Customizing Graphics and Elements
The Aloha Online Ordering team preloads your site with the necessary stock element files and graphics you can use for your online ordering site. You can also customize these files as long as they adhere to the size and shape specifications required for these files.
Use the Graphics and Content section of Web Admin to store and manage your graphics and element files.
To use customized graphics and element files:
- Download the specific file from the Graphics and Content page.
- Edit the file.
- Upload the edited file to the Graphics and Content page.
- Refresh your ordering site.
To download the current version of the graphic or element file in use on your online ordering website:
In Web Admin, select Designs > Graphics and Content.
Under ‘Content Key,’ type the file name or a phrase within the file name, and press Enter. The matching results appear.
Select the file to download.
Click Download. The system downloads the file to your computer.
📝 To download all the graphics and element files instead of only one file, select Download Zip.
To upload edited files to the Graphics and Content page:
Once you finish customizing a file you download, you can upload the edited file to the Graphics and Content page of Web Admin. The file you upload automatically replaces the corresponding file. You also use these steps to upload graphic files of your menu items.

- Select Designs > Graphics and Content.
- Click Upload to upload a single file.
Click Upload Zip to upload a zip file containing multiple files. The Upload Content screen appears.

Click Choose File.
Navigate to and select the file to upload.
Click Open. The system returns to the Upload Content screen with the file name listed next to ‘Choose File.’
Click Upload File. The system uploads the file.
Click Close to exit the Upload Content screen.
Click Refresh Ordering Site to publish your changes.
📝 It may take up to five minutes for the new files to appear on your online ordering site. Deleting the browser cache can also be beneficial.