Configuring the table number to appear in the kitchen video cell
For this solution, the table number is sent to Aloha Kitchen as an ATO order note. You can configure Aloha Kitchen to display the information in the video cell so that the server or food runner can deliver the food to the correct table.
Tip: To allow the system to send the table number to Aloha Kitchen, you must select ‘Enable Kitchen integration’ in Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings > Options tab. Refer to the Aloha Takeout and Aloha Kitchen Integration Guide - HKS327 for more information.
To configure the table number to appear in the kitchen video cell:
- In Aloha Configuration Center or Aloha Manager, select Kitchen from the product panel.
- Select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Header and Footer Layout.
- Select an existing header or footer layout for which to add the ATO order note element from the drop-down list.
- Click the Add drop-down arrow, select ATO order note from the 'Type' list box, and click OK.
- Configure the attributes for the element, such as line number, location, and style, as you would for any other element on a header or footer layout.
- Click Save and exit the Header and Footer Layout function.
Refreshing data
Anytime you make changes in Aloha Manager/Aloha Configuration Center you must run a data refresh to push the changes to the FOH. After all settings are in place, select Utilities > POS > Refresh POS & All Installed Products to transfer the new information to the FOH terminals, or wait for the EOD process to accomplish the data refresh for you. If you run the refresh prior to the EOD process, select 'Automatically restart all POS terminals' and click OK to continue. After the data refresh is complete, all new settings become operational across the Aloha network.
Caution: Refresh data with caution and never during peak hours of operation. All FOH terminals reboot during a refresh and are down for a short period of time.
Configuration of Contactless Dine-In is now complete and you are ready to place your first order.