Using Credit Card Lookup in Table Service
After configuring the Credit Card Lookup feature, you can display a single credit card button on the FOH Tenders screen. Select the button to access a generic credit card screen and swipe the credit card, or enter the card number manually. The system searches the hard-coded prefixes of the credit card type, then continues with the process of applying a credit card payment.
To use the credit card lookup screen:
- With the check appearing in the guest check window, touch the credit card lookup tender. The Enter the Credit Card Number screen appears.
- Swipe the credit card across the mag stripe reader, or enter the credit card number using the numeric keypad, and touch OK. The screen for the corresponding credit card appears with the credit card number and expiration date populated. For example, if the system matched the prefix numbers to a Visa card, the Visa Card screen appears.
- Enter the requirements of the detected credit card, such as the correct purchase amount and a tip.
- Close the check as normal.
Return to the main Credit Card lookup in Table Service page.