Adding a button to launch Round It Up America
You must add a button that launches Round It Up America to the tender panel. When you touch this button, the system automatically rounds the amount to the next dollar. The configuration is different depending on if you are using Aloha Table Service or Aloha Quick Service.
To add an RIUA button to the Table Service close screen:
You must use TSButton.cfg to add a button to the Close screen in Table Service. If TSButton.cfg does not appear in the Data directory, you must create the file.
Reference:*** Refer to HKS1581 for more information on TSButton.cfg.
Open Windows Explorer and locate the Data directory.
Right-click TSButton.cfg and select Open. The file opens in Windows® Notepad®.
Tip:* If a ‘Windows can’t open this file’ message appears, use the Select a program for a list of installed programs and click OK. Select Notepad and click OK.
Add the following line to TSButton.cfg:
2,0,19,Round It Up,c:\Bootdrv\Aloha\BIN\Giving.exe,1
Save and close Notepad.
To add an RIUA button to the Quick Service tender screen:
Select Maintenance > Screen Designer > Quick Service Screen Designer.
Select Work with Panels.
Select Panel > Open Panel. The Open Panels dialog box appears.
Select a panel to edit, such as the panel from which you access your tenders, and click OK. The panel appears.
Tip: In the example above, 2 specifies the button is a Tender button on the Close Check screen, 0 is static and is always 0, and ‘19’ denotes the position where the button appears on the tender screen. Adjust as necessary, based on your existing tender screen layout.
Substitute c:\bootdrv\Aloha\BIN\Giving.exe,1 with the actual path to the folder to which you copied Giving.exe. (Use must append ‘,1’ to the end of this path so that the system passes the required parameters to Giving.exe.)
You may also change the text that appears on the button by changing ‘Round It Up’ to text that matches your operation and training.
Select Panel > New Button. A new button appears on the panel.
Under the Function section of the Properties dialog box, select Run Application from the ‘Action’ drop-down list.
Type the path to Giving.exe in ‘Application.’ For example, c:\AlohaQS\BIN\Giving.exe.
Select True from the ‘Pass Parameters’ drop-down list.
Select False from the ‘Continue Script Immediately’ drop-down list.
Under the ‘Appearance’ group bar, type Round It Up instead of Run Application in ‘Text.'
Configure the remaining options on the Properties dialog box as you would for any other button, such as text, font, and color.
Select File > Save and exit Screen Designer.
Continue to "Defining guest check and voucher messages."