Configuring Tax by Destination
Tax regulations may require you to assess taxes based on the location to which you deliver or cater an order rather than the location of your restaurant, referred to as 'tax by destination.' Aloha Takeout v13.1 enables you to easily comply with tax by destination using tax functionality available in the Aloha POS system, and options available in Aloha Takeout. The Tax by Destination feature keys off of the ZIP code to which you deliver or cater an order. If the ZIP code is one for which tax by destination rules apply, the system calculates the tax using the tax rate you establish for that ZIP code.
If you are a site already using Aloha Takeout, not a new installation, do not alter your existing tax types or flex tax rules, as you use these for calculating taxes based on the location of your store. You do, however, need to build on your existing tax structure and create new tax types and flex tax rules specifically for supporting the Tax by Destination feature.
SCENARIO: Your restaurant resides in ZIP code 76155 and delivers to two additional ZIP codes, 76021 and 76039, which are subject to different tax rates than ZIP code 76155. Additionally, delivered bottled water is not subject to tax. It is necessary for you to configure and use the Tax by Destination feature.
Reference: For detailed information on configuring and using tax by destination, refer to the Aloha Takeout Tax by Destination Feature Focus Guide - HKS383.