Using Digital Ordering/Engage Mobile with Consumer Marketing
Signing into Consumer Marketing with Digital Ordering/Engage Mobile is a simple process. While the consumer remains logged into their account, the system accrues loyalty points and rewards for each order.
Digital ordering experience
With the Digital Ordering experience, the consumer can sign up with Consumer Marketing and view Loyalty information for the account.
Signing up for Consumer Marketing in Digital Ordering:
- To sign up in Digital Ordering, the consumer selects the Account link at the top left on the order page to start the process. The process also starts when the consumer selects Proceed to Check Out during ordering, and then selects SIGN UP. The SIGN UP screen appears.
- The consumer completes the information and selects Join our Loyalty program.
- The consumer selects CREATE ACCOUNT. The LINK ACCOUNT screen appears, asking the consumer if they have any existing loyalty accounts.
- If the consumer selects NO, the system creates an account for the consumer with an assigned Loyalty number, which was given to Digital Ordering from the Consumer Marketing system.
- If the consumer selects YES, an additional screen appears with search methods for identifying an existing loyalty account in the Consumer Marketing system.
- The consumer selects the account association method. Depending on the selection, the consumer confirms either the phone number, email, or loyalty number. Once verified, the system signs the consumer in and links them to their Consumer Marketing loyalty account.
Viewing Consumer Marketing loyalty information in Digital Ordering:
When signed in, the consumer can select the Account icon to view their loyalty information. The icon appears with the consumer name and only when the consumer is signed in.
The Profile screen appears with the consumer’s loyalty number and allows them to edit the information in their profile.
Engage Mobile experience
With the Engage Mobile experience, the consumer can sign up with Consumer Marketing.
- To sign up with Consumer Marketing in Engage Mobile, the consumer selects Sign-Up /Log-In from the navigation pane to start the process. The Create Account screen appears.
- The consumer completes the information and selects Join the loyalty program.
- The consumer selects Sign Up with Email. A banner appears on the home screen to indicate the consumer is signed into Consumer Marketing. If the consumer chooses not to opt into Consumer Marketing at this time, a banner appears on the home screen, asking the consumer to join Consumer Marketing loyalty.The consumer can also sign up for Consumer Marketing from the Account screen.
Signing up with Consumer Marketing in Engage Mobile:
- To sign up with Consumer Marketing from the Account screen in Engage Mobile, the consumer selects Account from the navigation pane. The Account screen appears.
- The consumer selects Join the Loyalty program.