Adding items to a closed check
You can add items to the order, after opening a closed (which is closed prematurely) check.
Note: You can only open a closed guest check during the day for which it occurred and while the shift of the employee (financially responsible for the guest check) is still active.
To add items to a closed check:
Log in to the POS.
Tap Point of Sale.
Tap the hamburger menu icon to display the slide out menu. Tap Recall/Reprint. The Recall/Reprint screen appears.
The app defaults to display the tickets created, open and completed tickets, on 'This station.' This station refers to the device you are using. -
Tap All Stations, to access completed tickets created on another device.
Tap Recall. The system opens the guest check and the Pay button replaces the Close button at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the items to add to the guest check and finalize the order as normal.
Tip: To adjust the payment for a closed check, swipe the tendered amount from right to left or left to right and then tap Delete Item. The system removes the tender from the guest check.
The system updates the amount due with the total of the items added to the guest check.
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