Kitchen Skin
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screen. Use the Kitchen Skin function to configure skins for the graphical appearance of the video screen. By default, you can configure a 'Light' or 'Super-Gradient' skin, per kitchen screen; however, if you want to customize the colors of a screen, you must use the Kitchen Skins function.
Kitchen Skin tab
Use this tab to configure the skin for the graphical display of elements of the video screen.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the skin.
Group Bar: Screen
Background color 1 — Designates the color for the background of a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the screen and blends downward into the color defined in 'Background color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Background color 1' and 'Background color 2.'
Background color 2 — Designates the color for the background of a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the screen and blends upward into the color defined in 'Background color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Background color 1' and 'Background color 2.'
Group Bar: Item
Use the 'Item' group bar to define the attributes for items.
Item font — Designates the font, font size, and font style for items that appear on the video screen. The default font is Tahoma, 17, Bold.
Bumped item font — Designates the font, font size, and font style for items that have been bumped. The default font is Tahoma, 13, Bold.
Group Bar: Item States
Use the 'Item States' group bar to define the attributes for the different states of items.
Uninitialized item color — Designates the background color for items that appear on the screen but are not started due to a delay. The default color is gray (128, 128, 128).
Unstarted item color — Designates the background color for items that appear on the screen but are not started with a Start command either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is purple (128, 0, 128).
Cooking time color — Designates the background color for items that appear on the screen and are started with a Start command either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is blue (0, 0, 255).
Prepared item color — Designates the text color for items that appear on the screen and are bumped from a production screen either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is green (0, 128, 0).
Served item color — Designates the text color for items that appear on the screen and are bumped from an expo screen either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is green (0, 128, 0).
Parked item color — Designates the text color for items that have been parked with the Park command either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is black (0, 0, 0).
Deleted item text color — Designates the text color for items that initially appeared on the screen by has been deleted on the POS. The default color is brick red (128, 0, 0).
Deleted item strikethrough text color — Designates the text color for the strikethrough indicator that appears for deleted items. The default color is brick red (128, 0, 0).
Served item background color — Designates the background color for items that are bumped from an expo screen either by the bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The default color is white (255, 255, 255).
Group Bar: Modifier
Use the 'Modifier' group bar to define the attributes for modifiers.
Modifier font Designates the font, font size, and font style for modifiers on the video screen. The default font is Tahoma, 13, Bold.
Bumped modifier font — Designates the font, font size, and font style for modifiers that have been bumped. The default font is Tahoma, 11, Bold.
General modifier color — Designates the color for general modifiers. The default color is black (0, 0 , 0).
Special modifier color — Designates the text color for special modifiers. The default color is burnt orange (255, 102, 0).
Prepared modifier color — Designates the text color for prepared modifiers. The default color is green (0, 192, 0).
Group Bar: Order
Use the 'Order' group bar to define color attributes for the background of item and bumped item cells.
Item background color — Designates the background color for items within an order cell. The default color is white (255, 255, 255).
Bumped item background colors — Designates the background color for items within an order cell that have been bumped. The default color is gray (176, 176, 176).
Paid indicator color Designates the color for the paid indicator for items that have been paid. The default color is green (0,100, 0).
Group Bar: Order States
Use the 'Order States' group bar to define color attributes for the different states of an order.
New order color 1 — Designates the color for a new order on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the text and blends downward into the color defined in 'New order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'New order color 1' and 'New order color 2.' The default color is dark green (28, 64, 0).
New order color 2 — Designates the color for a new order on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the text and blends upward into the color defined in 'New order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'New order color 1' and 'New order color 2.' The default color is pink (255, 186, 117).
Unfinalized order color 1 — Designates the color for an order that has not yet been assigned an order mode. The color starts at the top of the text and blends downward into the color defined in 'Unfinalized order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Unfinalized order color 1' and 'Unfinalized order color 2.' The default color is dark blue (0, 0, 255).
Unfinalized order color 2 — Designates the color for an order that has not yet been assigned an order mode. The color starts at the bottom of the text and blends upward into the color defined in 'Unfinalized order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Unfinalized order color 1' and 'Unfinalized order color 2.' The default color is white (255, 255, 255).
Not started order color 1 — Designates the color for an order that has not been started from a production screen with a Start command either by a bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The color starts at the top of the text and blends downward into the color defined in 'Not started order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Not started order color 1' and 'Not started order color 2.' The default color is purple (128, 0, 128).
Not started order color 2 — Designates the color for an order that has not been started from a production screen with a Start command either by a bump bar or a touch screen terminal. The color starts at the bottom of the text and blends upward into the color defined in 'Not started order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Not started order color 1' and 'Not started order color 2.' The default color is white (255, 255, 255)
Rush order color 1 — Designates the color for the rush order cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Rush order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Rush order color 1' and 'Rush order color 2.' The default color is burnt orange (255, 140, 0).
Rush order color 2 — Designates the color for the rush order cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Rush order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Rush order color 1' and 'Rush order color 2.' The default color is light orange (255, 165, 0).
Cooking order color 1 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item is cooking. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Cooking order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Cooking order color 1' and 'Cooking order color 2.' The default color is gray (176, 176, 176).
Cooking order color 2 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item is cooking. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Cooking order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Cooking order color 1' and 'Cooking order color 2.' The default color is white (255, 255, 255).
First alert order color 1 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item reaches the first alert. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'First alert order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'First alert order color 1' and 'First alert order color 2.' The default color is dark yellow (255, 229, 53).
First alert order color 2 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item reaches the first alert. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'First alert order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'First alert order color 1' and 'First alert order color 2.' The default color is light yellow (255, 239, 104).
Second alert order color 1 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item reaches the second alert. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Second alert order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Second alert order color 1' and 'Second alert order color 2.' The default color is red (255, 25, 36).
Second alert order color 2 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item reaches the second alert. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Second alert order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Second alert order color 1' and 'Second alert order color 2.' The default color is pink (255, 117, 121).
Bumped order color 1 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item has been bumped. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Bumped order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Bumped order color 1' and 'Bumped order color 2.' The default color is gray (128, 128, 128).
Bumped order color 2 — Designates the color for the order cell on a kitchen screen when the item has been bumped. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Bumped order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Bumped order color 1' and 'Bumped order color 2.' The default color is gray (128, 128, 128).
Summary order color 1 — Designates the color for the summary cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Summary order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Summary order color 1' and 'Summary order color 2.' The default color is gray (128, 128, 128).
Summary order color 2 — Designates the color for the summary cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Summary order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Summary order color 1' and 'Summary order color 2.' The default color is gray (128, 128, 128).
Parked order color 1 — Designates the color for the parked order cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the cell and blends downward into the color defined in 'Parked order color 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Parked order color 1' and 'Parked order color 2.' The default color is burnt orange (255, 140, 0).
Parked order color 2 — Designates the color for the parked order cell on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the cell and blends upward into the color defined in 'Parked order color 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Parked order color 1' and 'Parked order color 2.' The default color is light orange (255, 165, 0).
Guest present border color — Designates the border color for the guest present cell on a kitchen screen. The default color is yellow (255, 229, 53). Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this option.
Station name color 1 — Designates the color for the station name text on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the top of the text and blends downward into the color defined in 'Station name 2,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Station name color 1' and 'Station name color 2.' The default color is light gray (169, 169, 169).
Station name color 2 — Designates the color for the station name text on a kitchen screen. The color starts at the bottom of the text and blends upward into the color defined in 'Station name 1,' creating a gradient color. If you do not want a gradient color, select the same color for both 'Station name color 1' and 'Station name color 2.' The default color is dark gray (128, 128, 128).
Custom Modifier Colors tab
Use the Custom Modifier Colors tab to customize colors specifically for a group of modifiers within a category. Click Add to add a category of modifiers and configure a custom color. Modifiers can be in more than one category and the 'Custom modifier category' can have multiple categories per skin.
Group Bar: Custom Modifier Colors
Custom modifier category Specifies the category of modifiers on which to apply a custom color.
Custom modifier color — Specifies the color to use for all modifiers within the custom modifier category. The default color is yellow (255, 239, 104).
Highlights tab
Use the Highlights tab to configure an RGB color set to apply to the background (not foreground) color of an item cell, overriding the color scheme of the kitchen skin. The system applies the RGB color set to an item based on the following hierarchy: entered as a quick combo component, entered with a specific modifier code, or entered as a standalone item. For example, you can configure the 'Side' component of a quick combo or an item entered with a 'No' modifier code to use a highlight color set to stand out against the kitchen skin on the video screen. Required Options: 1) If you are using a highlight to display for an item, you must access Maintenance > Menu > Items and select the highlight from the 'Item highlight' drop-down list. 2) If you are using a highlight to display for a modifier code, you must access Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Codes and select the highlight from the 'Item highlight' drop-down list. 3) If you are using a highlight to display for a quick combo component, you must access Maintenance > Payments > Promotions > Quick Combo and select the highlight from the 'Item highlight' drop-down list.
Group Bar: Highlights
Name — Specifies the background color in which you want an item, modifier code, or a quick combo component to appear. Use 'Custom 1' to 'Custom 5' to configure additional colors.
- Yellow — Specifies the color to use for yellow. The RGB color set is 253, 254, 75.
- Blue — Specifies the color to use for blue. The RGB color set is 0, 255, 255.
- Green — Specifies the color to use for green. The RGB color set is 0, 255, 76.
- Orange — Specifies the color to use for orange. The RGB color set is 252, 168, 86.
- Pink — Specifies the color to use for pink. The RGB color set is 247, 134, 222.
- Custom 1 to 5 — Specifies the color to use for up to five custom colors. The originating RGB color set is white (255, 255, 255).
Background Color — Specifies the RGB color to display for the background of the corresponding item, modifier code or quick combo component. Click the option to select a color from the color palette.
Production Assembly Line tab
Use the Production Assembly Line tab to apply a skin to a production assembly line screen with a set of colors for better readability or company branding. By default, a production assembly line screen uses gray-tone colors. You can apply a color to as many elements of the screen as you desire. Like any kitchen skin, you associate the skin to a kitchen screen in Kitchen Screen Maintenance.
Group Bar: Production Assembly Line
Flat style — Switches the appearance of the production assembly line screen from normal to the second production assembly line skin.
Prepared item background color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background of the ingredient on the production assembly line screen with the item is prepared. The default RGB color is 0,0,0.
Last cell recall item color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the text of an ingredient on the production assembly line screen when you recall an item. The default RGB color is 0,0,0.
Customer name modifier color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the customer name on the left side of the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 0,0,0.
Assembly line background color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background of the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 221,218,214.
Assembly line order information background color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background for the order number that appears on the left side of the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 73,77,83.
Assembly line order information foreground color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background of the order number that appears on the left side of the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 183,190,198.
Assembly line active foreground color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the text of an ingredient on the production assembly line screen when the item is highlighted. The default RGB color is 255,255,255.
Assembly line order time background color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background of the time slot that appears on the left side of the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 169,176, 166.
Assembly line inactive item background color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the background of an ingredient item on the production assembly line screen, when the item is not highlighted. The default RGB color is 45,48,54.
Assembly line inactive item foreground color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the text of an ingredient item on the production assembly line screen, when the item is not highlighted. The default RGB color is 128,135,147.
Assembly line active item foreground color — Specifies the RGB color to use for the text of an ingredient on the production assembly line screen, when the item is highlighted. The default RGB color is 255,255,255.
Primary emphasis color — Specifies the color to use for active orders that are prepared and appear on the production assembly line screen. The default color is 65, 117, 5.
Alternate emphasis color — Specifies the color to use for future orders that appear on the production expo screen. The default color is 63, 104, 145.
Group Bar: Order Colors
Select the RGB color from the drop-down list to apply to all items on the production assembly line screen. The default RGB color is 0,0,0.