Brand Configuration
Select Online Ordering > Brand Configuration to access this function. Use the Brand Configuration menu option to add branding elements to enhance your e-commerce store, to review NCR policies, and to add your brand policies.
Select Online Ordering > Brand Configuration > Branding to access this function and to configure the restaurant logo and header image to appear on the online ordering website, so that the restaurant can portray its brand identity to end consumers. The brand logo and banner image offer a branded experience of the web page in the Online Ordering site. Based on user-level permissions, you are allowed to view and edit this information.
Brand logo — Allows you to configure the restaurant logo to appear on the online ordering website so that the restaurant can portray its brand identity to end consumers. The brand logo offer a branded experience of the webpage in the Online Ordering site.
Banner image — Allows you to configure the header image to appear on the online ordering website so that the restaurant can portray its brand identity to end consumers. The banner image offer a branded experience of the webpage in the Online Ordering site.
Privacy Policies
Select Online Ordering > Brand Configuration > Privacy Policies to access this function and to upload the restaurant’s privacy policy. Consumers are able to access the privacy policy details through a link on the website.
Brand privacy policy — Allows you to upload the restaurant’s privacy policy. When you are running a restaurant, you need to clearly set out the terms and conditions to specify the orders, payment terms, and the obligations of the parties. Consumers are able to access the privacy policy details through a link on the website.