Consumer Segments
Consumer segments allow you to create and manage consumer groups and target promotions to them.
To access Consumer Segments, expand Consumer Management on the left navigation panel and click on Consumer Segments.
The Consumer Segments screen displays Segment Name, Description, Consumer Count, Associations, Ellipses, and Columns.
- Segment Name: The title of the consumer segment.
- Description: Details about the segment.
- Consumer Count: Total number of consumers within the segment.
- Associations: Number of promotions linked to the segment.
- Ellipsis: Options to edit or delete the segment.
- Filters: To filter segments by name.
- Columns: To adjust the column width and manage columns.
Click the
icon to search for categories. Click the
icon to customize, reorder, or adjust the columns. Click here to learn more.
Click on the Segment Name from the search results to view the Consumer Segment Summary.
The Consumer Segment Summary displays the Details of the segment, Consumers within it, and a list of Associated Promotions.
Create New Segment
Navigate to the Consumer Segments screen and click on Create New Segment located at the top right corner. The New Consumer Segment screen appears as shown below:
Enter the segment Name, Description (Optional), and click Next.
Add Consumers
You can add consumers to the group by either importing a CSV file or by searching for consumers based on specific criteria.
Import Consumers using CSV
To import a CSV file, click on Import.CSV file and select the file from your local directory. The required format for the CSV file is as follows:
Click here (placeholder) to download the sample CSV file attached for your reference.
After import, a message File upload successful with the number of consumers imported from the CSV file is displayed:
During import, the system will automatically remove any duplicate consumers identified in the CSV file.
To view the consumers imported from the CSV file, create the consumer segment first and then access the consumer segment summary.
Add Consumers Individually
Using a combination of Attributes and Parameters, enter the keywords and click Search Consumers. The search results will appear as follows:
From the search results, select the consumer and click Add Consumer. The consumer will then appear under the Included Consumers.
Note: You can select only one consumer from the search results.
To remove consumers from the Included Consumers, select the checkbox and click Delete.
If no consumers match the searched criteria, the message No consumers found will be displayed.
Click on Create Consumer Segment. A new segment is created, and the message 'Successfully created consumer segment' is displayed on the Consumer Segments screen.
If no consumers are added to the segment, a pop-up will be displayed:
To proceed with creating the new empty segment, click Yes.
Click Discard to dismiss any changes made to the consumer segment.
To return to the Details section, click Back.
Edit Segment
Once the consumer segment is created, you have two options for modifying its details:
Go to the Consumer Segments screen, search for the segment to modify, tap on the ellipsis, and then select Edit Segment.
Click on the Segment Name to view the Consumer Segment Summary and then click on the Edit icon available for any specific section you want to modify.
Note: Modifying the name of the segment is not allowed once it is created.
Delete Segment
Consumer segments that are not associated with the promotions can be deleted.
From the Consumer Segments screen, tap on the ellipsis and select Delete Segment. A popup message appears to confirm the deletion of the segment.
When you delete the segment, a message 'Successfully deleted consumer segment' is displayed on the Consumer Segments screen.
Associate Segment to the Promotion
For a promotion, go to the Customers tab, search for and select Customer Segments from the Included Customers dropdown.
Externally Managed Consumer Segments
When consumer segments are managed externally, you will have the view-only access. The options to create, modify, or delete segments are disabled.