Bumpbar Layout
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Hardware > Bumpbar Layout to access the Bumpbar Layout function. Use the Bumpbar Layout function to design the sets of buttons to attach to a bump bar. When you create a new bump bar layout record, we recommend you always click the 'New' drop-down arrow on the Command panel and select whether the bump bar layout type is for a 16-key or 19-key bump bar.
Layout tab
Use the Layout tab to specify the name and type of the bump bar.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the bumpbar layout, up to 40 characters,. We recommend you use a name that is descriptive of a kitchen station and the bump bar with which the layout is associated.
Type — Indicates the type of keypad to use for this bump bar layout. You must select either 'Radiant 16-key' or 'Radiant 19-key' at the time you create a new bump bar layout record.
Radiant 16-Key is used for a Radiant bump bar that has a total of 16-keys.
Radiant 19-Key is used for a Radiant bump bar that has a total of 19-keys.
Design tab
Use the Design tab to design and add command buttons to a bump bar layout.
Group Bar: Settings
Command — Specifies the function the button performs when the button is pressed on the bump bar. You must first select a button from the graphical display, then select a function. Repeat this for each button until you complete your bump bar layout.
All Day — Toggles between displaying and exiting the All Day screen on the video screen to allow you to view the current list of active orders. This is the equivalent to the 'All Day Summary' command you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Bump — Bumps the currently selected item or order from the video screen, after the order is prepared.
BumpCell1 to BumpCell20 — Bumps a specific item or order from the video screen in relation to the numbered cell position. Used only for kitchen screens defined to use fixed cell orientations. Add a BumpCellx command for each cell you have. For example, if you configure your kitchen screen to have two columns and five rows, you need to configure a command for BumpCell1 to BumpCell10. Required Options: You must select 'Show cell number' for the kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to show the cell number to determine which cell to bump.
Calibrate — Allows you to calibrate the touch screen terminal. This is the equivalent to the 'Calibrate' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Cook Times Override — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Cooktimes screen on the video screen which allows you to enable or disable a configured cook time. This is the equivalent to the 'Cook Times Override' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Cursor Down — Moves down to the next item or order cell.
Cursor Left — Moves to the next item or order cell to the left.
Cursor Right — Moves to the next item or order cell to the right.
Cursor Up — Moves up to the next item or order cell.
Expand Item — Enables you to open a window that displays the selected item with its modifiers. Use this command for items that have a large number of modifiers that do not all appear in the video cell. This is enabled by default for touchscreen terminals.
Expand Order — Toggles between expanding and collapsing an order on the video screen. Required Options: You must select 'Enable collapsible orders' for the kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens, to benefit from this command.
Fire Independent Modifier — Enables you to send the entire order to the kitchen regardless of the cook times of the items within the order. You must select the cell before you press the 'Fire independent modifier' button.
Fire Now — Enables you to send a delayed order to the kitchen for cooking when you select the cell on the Delayed Orders screen.
Info — Toggles between displaying and exiting the screen that displays recipe and preparation instructions for the selected item. Related Requirements: You must access Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Task Info and create task information for the item.
Item Availability — Display the Item Availability screen for Aloha Kitchen. Documented Version: v16.2.
Note: Refer to the Item Availability Feature Focus Guide - HKS368 for more information on configuring the Item Availability feature in Aloha Kitchen.
Item Cursor Down — Moves down to the next item cell. Use this command for kitchen screens that display item cells.
Item Cursor Left — Moves to the next item cell to the left. Use this command for kitchen screens that display item cells.
Item Cursor Right — Moves to the next item cell to the right. Use this command for kitchen screens that display item cells.
Item Cursor Up — Moves up to the next item cell. Use this command for kitchen screens that display item cells.
None — Leaves this button unassigned.
Order Cursor Down — Moves down to the next order cell. Use this command for kitchen screens that display order cells.
Order Cursor Left — Moves to the next order cell to the left. Use this command for kitchen screens that display order cells.
Order Cursor Right — Moves to the next order cell to the right. Use this command for kitchen screens that display order cells.
Order Cursor Up — Moves up to the next order cell. Use this command for kitchen screens that display order cells.
Park Order — Keeps the cell in a static location until you unpark the order.
Print — Prints the currently selected order cell.
Recall — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Recall Orders screen on the video screen. This is the equivalent to the 'Recall Orders' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Reports — Allows you to select a report to print to a local printer in use. This is the equivalent to the 'Reports' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Scroll First — Jumps to the first item or order cell on display.
Scroll Last — Jumps to the last item or order cell on display.
Scroll Left — Jumps to the far left item or order cell on display.
Scroll Right — Jumps to the far right item or order cell on display.
Select Staff Level — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Set Staff Level screen on the video screen where you can change a routing rulebook on demand. This is the equivalent to the 'Set Staff Level' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Select Task Info — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Select Task Info screen on the video screen where you can select an item to show task information. This is the equivalent to the 'Select Task Info' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Show Controller Management Screen — Displays the Controller Management screen to allow you to close or open a kitchen station.
Start — Starts the selected item or order on the video screen and moves it to the cooking section.
StartBin1 to StartBin 40 — Starts a specific item or order from the bin area of the video screen, in relation to the numbered cell position. Used only for kitchen screens defined with a production bin area. Add a StartBinx command for each bin you have. For example, if you configure the bin area of your kitchen screen to have two columns and five rows, you need to configure a command for StartBin1 to StartBin40. Required Options: You must select 'Show cell number' for the kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to show the cell number to determine in which cell to start.
StartCell1 to StartCell40 — Starts a specific item or order cell for a fixed position of the video screen, in relation to the numbered cell position. Add a StartCellx command for each cell you have. Required Options: You must select 'Show cell number' for the kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to show the cell number to determine in which cell to start.
Start Cursor Down — Moves down to the next item or order cell in the Start area of the video screen.
Start Cursor Left — Moves to the next item or order cell to the left in the Start area of the video screen.
Start Cursor Right — Moves to the next item or order cell to the right in the Start area of the video screen.
Start Cursor Up — Moves up to the next item or order cell in the Start area of the video screen.
Toggle Display — Toggles between each defined kitchen screen in sequential order. This is the equivalent to the 'Toggle Display' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Toggle Language — Toggles to the next defined language in which to display the translation of the screen. This is the equivalent to the 'Toggle Language' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Transfer — Enables you to transfer an order to another expo station.
Unbump — Displays a screen containing already bumped orders and allows you to select an item or order to bring back onto the video screen as unbumped.
Undo Last Bump — Allows you to bring the last bumped order back onto the video screen as unbumped.
View Delayed Window — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Delayed Orders screen to allow you to activate an order.
View Quote Window — Toggles between displaying and exiting the Quotes screen to allow you to view quote times. View Tables Displays the View Tables screen on the video screen to view the order status of all active tables. This is the equivalent to the 'View Tables' command that you can add to the Commands bar in the Kitchen Screens function for a touch screen terminal.
Text — Specifies the text to appear on the bump bar layout. The name of the function appears on the button by default; however, you can change the name or add '\n' to create up to three line breaks on the command button.
Note: The text appearing on the button for some functions is condensed for readability.
Button color — Specifies the background color to use for the command button. Click the drop-down list to display the color palette from which you can select a color.
Text color — Specifies the font color to use for the command button. Click the drop-down list to display the color palette and select a color.
Use custom font — Enables you to use a font other than the default font. The default font is Arial, 12, Regular. Related Options: This option enables the 'Custom font' option.
Custom font — Specifies the font to use for the bump bar layout. Select this option if you want to use a font other than the default font. Required Options: You must select 'Use custom font' to enable this option.
Assign graphic — Specifies a graphic to assign to a command box, if desired.
Split screen area — Designates which of the split kitchen screens the bump bar controls, when you enable the split screen functionality. Select either Top (left) or Bottom (right).