The loyalty program allows you to create customized programs for any-cardholders and consumer segments to earn points and stored values on each transaction.
From the Dashboard, click on LOYALTY PROGRAMS or click Loyalty Programs on the left navigation panel. The following screen appears:
The Loyalty Programs screen has Program Name, Program Type, Last Updated, Associations, Ellipsis to Edit or Delete the program, Filters, and Columns.
- Program Name: Name assigned to the program
- Program Type: Points or Stored Values
- Last Updated: The date when the program was last updated
- Associations: Promotions associated to the program
- Ellipsis: To edit or delete the program
- Filters: To filter the program by it's Name
- Columns: To adjust the column width and manage columns
Click the
icon to search for loyalty programs. Click the
icon to customize, reorder, or adjust the columns. Click here to learn more.
From the search results, click on the Program Name to view the Loyalty Program Summary.
Program Types
Loyalty programs are categorized into two types:
- Loyalty Points Program: A standard points program that accumulates points with every transaction. Points earned under this program never expire.
- Loyalty Stored Value (Points) Program: Accumulates stored value points and give away rewards. These points are set to expire after a designated period.
- Loyalty Stored Value (Monetary) Program: Accumulates stored values in terms of monetary value (cents or mills). Stored values are set to expire after a designated period.
Create a Program
From the Loyalty Programs screen, click Create Program on the top right. A New Loyalty Program screen appears:
In the Details section, enter the Program Name followed by the Program Description (Optional), and select the Program Type.
Points Program
To configure the Points program, the steps are as follows:
Select 'Points' as Program Type and click Next.
In the Advanced Options section, configure the following:
Advanced Options Summary Example Returns handling type Send points message to the POS system for return handling Displays points balance on POS Do not send points message to the POS system for returns Doesn't display the points balance on POS. Allow customers to earn and redeem points in the same transaction? If 'Yes' Customers will earn and redeem points in the same transaction If 'No' Cannot redeem points earned in the transaction Allow program balance to go negative? If 'Yes' Upon insufficient points balance, selecting 'Yes' may give over credit If 'No' System doesn't allow the points balance to go negative Percent based points earning method Standard rounding Replacing a number with an approximate value that has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation. Example-1: 1.1 - 1.4 =1, Example-2: 1.5 - 1.9 = 2 Ceiling rounding Rounding up towards the next highest integer Example-1: 1.1= 2, Example-2: 1.6 =2 Allow customers to view their program balance on touch points? If 'Yes' Customers can view their program balance on POS If 'No' Cannot view their points balance on POS -
Select the Scorecard from the dropdown. Click here to learn more.
Enter the Scorecard Text that prints on receipt.
Click Create Program. A message Successfully created program is displayed.
Stored Value (Points) Program
Stored Value Points grant customers a certain number of units from the stored value program, each unit of which is associated with a particular value.
In the Details section, select Stored Value (Points) as the Program Type.
Enter the 'Points Value'.
Points value is considered to be a dollar value.
Note: Points value can be a single or multiple digits without decimal.
Choose Expiration Type for the program.
Expiration Type Description Values (x) days and time from accumulation date Enter days (should not exceed a year) and expiration time as in the format displayed on the field (x) Fixed date and time Program will expire from accruing any point after a certain date and time. Set the expiration to a specific date and time as in the format displayed on the field (x) period from accumulation date Program expires on set period, i.e Months, Days, or Hours Select the period and enter the value (x) day(s) after earned promotion end date Extend day(s) once the program ends Limit should not exceed 365 days (x) month(s) from end of accumulation month After end of the program, extend the program in month(s) which should not exceed a year Limit should not exceed 12 months -
Click Next.
To configure Advanced Options, refer to Points Program.
From the Redemption Locations dropdown, select where customers are allowed to redeem their stored values.
Click Create Program. A message Successfully created program is displayed.
Stored Value (Monetary)
In the Details section, select Stored Value (Monetary) as the Program Type.
Select the Monetary Value.
Cents (0.01$): 1 point is equivalent to 0.01$ Mills (0.001$): 1 point is equivalent to 0.001$
Choose Expiration Type for the program. Refer to step 3 in Stored Value (Points) Program.
Click Next.
To configure Advanced Options, refer to step 2 in Points Program.
Choose the Redemption Locations where customers are allowed to redeem their stored values (monetary).
Click Create Program. A message Successfully created program is displayed.
Update Program
You can update the program in two ways:
Go to the Loyalty Programs screen, tap on Ellipsis and click Edit Program.
Click on the Program Name and then Edit from the Loyalty Program Summary.
Note: Updating the Program Type and Points Value is not allowed once they are created.
Delete Program
Programs that are not associated to the promotion(s) can be deleted.
Navigate to the Loyalty Programs, tap on Ellipsis and click Delete Program.
If the program has accrued value by customers, the accrual will be lost.
Once deleted, the program cannot be recovered.
Associate Program
To associate the loyalty program with any promotion, the steps are as follows:
Navigate to the Customers tab and select any-cardholders or customer groups from the Included Customers dropdown.
Go to Actions & Rewards tab and configure the Loyalty Program Action by selecting any program type.