Takeout Settings > Custom Settings tab
Use the Custom Settings tab to define values that are written to the AlohaToGoConfig.xml, but do not contain options in the CFC user interface. These are dormant, customer specific, or pre-release options. You may add, edit, or remove custom settings on this tab. In most cases, you need to work with the NCR, Inc. team to determine the XPath, Element Name, and Element Value for the custom setting.
Custom Settings tab
Group Bar: Settings
XPath — Defines the section in the AlohaToGoConfig.xml where the custom setting is written. Element names must be in the proper section in order for ATO to read and enable the function.
Element name — Defines the option name. This must match exactly for ATO to read and enable the function.
Element value — Defines the value (true, false, numeric amount, name, etc.) of the Element Name.
Attribute — Defines the value of the data element.