile Pay. (If you don't know what this option means, leave it cleared.)
Show Pay Screen — (No) Forces Mobile Pay to generate a payment screen. (If you don't know what this option means, leave it cleared.)
Open New Order — (No) Opens a new order on the payment screen after payment is received. (If you don't know what this option means, leave it cleared.)
Barcode Scan Error Message — (N/A) Specifies the message to appear when you scan a non-Mobile Pay barcode/QR code.
Pay on Physical Terminal — (Yes) Allows for QS payments to process on a terminal with an active/open check. For QS, the check must be open and active for check details and payment to function on the web. For QS, the items must be ordered (not just added) before they are visible on the website ( or branded website). In addition, the GETMPCODE popup must be canceled (not on screen) in the order.