Troubleshooting Advanced Pizza in Quick Service
We offer the following troubleshooting tips with fractional pizzas and toppings:
Toppings are ordered without a pizza menu item
When entering an order for a fractional pizza, you must begin with a fractional pizza menu item, such as Halves MD, and then make the selections for each fraction of the pizza. If instead you begin by adding pizza toppings, the system will allow this but cannot calculate the price of the pizza correctly. For example, when a guest orders a medium pizza, half Supreme, and half BYO, after selecting Supreme MD for the first half, you could easily make the mistake of selecting the toppings for the BYO without selecting the BYO MD pizza menu item first. You can safeguard against this through panel design and limiting the accessibility to the toppings until they are needed.
Unable to mix pizza fractions on a pizza
On fractional pizzas, you can only mix a half and two quarters to complete a pizza. For fractional pizzas and fractional toppings in thirds, you can only add another third. If you try to mix a third with either a quarter or half fraction, a message appears.

Fractional pizza requires more pizza fractions
If the total of the fractions does not equal a whole pizza, you must add the necessary pizza fractions until it does.

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