Quote Time
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Quote Time to access this function. Use the Quote Time function to configure requirements for quote times in Aloha Kitchen and override the quote times in the Aloha Takeout product.
Table tab
Use the Table tab to define the name of the quote time.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the quote time, up to 40 characters.
Thresholds Table tab
Group Bar: Thresholds Table
Use the Quote Time Threshold Table to determine when to change the quote time. If the number of active items exceeds the item count, then the next highest quote time value is used. You can send the quote time to Aloha Takeout and feed up to Aloha Online.
Number of items — Specifies the number of items required on the check in correlation to the quote time in minutes. Click 'Add' to add a new row, and then type the number of items to include in the threshold table calculation. Required Options: You must also type the number of minutes to include in the threshold table calculation to use this feature.
Quote time in minutes — Specifies the number of minutes to add to the quote time for the corresponding number of items present in the kitchen. The quote time must be greater than zero. Click 'Add' to add a new row, and then type the number of items to include in the threshold table calculation. Required Options: You must also type the number of minutes to include in the threshold table calculation to use this feature.