Error codes
Use Error Codes to edit the error code name or message returned by Mobile Pay site agent during the pay process.

Editing an error code
Type the error code to edit in the second ‘Error Code’ option and click Edit to the right.
Change the name and/or message to appear to the user.
Make note of the value appearing in ‘ClientCode’ that determines where in the pay flow to send the user when the error occurs.
- 1 — Sends the user back to the Tax and Total screen.
- 2 — Sends the user back to the Card entry screen.
- 3 — Sends the user back to the Check view screen.
Click Save.
Click Back to List.
Viewing all error codes
Click View All Error Codes in the bottom left corner of the Error Codes area.
Select the number of entries (25, 50, 75, or 100) to appear on the screen from the ‘Show’ drop-down list.
Type a text string to use for searching for an existing error code.
Use the First, Previous, page number, and Next options to more easily navigate the list.
Click Edit to the right of an error code to make changes, such as change the message text, then refer to how to edit an error code.
Click Back to exit and return to the Mobile Pay Dashboard home screen.