Mobile Pay release notes v22.x
Release notes for the Mobile Pay restaurant and hospitality software product.
Version 22.6
November 09, 2022
New features
NCRMP-1248 We improved the logic and logging for Connected Payments when a null response is received from GetCheck.
NCRMP-1288 You are now logged out of the dashboard after 45 minutes of inactivity.
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-1107: Mobile Pay does not void a pre-auth when the 'Record not found' error occurs.
Fixed NCRMP-1149: "No Data" appears in the Entry Point column on some payments on the Dashboard Payments page.
Fixed NCRMP-1249: The check total in NCRPay does not match the POS.
Fixed NCRMP-1291: The store logo does not appear in the header when navigating past the Welcome page.
Version 22.5
October 05, 2022
New features
NCRMP-1137, 1140 To protect against session hijacking, the consumer must now confirm their current password when changing their password. Mobile Pay then terminates the previous session ID after the change.
NCRMP-1138 Mobile Pay now removes all metadata from images when they are uploaded.
NCRMP-1139 Mobile Pay now logs a list of application errors and warnings related to the email address to ensure proper error handling.
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-700: When the consumer scans the QR code on their printed receipt, a different check appears on
Fixed NCRMP-1131: When performing a bulk payment export or a server export, the width of some columns is reduced on the Audit Logs page.
Fixed NCRMP-1134: When sorting the Users page by ‘Last Activity,’ and there are multiple users with the same date, they are not sorted alphabetically.
Fixed NCRMP-1199: When you edit a site, the details of the changes do not appear in the Audit Log.
Fixed NCRMP-1211: A dashboard operator cannot edit a site.
Version 22.4.1
August 29, 2022
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-1146: When the consumer scans the QR code, the suggested tip calculates as 1% instead of the defined amount.
Fixed NCRMP-1152: The customer logo does not appear in the correct location.
Fixed NCRMP-1161: The consumer cannot enter a custom tip amount when using an Android device and the Google Chrome browser.
Fixed NCRMP-1173: The Mobile Pay analytics email is not sent.
Version 22.4
August 01, 2022
Announcement: The Mobile Pay website has transitioned to a different codebase for faster enhancements, easier troubleshooting, and a more seamless customer experience.

New features
NCRMP-1094 Physical logs are added to identify the points around gateway commands in the Platform API.
NCRMP-1101 To meet PCI SSF compliance, the Connected Payments application in Mobile Pay is updated to v22.2.0.33.
NCRMP-1109 Mobile Pay no longer discloses web server information.
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-1053: When the consumer scans a QR code, the order completes and appears as paid on their phone; however, the payment fails and is reflected on the POS.
Fixed NCRMP-1072: The email address on receipts is not masked.
Fixed NCRMP-1087: A ‘data is too large’ error occurs when you select all sites during a payment data export.
Version 22.3.1
June 27, 2022
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-1091: Some percentage-based tip amounts do not round up to the nearest cent, resulting in a failed payment.
Fixed NCRMP-1098: Transitioned Mobile Pay to request a reversal on pre-auth complete instead of pre-auth.
Version 22.3.0
May 31, 2022
New features
NCRMP-281 A confirmation asking if you want to save changes now appears when you have unsaved edits for a theme and navigate to another screen.
NCRMP-425 You can no longer enter a start date greater than the end date on the Dashboard.
NCRMP-779 Optimized Connected Payments to reduce fees.
NCRMP-1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015 Mobile Pay now logs the following in audit logging:
Logins, logoffs, and account creations.
Company creations and edits for a company, by user.
Site creations and edits for a site.
Theme creations and edits for a theme.
Exports from payments, including the site name and the time range of the search.
Exports from servers, including the server name and the time range of the search.
Information from Sanity Check, including the site name and the time the check was run.
NCRMP-1085 The consumer profile services are now removed from the Mobile Pay product.
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-918: Incorrect totals appear on
Fixed NCRMP-1056: The time zone is incorrect in the email receipt for a Connected Payments transaction.
Fixed NCRMP-1063: The removal of a site from a search result is not updated when you perform another search.
Fixed NCRMP-1065: When creating a new theme, you are not prompted to continue if there is already an existing theme with the same name.
Version 22.2.0
February 23, 2022
New features
- NCRMP-919 Credit card information is now removed from logs, per PCI compliance.
Resolved issues
Fixed NCRMP-776: Sites are not listed in alphabetical order in Admin Analytics.
Fixed NCRMP-883: Gratuity is not added in the email receipt.
Version 22.1.0
February 17, 2022
New features
- NCRMP-870 We added additional support to prevent accidental user double payment.
Resolved issues
- Fixed NCRMP-849: Admin users not receiving daily analytical emails.