Configuring a batch file to create an automatic backup
In versions prior to Aloha Takeout v13.1, you can create a batch file to automatically run your backup. Include the command line below in a batch file that you can run using Windows Scheduler or Aloha Winhook (RKSID#5998).
Defining parameters for the command line in the batch file
/purge:< Days> Removes any backups older than the defined number of
/backup:{true|false} Determines whether or not to run the backup. If false, the backup will not run.
/database:< DatabaseName> Specifies a different database name to back up. Leaving the parameter out of the command line backs up the AlohaToGo database. Use this switch to back up the training database (or any other SQL database).
/server:< ServerName> Specifies the name of the file server. It is the same as
/directory:< DirectoryName> Sets the directory where you want to save the backup. This is already done in the batch file.
Formatting the Command Line
Examples of the Command Line
[No Purge] - D:\Bootdrv\Aloha Takeout\Bin\TakeOutBackup" /server:localhost\sqlexpress /directory: "D:\Bootdrv\Aloha Takeout\Backup
[Purge past 30 days] - D:\Bootdrv\Aloha Takeout\Bin\TakeOutBackup" /purge:30 /backup:true /database:AlohaToGo /server:localhost\sqlexpress /directory:"D:\Bootdrv\Aloha Takeout\Backup