Promotion Draft
When you exit a promotion in progress, the promotion data is saved, and the draft is automatically created by the system.
Resume Draft
Expand Promotions on the left navigation panel and click on Promotion Drafts. The following screen appears:
The Draft Promotions screen has Draft Promotion Name, Last Updated, Last Updated By, Columns, and an ellipsis to Edit or Delete the draft.
- Draft Promotion Name: Name assigned to a promotion
- Last Updated: The date when the promotion draft was last updated and saved as a draft again
- Last Updated By: Name of the user who started the promotion
- Click on ... to edit or delete the draft promotion
- Columns: To adjust the column width and hide or display one or more columns
Note: If the draft is created for the first time, the 'Last Updated' date will be the created date and the updated by username will be the creator's username.
Search the draft and click on the Draft Promotion name to resume the promotion.
Tap on the ellipsis and click Edit Draft.
Delete Draft
To delete the draft promotion, tap on ellipsis and click on Delete Draft.