Adding Social Media Plugins
You can add Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest plugins to your online ordering site to more easily connect with your consumers. You can add Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest icons to launch to your social media pages, allow consumers to follow your social media pages, and launch a Twitter share popup.
When you enable Twitter Badge, Facebook Badge, or Pinterest Badge, the badges appear in the footer at all times on the ordering pages. When you enable Twitter Share, Twitter Follow, Facebook Send, and Facebook Like, these appear only on the order confirmation page. Review the following examples to determine which social media settings to enable:
Update the following company settings to configure the Social Media settings. Refer to To add or edit a company setting for more information.
Company Setting | Example Value |
SocialMediaFacebookBadgeURL | |
SocialMediaFacebookLikeURL | |
SocialMediaFacebookSendURL | |
SocialMediaPinterestBadgeURL | |
SocialMediaTwitterBadgeURL |!/ |
SocialMediaTwitterFollowURL |!/ |
SocialMediaTwitterShareMessage | I just ordered from |
SocialMediaTwitterShareURL |!/ |