Offline Credit
The Offline Credit report provides you with an accounting of the offline credit card transactions entered through each device for the selected time period. Use the report to check the status of your offline credit card transactions, and to see if the merchant processor declined any credit card transactions. You can filter the report by the status of the credit card transaction. By default, the report displays 'All Statuses.'

To view the Offline Credit report:
- Select Results > Operations Reports > Offline Credit.
- To refine your search, select a date or date range.
- Click the refresh icon to refresh the report data.
# | Column | Description |
1 | Header | Header includes: - The name and address of the store. - The selected time period for the report. - The name of the report. |
2 | Status | The status of the offline credit card transaction. The status can be Approved, Pending, or Declined. |
3 | Store | The name of the store at which offline transaction is performed. |
4 | Device | The name of the POS device on which you entered the transaction. |
5 | Ticket # | The ticket number for the transaction. |
6 | Batch ID | The Batch ID for the transaction. |
7 | Auth Code | The authorization code for the transaction. |
8 | Cardholder Name | The name of the cardholder. |
9 | Card Number | The number of the credit card used for the transaction. Only the last four digits of the credit card number are visible. |
10 | Amount | The amount of the transaction. |
11 | Transaction Time | The date and time of the transaction. |
12 | Total | The total dollar amount of offline credit card transactions for the specified time period. |
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