Header and Footer Layout
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Header and Footer Layout to access the Header and Footer Layout function. Use the Header and Footer Layout function to customize the information that appears on either the footer or header of an item or order cell on the kitchen screen. When you create a new header and footer layout record, we recommend you always click the 'New' drop-down arrow, select the applicable default system-owned header or footer layouts (9996 - 9999), and click Copy to make a copy from which to start.
Layout tab
Use the Layout tab to configure the basic settings for your header or footer layout.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the header or footer layout record, up to 40 characters. We recommend you use a name that is descriptive to a kitchen screen and indicate if it will be used as an item header, item footer, order header, or order footer, such as 'Grill Item Header.'
Type — Specifies the location where the custom layout appears and if the information applies to the item or order cell. You must select the type from the 'New drop-down arrow' when you create a new header footer record.
Order header — Used for the top of the order cell.
Order footer — Used for the bottom of the order cell.
Item header — Used for the top of the item cell.
Item footer — Used for the bottom of the item cell.
Design tab
Use the Design tab to configure the layout of your header or footer.
Line number — Specifies the entry line the element displays on the header or footer.
Location — Indicates if the location the element displays on the header or footer. Select from 'Left,' 'Center,' or 'Right.'
Group Bar: Elements
Element — Specifies the element type to add to the header or footer. You must select the element type when you click the Add drop-down arrow to add the element.
Actual quote time — Displays the quote time.
Add on pending — Displays an indicator in the header or footer of the originating video cell, when the order has an add-on. The text appears as "nn Addons Pending," where nn is the number of add-on orders. This provides notification to the production or expediter employee that the order has additional items that were ordered later. This feature is most beneficial in a table-service environment when you have items configured to appear in the kitchen as one behind.
Additional courses — Displays additional courses, if any. Required Options: You must select 'Show additional courses' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Aggregator — Displays the name of the aggregator. Documented Version: v19.13.
Reference: Refer to the Virtual Kitchen Feature Focus Guide - HKS1718 for more information.
Alerts — Changes the color of the cell based on the generated alert.
ATO bag sort number — Displays the bag number generated from Aloha Takeout. Receiving the bag number is automatically enabled; however, to display on the header or footer, you must add the element here. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this feature.
ATO order destination — Displays the order destination generated from Aloha Takeout. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this feature.
ATO order notes — Displays the order notes entered in an Aloha Takeout guest record in the header and footer of the Aloha Kitchen cell. Related Requirements: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use feature. _Documented Version:** v16.2.
ATO order number — Displays the order number generated from Aloha Takeout. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this feature.
ATO order source — Displays the order mode from which the order generated in Aloha Takeout. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this feature.
Note: Refer to the Aloha Takeout and Aloha Kitchen Integration Guide - HKS327 for more information on ATO bag sort number, ATO order destination, ATO order notes, ATO order number, and ATO order source.
Cell number — Displays the sequential cell number based on the position of the order cell in queue. Required Options: You must select 'Show cell number' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Check images — Displays the vehicle images taken when you integrate with a third party camera company that takes vehicle images from a display board.
Note: Refer to the Drive-Thru Vehicle Identification Feature Focus Guide - HKS352 for more information on configuring and using check images.
Check number — Displays the sequential check number generated from the POS.
Combined elements — Allows you to combine multiple elements on the entry line.
Count down timer — Displays a count down timer in the header or footer of each cell using the item with the longest cook time as its starting point. The count ends at zero or when you bump the order. Required Options: You must select 'Countdown timer' in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Courses to enable this option.
Count up timer — Displays the count up timer on items, until you bump the item.
Course — Displays the name of the course in which the items reside. Required Options: You must select 'Show course text' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Course icon — Displays the icon associated with the course. Related Requirements: You must assign an icon to the course in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Course.
Customer checked in icon — Displays an image on the video cell to indicate a customer has arrived to pick their order. Related Options: Typically, you configure this feature with the 'Customer checked in text' element. Related Requirements: You must select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings > Options tab in Aloha Takeout and select 'Enable kitchen integration' to use this feature. Documented Version: v19.3.
Customer checked in text — Displays text on the video cell to notify the kitchen a customer has arrived and checked in. Related Options: Typically, you configure this feature with the 'Customer checked in icon' element. Related Requirements: You must select Maintenance > Takeout Configuration > Takeout Settings > Options tab in Aloha Takeout and select 'Enable kitchen integration' to use this feature. Documented Version: v19.3.
Default timer — Displays a count up timer based on the course time. Related Options: If you select 'Use countdown' in Course Maintenance, the timer counts down.
Expand/collapse — Provides the functionality to expand and collapse an order cell. Required Options: You must select 'Enable collapsible orders' for the kitchen screen in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to benefit from this command.
Guest count — Displays the number of guests assigned to the check.
Is add on — Displays an indicator if the item is added on to a previous order.
Is suspended — Displays an indicator if the course is suspended.
Item count — Displays the total number of items on the order.
Load balance group — Displays the load balance group.
Order first finalized timer — Displays a timer, counting up from the time you first apply an order mode to the check. Related Options: The timer does not appear if you also select 'When started' from the 'Item time begin time' drop-down list in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings.
Order icon — Displays the image associated with the order mode. Required Options: You must select the image from the 'Kitchen icon' drop-down list in Maintenance > System Settings > Order Mode.
Order mode — Displays the order mode to which you commit the order in the POS. Required Options: You must select 'Show order mode' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Order name — Displays the name entered for the order, either as a tab or the 'Name Guest' function. Required Options: You must select 'Show order name' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Order number — Displays the number of the order generated from the POS.
Order state — Displays the current state of the order, such as served, prepared, and more.
Pager number — Displays the pager number assigned to the order. Required Options: You must select an item to represent the pager number in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings to use this element.
Paid indicator — Displays a dollar sign when the order has been tendered. Required Options: You must select 'Show paid indicator' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Parent info — Displays the information for the accompanying parent item, if applicable. Required Options: You must select 'Show parent item info with independent modifiers' to use this element.
Parked — Displays the text PARKED when you park an order from a bump bar command or touch screen. 'Parking' is a term in the industry used when a drive-thru window cashier at a quick-service restaurant asks a customer to pull ahead into an available parking spot or area, when the customer's order takes time to prepare and delays the timing of the delivery to the cars behind them. When the order is ready, the employee hand-delivers the order to the customer.
Phone number — Displays the phone number assigned to the order.
Ready icon — Displays a 'pennant flag' when the order is ready to be served.
Ready indicator — Displays the text 'Ready' when the order is ready to be served.
Recalled — Displays the text 'Recalled' when you recall a bumped order from Aloha Kitchen.
Recalled from POS indicator — Displays the text 'Recalled' when you recall the check from the POS, letting you know the item does not need to be prepared.
Routing text — Displays the routing rulebook used when the order is sent to the kitchen.
Rush indicator — Displays the text _RUSH when you assign an order as rush status.
Rush icon — Displays a 'fire' icon when you assign an order as rush status.
Seat — Displays the seat number generated from the POS. This option is not available for the default 'Order header' type.
Server name — Displays the name of the server who entered the order.
Smart pager location — Displays the pager location when interfacing with the HME Wireless track smart pager.
Target times — Displays the target time.
Tent number — Displays the tent number assigned to the order.
Terminal name — Displays the name of the originating terminal from which the order was entered.
Terminal number — Displays the number of the originating terminal from which the order was entered.
Time to activate — Displays the time the order is activated.
Total sales — Displays the sales total on the header or footer.
Transferred items — Displays an indicator if any item has been transferred.
Window timer — Displays the time elapsed since an order was prepared. If the order has not been prepared, the format, "-:--" appears. Required Options: You must select 'Show window timer' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Zone — Displays the zone number. Required Options: You must select 'Enable zoning' in Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screens to use this element.
Style — Specifies the text size to use for the element. Select from 'Normal,' 'Bigger,' or 'Smaller.'