Applying charges
You can automatically or manually apply a charge to a guest check. Automatically applied charges appear as soon as you select an order mode with an assigned charge. To apply the charges manually, you must select the charge from the Charges screen, then it appears as a line item on the guest check.
To manually add a charge to a guest check:
Log in to the POS.
With an active order, tap Options located in the lower left corner.
Tap Charges.
Select the charge in the list to add to the guest check.
If the charge is based on a fixed amount, the system adds the fixed amount as a line item to the guest check.
If the charge is based on a percentage, the system calculates the percentage based on the sub-total and adds the calculated percentage as a line item to the guest check.
If the charge prompts for the price at the POS, the Charge Price screen appears.
Type the amount of the charge and tap Done. The system adds the charge as a subtext to the respective item in the guest check.
Note: To remove the charges associated with an item you must delete the respective item.
Complete the order as normal.
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