Sending the vehicle make, model, and color to Aloha Kitchen for curbside ordering
Curbside ordering allows consumers to place an order, check in when they arrive at your site, and wait in their vehicle for you to delivery their order. A vital piece to this environment is the make, model, and color of the consumer's vehicle, which is stored in the guest record in Aloha Takeout. This information is either submitted through an online order or entered directly by an employee. The vehicle information is always associated with the guest until you change it or it is overridden with current information.
To expedite curbside ordering, the employee delivering the order must quickly identify the vehicle to maintain an acceptable speed of service. With integration, Aloha Takeout sends the vehicle make, model, and color to Aloha Kitchen and you can configure the information to appear on the video cell and print on the kitchen chit.
You must use Aloha Kitchen v19.3 or later and Aloha Takeout v17.1 or later to send the vehicle make, model, and color to AK.
Reference: Refer to the Curbside Ordering Feature Focus Guide - HKS1671 for information on configuring and using a curbside environment.