With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Course to access the Course function. Use the Course function to configure the stages for timed food deliveries to the table to complete a multi-course meal. The courses configured in Aloha Kitchen are not tied to the courses configured in the POS.
Course tab
Use the Course tab to configure the basic requirements for a course.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the course, up to 40 characters. We recommend you use a name that is descriptive of the course, such as Appetizers.
Default item category — Specifies the category of items from which you can order for the course, by default. If you need to add or modify a category record, click 'Default item category' to access the Category function.
Modifier override — Specifies the item, when used as a modifier, that forces any item to the course. If you need to configure modifier attributes for an item, click 'Modifier override' to access the Items function.
Exclusive category override — Specifies the category of items to exclude from routing. This is generally used in a quick-service environment when you have a drink item found in a combo and your routing rulebook includes a category rule and a video group rule.
Duration in minutes — Specifies the default duration, from 0-999 minutes, between courses. before activating the next course. For example, if the duration of the first course is five minutes, the second course arrives five minutes after you deliver the first course.
Order header display text — Defines the order header text to appear for this course.
Use countdown — Displays the countdown timer on items ordered for a course, only when using order view kitchen screens (expo and production order). You must select this option if you use the 'Count down timer' element on a custom header and footer layout in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Header Footer Layout.
Use countdown alerts — Compares the values defined for the first alert seconds and second alert seconds to the time targeted for the course. If cleared, this option compares first alert seconds and second alert seconds from when the course starts. Related Options: 1) To define first alert seconds, type a value in the 'First alert seconds' text box. 2) To define second alert seconds, type a value in the 'Second alert seconds' text box.
Alert methods — Determines the method by which an alert that helps monitor how long an item cooks appears. Choose between 'Percentage' or 'Seconds.'
Percentage — Displays the alert based on a percentage of the item cook time. For a kitchen screen of the order view type, a status bar also appears under each item within the order, with indicators for each threshold percentage. The background color of the item cell changes based on the progression of the cook time. Note: The Percentage alert method only applies to an ‘Expo’ kitchen screen type. Related Options: This option enables the 'First alert cook time percentage' and 'Second alert cook time percentage' options.
Seconds — Displays the alert based on a fixed number of seconds. Related Options: This option enables the 'First alert seconds' and 'Second alert seconds' options.
First alert seconds — Specifies the default number of seconds, from 0-9999, before a course reaches priority status. Priority is the first level of alert indicating the course is running late. Required Options: You must select 'Seconds' from the 'Alert methods' drop-down list to enable this option. Related Options: You can override this option, by screen, when you enter a value in 'Priority seconds' in the Kitchen Screen function.
Second alert seconds — Specifies the default number of seconds, from 0-9999, before a course reaches rush status. Rush is the second level of alert indicating the course is running late. Required Options: You must select 'Seconds' from the 'Alert methods' drop-down list to enable this option. Related Options: You can override this option, by screen, when enter a value in 'Rush seconds' in the Kitchen Screen function.
First alert cook time percentage — Specifies the percentage of cook time seconds at which the item reaches the first alert threshold. The default percentage is 80. Required Options: You must select 'Percentage' from the 'Alert methods' drop-down list to enable this option.
Second alert cook time percentage Specifies the percentage of cook time seconds at which the reaches the second alert threshold. The default percentage is 100. Required Options: You must select 'Percentage' from the 'Alert methods' drop-down list to enable this option.
Fire based on Promise Time — Targets the completion time of the items in a course based on the promise time defined in the Aloha Takeout product.
Note: Refer to the Aloha Takeout and Aloha Kitchen Integration Guide - HKS327 for more information on the 'Fire based on Promise Time' option.
Maximum wait for Promise Time in seconds — Specifies the maximum number of seconds, starting from the time you apply an order mode to an item, to wait for a promise time. Use this option in cases where the promise time does not occur, to avoid the order from being suspended indefinitely. If the number of seconds passes without a promise time, then the normal course timing takes effect. If you type 0, items fire immediately after the promise time lapses. Required Options: You must select 'Fire based on Promise Time' to use this feature.
Order mode override supercedes modifier override — Enables the system to use the configuration for the order mode applied to the check over the configuration for the modifier, when determining the time for the next course. Ordinarily, modifiers override the order mode setup.
Default cook time for zero cook time item (in seconds) — Specifies the cook time to use on items ordered within this course when the item does not have a cook time defined. Required Options: 1) You must select 'Use Course Time' as the 'Item with zero cook time' option in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings to benefit from this option. 2) You must select 'Activate at course start' in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings to benefit from this option.
Auto fire suspended course item — Specifies the item you can order in the POS to cause a suspended course to automatically activate. If you need to create or modify an item record, click 'Auto fire suspended course item' to access the Items function. Related Options: If you select Disable from the 'Auto Suspend Course Behavior' drop-down list in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings, this option is overridden.
Disable auto suspend — Does not allow you to suspend this course. Related Options: If you select Disable from the 'Auto Suspend Course Behavior' drop-down list in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings, this option is overridden.
Bin pending threshold — Adds a value to the course that the system checks against the item activation time, and if the difference between the activation time to the present time is less than or equal to the threshold, the item is included as pending. If you type '0,' the feature is disabled and items appear in the pending area of the bin while they are delayed.
Course icon — Specifies the icon to associate with the course, if desired.
Zone group — Specifies the zone group to associate with the course, if desired.
Order first finalized alert — Specifies the first alert to use when you apply an order mode to the order in the POS.
Group Bar: Activation
Use the 'Activation' group bar to define options related to the activation of a course.
Activate with preceding course — Activates this course at the same time as the preceding course. Required Options: You must select 'Activate delayed items together' in Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Kitchen Settings to use this feature.
Longest item cook time multiplier — Determines the factor to multiply against the longest item cook time in preparation for the course. A valid range is 0.000-10.000, with the default being 1.000.
Additional seconds per item — Specifies the number of seconds to add to each item of the course. A valid range is 0-999, with the default being 0.
Additional seconds per item in entire kitchen — Specifies the number of seconds to add to each activated item currently in all production stations in use. A valid range is 0-999, with the default being 0.
Additional seconds — Specifies a flat number of seconds to add to the duration of the course. A valid range is 0-999, with the default being 30.
Additional cooktime in seconds — Specifies any additional seconds of cook time needed for the course.
Order Mode Overrides tab
Use the Order Mode Overrides tab to limit coursing when you apply a specific order mode.
Group Bar: Order Mode Overrides
Available — Lists the defined order modes available for you to use when overriding the course. Related Requirements: To define an order mode, access Maintenance > System > Order Modes.
Included — Lists the defined order mode that overrides the course. Related Requirements: To define an order mode, access Maintenance > System > Order Modes.