Troubleshooting Drawer Checkout
We cover the following troubleshooting areas with the Drawer Checkout report:
No Checkout available
During a checkout, if a 'You do not have a checkout' error message appears, verify that the employee access level has 'Cash drawers' and 'Cash drawer checkout' selected.

Non-cash or cash payments are not correct
If a non-cash or cash payment total is not correct, then an employee could have closed a check to a wrong payment type, such as closing a check to cash instead of a credit card. This is one of the more common troubleshooting issues with a checkout report. A solution is to match all credit card and other non-cash receipts against the system-generated detailed list.
Non-cash payment with a tip does not appear
If an employee applies a non-cash payment and closes the check at one terminal, and then applies a tip to that same check from another terminal, the system moves the check information from the first drawer to the drawer where the employee applied the tip.
Cash tip does not appear
If an employee applies a cash payment and closes the check at one terminal, and then adds a tip to that same check from a different terminal, the system retains the check information at the drawer where the employee closed the check, and the tip information at the terminal where the employee applied the tip.
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