Refunding or surrendering a deposit
In accordance with your company policy, you can refund a deposit to a customer or you can surrender the deposit to compensate your organization for labor and/or food costs. When a customer cancels an order with a deposit attached, the system forces you to either refund or surrender the deposit before allowing you to cancel the order.
Touch Future on the navigation bar to access the Future screen.
Find and select the order for which you want to refund or surrender a deposit from the Future screen. See "Finding a Future Order."
Touch Add/Edit Deposits on the right side of the screen.
At the Deposit Information screen, select the Deposit line in the order summary panel. A red box appears around the selected Deposit line.
If refunding a deposit, select the Refund Deposit tab and perform the following steps; otherwise skip to step 6.
- Select the appropriate tender to use for the refund. In most cases, this will match the tender used to pay for the deposit. If you refund to a payment card, enter the payment card information.
- At the 'Do you wish to refund the selected deposit to the customer as?' screen, confirm the tender is correct and touch Refund Deposit.
- Obtain authorization, if necessary. An employee with the ability to refund a deposit must authorize this transaction.
- Touch Exit.
If surrendering a deposit to the store, select the Surrender Deposit tab and perform the following steps:
- At the 'Do you wish to surrender the selected deposit to store?' screen, touch Surrender Deposit. The system applies the Deposit tender to the check and closes the check.
- Obtain authorization, if necessary. An employee with the ability to surrender a deposit must authorize this transaction.
- Touch Exit.