Email Templates and Variables
This appendix contains tables with the available email templates and their purpose, and another set of tables with information regarding the variables for each email template and their purpose.
Email Templates
The following lists the email templates available for general use, such as new account confirmation, and then those for use with the Group Order feature.
Table 1: Email Templates
Email Template | Purpose |
AccountCreated | Sent when a consumer creates an account. |
AlternateAccountCreated | Sent when a consumer creates an account with an alternate account, such as with social media credentials. |
AuthenticatorEmail | |
EmailChanged | Sent when a consumer associates their account with a different email. |
EmailProfile | Sent when a consumer changes their profile. |
EmailVerification | Sent when the system approves a valid email account. |
GroupInviteeAdded | Sent when the group organizer adds an invitee to a group order. |
GroupInviteeAddedDelivery | Sent to the group organizer when an invitee is added to a group order upon selecting the Delivery order mode. |
GroupInviteeAddedPickup | Sent to the group organizer when an invitee is added to a group order upon selecting the Pickup order mode. |
GroupInviteeRemoved | Sent to the group organizer when an invitee is removed from a group order. |
GroupOrderAllOrdersComplete | Sent to the group organizer when all invitees complete their portion of a group order. |
GroupOrderCancelled | Sent to the group invitees when the organizer cancels a group order. |
GroupOrderChanged | Sent to the invitees when the group organizer changes the details of the order, such as the response time from the invitees. |
GroupOrderInviteeCutoffTimeReached | Sent to the group organizer when a group order reaches the cutoff time. |
GroupOrderInviteeDeclined | The system does not currently support this template. |
GroupOrderInviteeReminder | Sent to the invitees to remind them to submit their portion of a group order before the cutoff time. |
GroupOrderInviteeReopenedOrder | Sent to the group organizer when an invitee reopens their order. |
GroupOrderInviteeSubmittedOrder | Sent to the group organizer when an invitee submits their order. |
LoginInfoChanged | Sent to the consumer when their log in information changed. |
MobileOrderConfirmationCarryOut | Sent when a consumer places a pickup order while using a mobile device. |
MobileOrderConfirmationCurbSide | Sent when a consumer places a curbside order while using a mobile device. |
MobileOrderConfirmationDineIn | Sent when a consumer places a dine-in order while using a mobile device. |
MobileOrderFeedback | Sent when a consumer submits feedback while using a mobile device. |
NOLOAccountVerification | |
OrderCancelled | Sent when a consumer cancels an order. |
OrderConfirmation | Sent when a consumer confirms an order. |
OrderConfirmationCatering | Sent when a consumer places a catering order. |
OrderConfirmationDelivery | Sent when a consumer places a delivery order. |
OrderConfirmationDeliveryCatering | Sent when a consumer places a delivery catering order. |
OrderConfirmationDeliveryRetail | Sent when a consumer places a delivery retail order. |
OrderConfirmationDineInRetail | Sent when a consumer places a dine in retail order. |
OrderConfirmationPickup | Sent when a consumer places a pickup order. |
OrderConfirmationPickupCatering | Sent when a consumer places a pickup catering order. |
OrderConfirmationPickupRetail | Sent when a consumer places a pickup retail order. |
OrderConfirmationRetail | Sent when a consumer places a retail order. |
OrderConfirmationThirdPartyDelivery | Sent when an order was placed from a third-party delivery service. |
PasswordChanged | Sent when a consumer their password changed. |
PasswordRecovered | Sent when a consumer requests to have their password sent to them. |
ResetPasswordEmail | Sent when a consumer request to have their password changed. |
ResetPasswordUnregisteredUserEmail | Sent when a consumer without an account request to have their password changed. |
ResetPasswordEmailWithLink | Sent when a consumer request to have their password changed for their email account. A link will be emailed to login. |
SiteFaxFailoverOrder | Sent when a site receives an order by a fax machine because of a site communication error. |
SiteOrderCancellation | Sent when a site receives an order cancellation. |
SiteOrderSubmission | Sent when a site receives an order submission. |
TwoFactorAuthVerificationCode | Sent two factor email verification code. |
Email Template Variables
The following tables contain the variables available and their purpose according to the email template. The email template contains the variable, and when the system generates the email message it uses the variable to complete the email with the defined content.
Table 2: Email Template Variables
Variable | Purpose |
Account Created Email Template: | |
[%UserName%] | Displays the consumer email address, as entered at the Online Ordering site. |
[%PasswordQuestion%] | Displays the secret question the consumer added when creating their account. |
Password Recovered Email Template: | |
[%Password%] | Displays a system-generated password for the consumer con- sisting of random characters. |
Other Email Template | |
[%CustomerAltPhone%] | Displays the alternate phone number, as defined by the consumer’s online ordering account. |
[%CustomerBusinessName%] | Displays the business name, as defined by the consumer’s online ordering account. |
[%CustomerEmail%] | Displays the email address, as defined by the consumer’s online ordering account. |
[%CustomerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the consumer. |
[%CustomerLastName%] | Displays the last name of the consumer. |
[%CustomerLocation%] | Displays the delivery address, as defined by the consumer. |
[%CustomerVoicePhone%] | Displays the phone number, as defined by the consumer. |
[%EmailConfirmationSnippet%] | Displays site-specific information, which you define at Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Messaging tab. |
[%FaxFailoverMessage%] | Displays a system generated message when you configure the company and site for fax failover, and the system initiates the action. |
[%ConfirmationNumber%] | Displays the confirmation number when the consumer completes the order. This value does not carry through to the site location. |
[%OrderId%] | Displays the order number when the consumer completes the order. This value does not carry through to the site location. |
[%OrderReceipt%] | Displays a block of text containing the details of the consumer online order, such as items, item comments, item quantities, item amounts, tax amount, and total amount. |
[%OrderTotal%] | Displays the total amount of the order. |
[%PaymentCardType%] | Displays the credit card type used to pay for the online order, if the consumer used a credit card to tender the order. |
[%PaymentDeferredMessage%] | Displays a message that the payment was deferred. |
[%PaymentFailedMessage%] | Displays a message that the payment failed. |
[%PaymentNoResponseMessage%] | Displays a message that there was no response from the processor. |
[%PaymentNotProcessedMessage%] | Displays a message that the payment failed to process. |
[%PaymentSuccessfulMessage%] | Displays a message that the payment was processed successful. |
[%PaymentLocation%] | Displays ‘Paid Online’ or ‘Pay at Site,’ as selected by the consumer. |
[%PosOrderNumber%] | Displays the order number generated by the POS. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the pickup or delivery date and time the consumer selected. |
[%PromisedTimeDayOfWeek%] | Displays the day of week and pickup or delivery date and time the consumer selected. |
[%SiteAddress%] | Displays the address of the site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteExternalId%] | Displays the external ID of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SitePhoneNumber%] | Displays the voice phone number of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SpecialInstructions%] | Displays any transaction-level special instructions entered by the consumer during the checkout process. |
Group Order Invitee Added Email Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeCutoffTime%] | Displays the requested response time as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrderAccessCode%] | Contains the access code for the link to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderingWebsite%]. |
[%OrderingWebsite%] | Contains the URL to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderAccessCode%]. |
[%OrganizerEmail%] | Displays the email address of the group organizer of the group order. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%OrganizerLastName%] | Displays the last name of the group organizer. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the promise time of the group order, as selected by the group organizer. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Invitee Removed Email Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrganizerEmail%] | Displays the email address of the group organizer of the group order. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%OrganizerLastName%] | Displays the last name of the group organizer. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Changed Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeCutoffTime%] | Displays the requested response time as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrderAccessCode%] | Contains the access code for the link to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderingWebsite%]. |
[%OrderingWebsite%] | Contains the URL to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderAccessCode%]. |
[%OrganizerEmail%] | Displays the email address of the group organizer of the group order. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%OrganizerLastName%] | Displays the last name of the group organizer. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the promise time of the group order, as selected by the group organizer. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Cancelled Email Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrganizerEmail%] | Displays the email address of the group organizer of the group order. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%OrganizerLastName%] | Displays the last name of the group organizer. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Invitee Submitted Order Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeCutoffTime%] | Displays the requested response time as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeEmail%] | Displays the email address of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the promise time of the group order, as selected by the group organizer. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Invitee Reopened Order Email Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeCutoffTime%] | Displays the requested response time as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeEmail%] | Displays the email address of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrganizerFirstName%] | Displays the first name of the group organizer. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the promise time of the order, as selected by the group organizer. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
Group Order Invitee Reminder Email Template | |
[%GroupOrderName%] | Displays the name given to the group order by the group organizer. |
[%InviteeCutoffTime%] | Displays the requested response time as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeEmail%] | Displays the email address of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%InviteeName%] | Displays the name of the invitee as entered by the group organizer within the group order details page. |
[%OrderAccessCode%] | Contains the access code for the link to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderingWebsite%]. |
[%OrderingWebsite%] | Contains the URL to allow an invitee to launch a predefined site. Use this variable in conjunction with [%OrderAccessCode%]. |
[%OrganizerEmail%] | Displays the email address of the group organizer of the group order. |
[%PromisedTime%] | Displays the promise time of the order, as selected by the group order organizer. |
[%SiteLocation%] | Displays the address and phone number of the selected site, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
[%SiteName%] | Displays the name of the site location, as defined in Configuration > Site Setup > Sites > Site Details tab. |
TwoFactor verification for Email Template | |
[%VerificationCode%] | Contains the code and which sent for the two-factor email verification. |