Location Activity
The Location Activity report enables you to review the sales activity for each location. Use the report to identify locations with exceptional sales activity, and to check for any unusual activity, such as excessive discounts or refunds. You view the gross sales entered by each location, the number and amount of discounts and refunds, the number of sales, the average sales per transaction, and more.
If you have more than one site, the Location Activity report is only available when you select a specific store to view.
For sites using Online Ordering, ONLINE appears as a location when an order has not yet been downloaded to the POS. Once an online order is processed on the POS, the information appears under the corresponding location which completed the order.

To view the Location Activity report:
- Log in to the Back Office with specific store.
- Select Results > Operations Reports > Location Activity.
- To refine your search, select a date or date range.
- Click the refresh icon to refresh the report data.
- Click the Location Name link to drill down to more detailed information (opens the Store Summary report for the selected selling location).
# | Column | Description |
1 | Header | Header includes: - The name and address of the store. - The selected time period for the report. - The name of the report. |
2 | Location Name | The name of the location. |
3 | Gross Sales | The total amount of gross sales entered at the location. |
4 | Discounts & Promotions | The total number of discounts and promotions and the total amount of those discounts and promotions entered at the location. |
5 | Refunds | The total number of refunds and the total amount of those refunds entered at the location. |
6 | Net Sales | The Net Sales section includes: - The total amount of net sales entered at the location. - The total number of tickets entered at the location. - The average ticket amount per sale. The system calculates the average as net sales divided by the number of transactions. |
7 | Voids & Clears | The total number and amount of voids and clears entered at the location. |
8 | Totals | The totals for each column. |
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