Applying discounts, promotions, and comps at the POS
Whether it is through a loyalty or employee program, the steps for applying discounts, comps, and promos at the Aloha Point of Sale (POS) remain the same. The staff member will need to ensure that the loyalty account is added to the ticket. In most cases, this can be done either before or after adding items to the check. Once the loyalty account is tied to the ticket, any applicable discount or promo is automatically added, and any available comp will be prompted.
You can review the use of comps, discounts, and promotions for each individual in your Virtual Terminal.
Note: Your brand’s POS may be configured with slightly different names and workflows.
Applying a Loyalty account to a ticket
- Click the button at the bottom of your screen that says 'Loyalty' or something similar.
- Click Assign.
- Search for the customer by name, email, or phone number, and click OK.
- Once found, the account is applied to the check and displayed on-screen.
Redeeming rewards
Redeeming a comp
- When a comp amount is available for use, this will be prompted when closing the check. A screen appears showing that '[account holder] can redeem up to $[amount].'
- Type the amount the account holder would like to reddem at this time. If the individual has more comp available than the total amount of the bill, the maximum they can redeem at this time is the total amount of the bill.
- Click OK. You should see on the check a line item for the cocmp; 'Loyalty Comp' or something similar.
Redeeming a promotion or discount
When applicable items are added to the check, discounts and promotions will automatically apply. You will see a line on the check: 'Loyalty Promo' or something similar.
Note: Again, employee comps and promotions (comp dollars or discounts) will apply in the same way that Loyalty Customer cashback, promos, and discounts will apply.