Promoting POS Changes
Menu Configurator imports POS changes nightly, but does not automatically import them into your web menu. You must manually implement any POS changes to the web menu. When you log in to Menu Configurator, a prompt appears, notifying you of potential changes, which then allows you to activate a Promotion Wizard for the configuration of the imports before you publish them to your web menu.
- Select File > Check Out Design. If POS changes exist for import, a prompt appears.
- Click Yes. The Promotion Wizard appears.
- Review the available changes. Click the printer icon on the bottom right side of the screen to print a list of the available changes. Common import changes that appear in the Promotion Wizard.
- Price Updates – Allows for increases and decreases in price for sales and modifier items.
- Modifier Group Changes – Displays the possible addition or removal of modifier items from modifier groups. When you approve deleted items, the system deletes them from the web menu. You can approve the addition of modifier items, or wait until after the promotion process. Until the publish process is complete, deleted items appear with a red strike through them, and the menu path also appears in red.
- Build menu items or modifiers through the Promotion Wizard. If you prefer, you can build menu items after the Promotion Wizard. The wizard lists all changes not being implemented.
- Click OK.