Kitchen Settings
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings to access the Kitchen Settings function. Kitchen Settings defines the store-level behavior of Aloha Kitchen in general. If you use CFC, you can have a Kitchen Settings record for each store or the same Kitchen Settings record for multiple stores. If you use Aloha Manager, you have only one Kitchen Settings record.
Kitchen tab
Use the Kitchen tab to configure such things as your default settings, item and order behavior, the user interface, delay routing functionality, chit printing, quote times, and more.
Group Bar: Defaults
Use the 'Defaults' group bar to preset automatic values for certain attributes, such as course, routing rulebook, and other.
Default course — Determines the default course to use across all kitchen records. If you do not select a course, the system defaults to the lowest numbered course.
Note: You must have a default course to operate Aloha Kitchen even if you are not using coursing. The Aloha Kitchen configuration wizard creates a default course for you.
Default routing rulebook — Determines the default routing rulebook method to use across all kitchen records.
Note: You must have a default routing rulebook to operate Aloha Kitchen.
Default staff level — Determines the default staff level to use across all kitchen records. If you need to add or modify a staff level, click Staff Level to access the Staff Level function.
Default quote time table — Specifies the default quote time table to use for all records. If you do not select a default, the system uses the lowest numbered quote time.
Default view for forecasting — Specifies the default view to display for the Forecast report. Choose between 'On hand only,' 'Minimums only,' and 'Combined view.'
Group Bar: Items
Use the 'Items' group bar to define store-level attributes for items for Aloha Kitchen.
Appetizer category — Specifies the category of items that appears on the Appetizer section of a kitchen screen. Required Options You must select 'Show appetizer scroller' for a kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens for the Appetizer section to appear.
As-appetizer item modifier Specifies the item, that when used as a modifier, forces the parent item to be treated as a modifier and appears on the Appetizer scroller. Required Options You must select 'Show appetizer scroller' for a kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this option.
Entree category — Specifies the category of entree items to appear in the entree area and in the Appetizer section. Required Options You must select 'Show appetizer scroller' for a kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this option.
As-entree item modifier — Specifies the item that, when used as a modifier, forces the parent item to be treated as an entree and appears in the entree area with the Appetizer section. Required Options You must select 'Show appetizer scroller' for a kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this option.
Production item category — Specifies the category of production items defined for the time window calculation. This category is also used for containing the items to for calculation for the quote time table in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings.
Reference: Refer to the Aloha Takeout and Aloha Kitchen Integration Guide - HKS327 for more information.
Phone number item — Specifies the item used to enter a phone number, either as an open item, modifier, or a special message. This item can appear as the header or footer information.
Pager number item — Specifies the item used to enter a phone number, either using an open item, modifier, or a special message. This item can appear as the header or footer information. Pager numbers are physical devices handed to the guest to call the guest when their food is ready. You must select this option if you use the 'Pager number' element on a custom header and footer layout in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Header Footer Layout.
Table tent number item — Specifies the item used to enter a table tent number, either with an open item, modifier, or a special message. This item can appear as the header or footer information. Table tents are physical markers placed on the table, by either the guest or the employee, to help identify the delivery of orders. This is common in a counter environment that does not employ the use of table numbers and the orders require preparation time.
Guest name item — Specifies the item, used as a modifier, that designates the guest's name. Use this option with web-ordering to identify which items link to the correct guest for the order. The item could be an open item, modifier or entered as a special message.
Immediate activate category — Specifies the category of items to immediately appear on the kitchen screen when ordered, and ignores any course or cook time delays. This option is only beneficial when you are using delay routing.
Immediate activate modifier — Specifies this modifier immediately appears on the kitchen screen with its accompanying parent item, when ordered as a modifier, and ignores any course or cook time delays. For example, if you have an item called 'Fire Now,' you can instruct employees to select this modifier on demand and the menu item immediately appears on the kitchen screen. This option is only beneficial when you are using delay routing and the modifier is a first-level modifier, not a nested modifier.
For example, a family orders meals for everyone, including Kids Meals. To appease the children, they request the Kids Meals be served immediately. The server enters the entire order, then modifies the Kids Meals with a 'Fire Now' modifier. The Kids Meals appear on the kitchen screen immediately for preparation, regardless of the cook time for the remaining meals.
Item with zero cook time option — Determines when items with zero cook times appear on the kitchen screen. If you disable delay routing, the first two options have the same effect and items with zero cook time appear immediately. Select from the following:
Activate item at course completion Activates items when a course ends.
Activate item at course start Activates items when a course starts.
Use default item time as defined in course configuration Activates items based on the time defined for the course in Course Maintenance.
Item name display method — Specifies which item name to use in Aloha Kitchen. You define item names in the POS in Maintenance > Menu > Items. Related Options_ The 'Use item text from POS' option on the same tab overrides the selection in 'Item name display method.'
Chit name — Uses the item chit name defined in the POS in Aloha Kitchen. This is the default selection for the 'Item name display name.'
Short name — Uses the item short name defined in the POS in Aloha Kitchen.
Long name — Uses the item long name defined in the POS in Aloha Kitchen.
Routing method — Determines when items appear on the kitchen screen once employees enter the order in the POS. Select from the following:
When finalized — Enables each order to appear on the kitchen screen when you apply an order mode to the order.
One behind — Enables each item to appear on the kitchen screen when you enter the next item in the order. If the item is the last in the order, it appears when you apply an order mode to the order.
Immediate — Enables each item to appear on the kitchen screen as entered on the POS.
Route when POS order is closed — Enables each order to appear on the kitchen screen when you close the order on the POS.
Modifiers one behind — Enables the system to group all modifier changes together for an item and then appears on the screen when the next item is ordered. Ordinarily, each modifier change displays on the screen immediately, one change at a time. Use this option for fast-paced kitchen operations. Required Options You must select 'One behind' from the 'Routing method' drop-down list to enable this option.
Display indicator on changed items — Displays a delta (triangle) indicator on the kitchen screen next to the item that you added, changed, cleared, or voided. The indicator does not appear if the changed item is the last item appearing for the order.
Hide cleared items — Prevents cleared items from appearing on the screen when you clear the item on the POS before finalizing the order. Ordinarily, a strike-through line appears across the text. This is a QS only feature.
Hide cleared modifiers — Removes cleared modifiers from the screen when you clear the modifier on the POS before you finalize the order. Ordinarily, a strike-through line appears across the text. This is a QS only feature.
Use item text from POS — Uses the chit name of the item, as defined in the Aloha POS, instead of using the chit name defined in Aloha Kitchen. Use this option if are using real-time updates in the Aloha POS that would force you to export and refresh data for each update. Related Options This option overrides the 'Item name display method' option.
Use item priority from POS — Uses the priority of the item, as defined in the Aloha POS, instead of using the priority defined in Aloha Kitchen. Use this option if are using real-time updates in the Aloha POS that would force you to export and refresh data for each update. This is a QS only feature.
Auto bump minutes — Specifies the number of minutes, from 0 - 9999, before the system automatically bumps an order, whether the order is prepared or not.
Auto rebump minutes — Specifies the number of minutes, from 0-9999, before the system automatically bumps an order again after the order has been unbumped and placed back on the video screen. This occurs if the order is prepared or not.
Group Bar: Orders
Use the 'Orders' group bar to define store-level attributes for orders for Aloha Kitchen.
Merge courses on expo — Combines items from different courses on the same order only on the expo or expo and production kitchen station types.
Group independent add-on orders together — Combines non-merged add-on items so they appear next to each other. This has the effect of accelerating an add-on order to appear with the originating order.
Group active orders by tent number — Combines orders assigned with the same table tent number so they appear next to each other.
Group active orders by pager number — Combines active orders assigned with the same pager number so they appear next to each other.
Show recalled orders in last fixed cell — Reserves the last fixed cell on the screen from which you also view current orders for displaying bumped orders. This allows you to touch Recall in the Command bar and view your current and bumped orders simultaneously from the same screen, reducing the chances of missing a new order when scrolling through bumped orders.
Maximum order recall time in minutes — Specifies the maximum number of minutes an order appears on the recall screen, once you bump the order. The default value is 60.
Maximum seats for add-on to merge — Specifies the threshold to use for total number of seats that you can add to an existing order. If the number of added seats plus the number of seats already on the order exceeds this threshold, the two orders do not merge.
Enable zoning — Activates the zoning functionality within Aloha Kitchen. Zoning controls to which area of the prep area to allocate items to help with the coordination of orders. Often times, these zoning areas are marked off, per order, so the expediter can quickly plate the orders on trays. When activated, each order receives a sequential number on the expo screen. You must select this option if you use the 'Zone' element on a custom header and footer layout in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Header and Footer Layout.
Number of zones — Specifies the number of zone areas you have when you use zoning. For example, if the prep area has four zones, type 4. After the fourth order, the system starts the numbering over. Zone numbers do not appear on a bin. Required Options You must select 'Enable zoning' to enable this option.
Show zone icon — Displays the default 'zone' image above the zone number. If you want to replace the default zone icon, you must name the file where xxx is the supported media file format. Required Options: You must select 'Enable zoning' to enable this option.
Default zone group — Specifies the zone group definition to use at the store level. You can override this option with individual zone groups. Required Options You must configure the zone group in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Zone Group.
Zone text — Specifies the zone text to use at the store level. You can override this option with the zone text configured with individual zone groups.
Release zone on order close — Enables the system to make a zone spot available when you bump the order. For example, if you configure your zones as 1 through 4, and you bump the order from zone 2, zone 2 then becomes available for the next zone assignment.
New order seconds — Specifies the number of seconds to wait before starting a new order. The default number is 20.
Rush order mode — Specifies the order mode that when assigned to an order in the POS, the order always jumps to the first cell of all kitchen screens. Use this feature if you want orders from one order mode to have a higher priority above all orders, such as takeout.
Rush item — Specifies the item that when added to a check, the order always jumps to the first cell of all kitchen screens. You can either use a generic zero-priced item, such as 'Rush,' or a specific item that is typically subject to a delayed timing.
Paging method — Determines the action in Aloha Kitchen that sends a page to the paging system in use.
Page on any bump — Sends a page when you bump a routed order from any production or expo station.
Page on course prepared — Sends a page when all items for the same course in an order have been bumped from all production stations.
Page on course served — Sends a page when all items for the same course in an order have been bumped from all expo stations.
Page on order served — Sends a page when all items in an order have been bumped from all expo stations.
Static server name — Allows you to always display the name of the POS employee who starts the order in the video cell, and update it only when another employee modifies the order for such things as adding items to, or voiding items from, the order. Use this option in a cashier environment where a server starts the order but a cashier tenders and closes the order.
Auto bump fully voided orders — Automatically bumps orders from the screen when all items on the check are completely voided. If cleared, the order appears in the kitchen with a void indication on each item of the order.
Auto bump rerouted orders — Automatically bumps orders from the originating screen when an order is rerouted to another screen.
Seconds between pages — Stipulates the number of seconds to wait between sending one page and the next, to prevent the system from dropping pages. This option also serves as a buffer to allow time to communicate with the paging system and prevent the system from sending a page twice to the same guest. For HME pagers, we recommend setting this value to six seconds or more. For LRS pagers, we recommend setting this value to 90 seconds or more. The default value is one.
Note: Refer to the HME Wireless Text Paging Feature Focus Guide - HKS367 for more information.
Reward member text — Specifies the text to print on a production and order taker chit when you assign a Loyalty member to the check in the Aloha POS. Default Required Rewards Member. Required Options: 1) You must use a production chit or order taker chit layout in the Print Designer function to use this option. 2) You must add the 'Reward member text' element in the Print Designer function to use this option. Documented Version v19.3.
Maximum number of bag labels allowed — Specifies the maximum number of labels you can enter on the 'bag coaching' prompt. The default is 99.
Title for bag label quantity dialog — Specifies the text to appear as the title on the 'bag coaching' prompt. The default is 'Number of order labels needed?'
Subtitle for bag label quantity dialog — Specifies the text to appear as the subtitle of the 'bag coaching' prompt. The default is 'Remember to seal all bags.'
Use ATO destination as pickup preferences — Enables the system to use the destination specified in the Aloha Takeout Source and Destination feature as the pickup preference to appear on the 'bag coaching' prompt. Only the destination not selected as the default in the Source and Destination function appears, If the destination is the default, the destination is assumed and does not appear or print. When 'Use ATO destination as pickup preferences' is cleared, the Source and Destination function is not used and a pickup preference does not appear on the screen or print on the chit.
Refire instructions — Specifies the text to appear for the prompt that instructs you to refire an order. The default text is 'Select entrees or sides to refire.'
Refire question — Specifies the text to appear for the prompt that confirms you want to refire an order. The default text is 'Are you sure you want to refire selected entrees/sides?'
Reprint instructions — Specifies the text to appear for the prompt that instructs you to reprint an order. The default text is 'Select entrees to reprint stickers.'
Reprint question — Specifies the text to appear for the prompt that confirms you want to reprint an order. The default text is 'What would you like to reprint?'
Group Bar: Add-Ons
Merge add-ons for active orders — Specifies whether all add-on items merge with the originating order.
Merge add-ons for bumped orders — Specifies whether all add-on items merge with the originating order, even if the originating order is bumped. If the existing order has been bumped, it is automatically unbumped and placed back on the video screen.
Disable make the bus — Enables the system to not check for an existing course and creates a new course for new items added to an order with independent timing. By default, the system always attempts to add new items to a yet unbumped order belonging to a course.
Group Bar: Timers
Use the 'Timers' group bar to configure timing requirements for items.
Item timer begin time — Determines the action that initiates the starting time for the item timer. Select from the following:
When activated — Begins the timer when an item appears on the kitchen screen.
When started — Begins the timer when you initiate the start action on the bump bar.
Maximum seconds to wait for item start — Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for an item to start before the timer starts automatically. If you type 0, the timer does not start until you initiate the start action on the bump bar, regardless of the time elapsed. Required Options_ You must select 'When started' from the 'Item timer begin time' drop-down list to enable this option.
Warning time for items not started, in seconds — Specifies the maximum number of seconds after which an item goes into warning status if you have not initiated the start action from the bump bar. If you type zero, the item goes into warning status immediately. The default value is 60.
Enable long ticket time alerts — Activates an interactive alert that targets items that do not get bumped before the item is due. When the time lapses, a screen appears to allow the employee to move the item to the front of the queue or ignore the alert and take no action.
Group Bar: User Interface
Use the 'User Interface' group bar to enable such things as on-screen item consolidation, modifier sorting, and more.
Enable on-screen item consolidation — Consolidates all like items on the video screen. This option only affects the 'Expo order view' and 'Production order view' kitchen screen types. Other screen types do not consolidate items; however, they do consolidate modifiers.
Modifier sort method — Determines the method for sorting item modifiers on the kitchen screen.
As entered — Sorts modifiers in the order in which you enter them in the POS.
By priority, then modifier group — Sorts modifiers by the priority configured for each modifier in the POS, then by modifier group.
By modifier group, then priority — Sorts modifiers by the modifier group configured in the POS, then by priority.
By priority only — Sorts modifiers by the priority configured for each modifier in the POS.
Show item quantity parentheses — Displays parenthesis around the quantity when you order items in the POS using the 'quantity' function.
Modifiers affect parent sort priority — Sorts by the lowest priority defined for an item and modifier, when ordered together; otherwise, the system always uses the item priority.
Display 'get check' table transfers — Displays 'get check' transfers that are initiated in the POS. When cleared, a get check transfer is not reflected in Aloha Kitchen.
Consolidate Quick Combo items — Displays only the name of the quick combo, not the individual quick combo components, on all kitchen screens. Related Options This option overrides the options from the 'Quick Combo expo display type' drop-down list in Maintenance > Payments > Promotions > QS Quick Combo.
Show unordered bin items as pending — Displays non-activated orders that have not yet been finalized (unordered) on the screen. The order displays as normal once you apply an order mode. Use this option for quick service sites that want to see approaching orders for preparation reasons. For example, a coach calls an order of 40 burgers in for a certain time for his players. The order appears on the screen as non-activated and allows the kitchen staff to pro-actively prepare for and have the order ready to cook when the POS employee applies an order mode to the order.
Print only modified items — Automatically prints a kitchen chit only when you modify an item. For example, if you enter an order for a hamburger with no modifiers, a kitchen chit does not print; however, if you enter an order for a hamburger with no onions, a chit prints. Manual printing behaves as normal. Required Options To enable automatic chit printing, select 'Enable kitchen chit printing' in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings > Chit Printing group bar. Documented Version v16.2.
Item availability category — Specifies the category of items to use when setting item availability from Aloha Kitchen. Documented Version v16.2.
Reference: Refer to the Item Availability Feature Focus Guide - HKS368 for information on configuring and using item availability.
Group Bar: Delay Routing
Use the 'Delay Routing' group bar to enable such things as delay routing, activation times and methods, and more.
Enable delay routing — Activates the delay routing function. When cleared, all items route normally and become active immediately.
Always activate delayed items on same order together — Activates all items in a delay group at the same time, instead of the grouped items starting at staggered times in order to complete at the same time. Use this option for operations that use kitchen chit printing instead of production displays.
Minimum activation time in minutes — Specifies the minimum number of minutes before the desired completion time that you can activate a delayed item. The default value is 1.
Maximum activation time in minutes — Specifies the maximum number of minutes before the desired completion time that you can activate a delayed item. Type '0' to indicate no limit. The default value is 30.
Additional activation seconds — Specifies a fixed number of seconds you can add to the activation lead time for all delayed items. The default value is 0.
Enable manual activation for delayed orders — Specifies whether you can activate a delayed order manually.
Enable manual activation for delayed items — Specifies whether you can activate individual items on a delayed order manually.
Add production factor to activation time — Calculates the activation time of items by adding n x ATPI, where n is the nth item in the course.
Activate relative to first item actual start time — Calculates the activation time of items by adding the difference between the longest and shortest item within a given order.
Maximum time to wait for first item in seconds — Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait to activate the first item in a course.
Activate independent modifier based on parent item start time Causes independent modifiers to activate based on the parent item with the longest cook time.
Auto suspend course behavior — Determines the behavior for the automatic suspension of courses. _Required Options_ You must select 'Enable delay routing' to enable this option. Select one of the following:
Disable — Disables the suspension of all courses.
Suspend all courses — Suspends all courses as soon as you order the items.
Autofire first course and suspend all subsequent courses — Sends the first course to the kitchen screen and suspends all other courses.
Auto fire suspended course minutes — Specifies the number of minutes, from 0 to 999, to wait before automatically firing a suspended course. The default value is 500 minutes.
Reassign courses at finalization — Reassigns courses when you apply an order mode to the order.
Support separate course for independent modifiers — Enables you to add more routing to the course. For example, you have independent modifiers set to route to the Front Counter and Drive Thru expediter stations, the independent modifier 1 group is set to the Front Counter course, and independent modifier 2 group is set for the Drive Thru course. Modifier 2 group appears on the Drive Thru expediter station, but not the Front Counter expediter station, because the latter is restricted to the Front Counter course.
Use historical data for cook times — Enables the system to adjust the cook time based on the actual start and bump actions recorded in dated subdirectories. The system compares the data against the fixed item cook time values entered in the Item Cook Times function and adjusts the timers on the kitchen screen accordingly. You must have item cook times already configured to use this feature. Related Options This option exposes the 'Historical days to use for cook times' option. Documented Version v17.2.
Historical days to use for cook times — Specifies the number of days of dated subdirectories, from 0 to 10,000 (approximately 27 years), to analyze historical 'start to bump' actions for counting. If you type 0 (zero), the system uses all available subdirectories. Required Options You must select 'Use historical data for cook times' to expose this option. Documented Version v17.2.
Group Bar: Chit Printing
Use the 'Chit Printing' group bar to configure the requirements related to the printing of chits.
Enable kitchen chit printing — Specifies whether Aloha Kitchen is responsible for all chit printing.
Chit header text — Specifies the text to appear as the header of the chit.
Enable item label printing — Enables the automatic printing of item labels when you bump an item from all stations configured with the 'Expo order view' kitchen screen type (served state). If you clear this setting, you can manually print a label from the video screen. Related Options If you want to control the label printing at the station level, select 'Auto-print item on label when bumped in Kitchen Stations; however, that option does not override 'Enable item label printing.'
Item label category — Specifies the category of items for which individual labels print.
Bag chit layout — Defines the print format for chits you attach to the bag.
Kitchen chit layout — Defines the print format for chits printed in the kitchen.
Item label layout — Defines the print format for chits used as item labels.
Default chit language Specifies the default language to use when printing chits. If you select 'None,' the system uses the system default language.
Enable delayed printing — Prints chits for all production items of an order when you initiate the start function on the bump bar for the first item on the order. Ordinarily, a chit prints only when you start all items.
Item chit layout — Defines the print format to use when you print single item chits.
Print item chit counter — Prints the indicator 'Item x of y' on single item chits, where x is the sequence of the item in the order and y is the total number of items on the order. Related Requirements You must select 'Print single chit' or 'Print summary with single chit' in Maintenance > Hardware > Terminals > Printing in the POS to use this option.
Group Bar: Quote Times
Use the 'Quote Times' group bar to determine the rounding requirements for quote times.
Round to minutes — Specifies the number of minutes, from 0 to 60, to use for rounding quote times. Type a value in multiples of five.
Rounding method — Specifies the rounding method to use for quote times. Select from 'Nearest,' 'Up,' and 'Down.'
Group Bar: Quote Times id="employee-overrides"> Employee Overrides
Use the 'Employee Overrides' group bar to determine the actions an employee can perform relating to quote times.
Maximum minutes to add — Specifies the maximum minutes, from 0 to 60, an employee can manually add to a quote time for an order
Maximum minutes to subtract — Specifies the minimum minutes, from 0 to 60, an employee can manually subtract from a quote time.
Group Bar: Quote Times id="manager-overrides"> Manager Overrides
Use the 'Manager Overrides' group bar to determine the actions a manager can perform relating to quote times.
Minimum quote time in minutes — Specifies the minimum number of minutes, from 0 to 999, a manager can quote for an order. The number appears on the Adjust Quote Time window.
Maximum quote times in minutes — Specifies the maximum number of minutes, from 0 to 999, a manager can quote for an order. The number appears on the Adjust Quote Time window.
Maximum minutes to add — Specifies the maximum number of minutes, from 0 to 60, that a manager can adjust a quote time.
Maximum minutes to subtract — Specifies the maximum number of minutes, from 0 to 60, a manager can subtract from a quote time.
Default duration of override in minutes — Specifies the default number of minutes, from 0 to 999, a manager can place on a quote time before the time expires.
Maximum duration of override in minutes — Specifies the maximum number of minutes, from 0 to 999, a manager can place on a quote time.
Password — Contains a numeric password, from 0 to 40, a manager can use to override a quote time.
Group Bar: Customer order display options
Use the 'Customer order display options' group bar to define display options for all customer order display kitchen screen types.
Reference: Refer to the Customer Order Display Feature Focus Guide - HKS488 for more information on configuring and using a customer order display.
Start state — Specifies the state in which you want an order to be before it appears to the customer on a customer order display kitchen screen type. Select from the following:
Activated — Displays the order on screen when the order appears on the video screen.
Cooking — Displays the order on screen when you start the order either with the Start command from the bump bar or a touch screen.
Prepared — Displays the order on screen when you bump the order from a production screen either with the Bump command from the bump bar or a touch screen.
Served Displays the order on screen when you bump the order from an expo screen either with the Bump command from the bump bar or a touch screen.
Auto bump after this many minutes — Specifies the number of minutes, from 0 - 9999, for the order to remain on the customer order display before the system automatically bumps the order from the screen. The default value is 10 minutes.
Customer order name font — Specifies the font, size, and style to use for the text that appears on the customer order display. The defaults are Tahoma, 100 points, and bold.
Group Bar: Forecasting
Use the 'Forecasting' group bar to configure the requirements for all forecasting bins.
Reference: Refer to the Forecast Bins Feature Focus Guide - HKS359 for information on configuring and using a forecast bin.
Enable Forecast — Activates the forecast generation engine and enables you to manually enter forecast bin quantities. The option enables all other forecast report options.
Enable Aloha Kitchen forecasting engine — Activates the forecast generation engine to automatically calculate forecast bin quantities based on historical data.
Forecast report interval — Defines the interval you want Aloha Kitchen to use to generate default forecast bin quantities. The intervals divide the periods on the Forecast report, using 15 minutes as the default.
Forecast report percentage — Specifies the percentage of the screen to use when you access the Forecast report. The default percentage is 67 percent of the screen.
Note: In a typical Aloha Kitchen environment, you use a dedicated kitchen screen for the Forecast report; therefore, you would type '100' for the percentage of the screen.
Forecast report columns — Specifies the number of columns to appear on the Forecast report.
Forecast report rows — Specifies the number of rows to appear on the Forecast report.
Group Bar: System
Use the 'System' group bar to define options for such things as troubleshooting, exporting, and reporting frequency.
Reporting update frequency in seconds — Specifies the number of seconds for which the system uses to update reports. The default value is 60 seconds.
Enable bumpbar debugging — Writes actions from the bump bar to the debout log for troubleshooting. You should only enable this option when you are troubleshooting.
Maximum days of diagnostic data — Specifies the maximum number of business days, from 1 to 99, to keep the Aloha Kitchen debouts needed for troubleshooting. The default value is 14 days.
Maximum KB of diagnostic data — Specifies the maximum amount of storage, from 0 to 9999 kilobytes (KB), to keep Aloha Kitchen debouts needed for troubleshooting. The default storage is 5000 KB.
Show normal network status — Displays the text 'Normal' when the master terminal, the file server, and the POS are functioning properly. Ordinarily, no text appears when the network is in a normal state. Other states, which require no configuration, include:
- Disconnected — Indicates there is no master kitchen controller detected and changes the background to red.
- No POS — Indicates the POS terminal is not detected on the network.
- No BOH — Indicates the BOH file server is not detected on the network.
- Master — Indicates the terminal is the master.
Kitchen server remoting port — Specifies the remoting port that Aloha Kitchen uses to communicate with the Aloha Kitchen terminals. The port is 9090 by default.
Disable Aloha Guest Manager integration — Disables the communication between Aloha Kitchen and Aloha Guest Manager. Use this option if a problem occurs between communication, since Aloha Kitchen is in constant contact with Aloha Guest Manager.
Kitchen system font — Specifies the font to use for display in Aloha Kitchen.
Disable task info search — Prevents the use of the task information search functionality from the video screen. This is helpful in non-English speaking countries where you might receive unexpected results when a search string does not match.
Disable visual messages — Prevents error messages that help you troubleshoot problems from appearing on the Aloha Kitchen screen. These messages appear by default unless you clear this option. Once you correct an error, you must restart the Aloha Kitchen service. We do not recommend disabling visual error messages. A visual error message appears when the system detects the following:
- The date-of-business and time zone is not synchronized between devices, such as the kitchen controller and Aloha terminals.
- An export from NCR Pulse or NCR Aloha Insight failed.
- The version of AlohaPOSKitchenInterface.dll does not match between the POS terminals and Aloha Kitchen.
- The Aloha Kitchen data on the controller has not been updated in a week.
- Aloha Kitchen could not update the SQL database.
- The Aloha Kitchen service is not running on the BOH.
- There is a Termstr variable mismatch between the Aloha Kitchen BOH and the controllers or between the Aloha Kitchen BOH and POS terminals.
Group Bar: Pulse speed of service
Target minutes — Specifies the target speed of service minutes for an order, from start to bump, before the lines on graphical charts in Pulse turn to red. The default is 0 (zero). Related Options To specify the number of seconds for the target time, enter the number in 'Target seconds.' Related Requirements You must be a Pulse user to use this feature. Documented Version v19.3.
Target seconds — Specifies the target speed of service seconds for an order, from start to bump, before the lines on graphical charts in Pulse turn to red. The default is 0 (zero). Related Options To specify the number of minutes for the target time, enter the number in 'Target minutes.' Related Requirements You must be a Pulse user to use this feature. Documented Version v19.3.
Auto Suspend Course By Table tab
Use the Auto Suspend Course By Table tab to limit the automatic suspension of courses by a range of tables. Related Options The functionality of this tab is overridden when you select 'Disable' from the 'Auto Suspend Course Behavior' in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings.
Group Bar: Auto suspend course
Auto suspend course by table — Allows you to automatically suspend a course by a range of table numbers. This is an Aloha Table Service feature only.
Group Bar: Auto suspend course category
Available — Lists the tables for which you can automatically suspend a course. Required Options You must select 'Auto suspend course by table' to enable this list.
Included — Lists the tables for which you are automatically suspending a course. Required Options You must select 'Auto suspend course by table' to enable this list.
Other tab
Use the Other tab to define standard modifiers and languages used by Aloha Kitchen.
Group Bar: Standard Modifiers
Use the 'Standard Modifiers' group bar to stipulate the items and modifiers you want to stand out or appear differently than other modifiers.
Items — Indicates the category of items for which the attached modifiers need to stand out or appear differently than other modifiers. First select the category of parent items, click Add to add a new row, and then select the category from the drop-down list. Required Options You must also select a category from the 'Modifiers' drop-down list to use this feature.
Modifiers — Indicates the category of modifiers you want to stand out or appear differently than other modifiers. If any of these modifiers modify an item from your item category, then the modifier shows in a standard color. Modifiers not in this category show in a highlighted color. Required Options You must also select a category from the 'Items' drop-down list to use this feature.
Group Bar: Languages
Use the 'Languages' group bar to add or remove preset languages for use at your restaurant.
Language — Specifies the preset language. Required Options To add a language for selection, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Language to access the Language function.
Production Assembly Line tab
Use the Production Assembly Line tab to configure options for the Production Assembly Line feature at the kitchen level.
Reference: Refer to the Production Assembly Line Feature Focus Guide - HKS1548 for more information.
Group Bar: Production Assembly Line
Print Bag Chit Modifiers — Prints the production assembly line ingredients on the bag chit.
Print Item Customer Name — Prints the name of the customer associated with the order on the kitchen chit.
Exclude Item Category From Assembly Line — Specifies the category of items to exclude from routing to the assembly line screens. Related Requirements Access Maintenance > Menu > Categories and create the category of items to exclude from routing to a production assembly line screen.
Assembly Line Instruction — Denotes a short heading to precede a special instruction to make the special instruction stand out to the employee, such as 'Attention:' or 'At:'
Exclude Consolidation Category — Contains the category of items to exclude from consolidation on the production assembly screen. For example, instead of being combined as one line item with a quantity of two, each taco appears as a separate line item on the screen. Related Requirements Access Maintenance > Menu > Categories and create the category of items to exclude from consolidation on assembly line screens.
Alert Item — Specifies the item to trigger an alert on the ‘order alerts’ bar on the 'Assembly line expo screen.' Use this option to provide a visual indication to the expediter to omit an item from an order, such as a napkin and utensil packet for a takeout order. Related Options: This option exposes ‘Alert Item Text,’ which allows you to define the text to appear when an item is omitted from the order. Documented Version: v19.13.
Alert Item Text — Specifies the text to appear on the standard ‘orange pill’ located in the ‘order alerts’ bar on the 'Assembly line expo screen,' when an item is omitted from the order. The ‘pill’ appears before all other alerts in the ‘order alerts’ bar. Required Options: You must select ‘Alert Item’ to expose this option. Documented Version: v19.13.
Display Name Last, First — Changes the consumer order naming format that appears on the ‘Assembly line expo screen' to last and first name. This does not apply to entered seat names for meals. Documented Version: v19.13.
Enable Custom Meal Names — Allows you to use the generic 'Meal #' text for orders in the 'meal list' area of the 'Assembly line production screen' instead of the seat name entered by the consumer. Documented Version: v19.13.
Allow Recall of Immediate Orders — Enables you to recall orders generated from the in-store Aloha POS system on the 'Assembly line expo' screen. This is the default selection. Documented Version: v19.13.
Custom tab
Use the Custom tab to enter custom values relating to the AlohaKitchenOverlay.xml file. Use this tab only if you want CFC to manage the AlohaKitchenOverlay.xml file.
Enable custom settings — Allows you to use the AlohaKitchenOverlay.xml file.