Enable Credit Card Charge Upon Order Submission
Instant credit card charge enables you to charge credit cards and debit cards at the time of web order submittal. If the merchant processor declines the card, the system displays a notification to the consumer, and prompts them to provide another form of payment.
Instant Credit Card Charge submission requires Aloha Takeout v14.1 or later, and you must configure deposits in ATO and the Aloha POS.
📓 Refer to the NCR Aloha Takeout Implementation Guide for more information. And for more information on ATO deposits, refer to Future Orders and Deposits Feature Focus Guide.
- In Web Admin, select Configuration > Company Settings Setup.
- Select EnableATODeposits.
- Click Edit Setting.
- Type True to activate instant credit card charge, or type False to disable the feature.
- Select DisableAdvanceCommands.
- Click Edit Setting.
- Type False.
- Click Update.