Load Balancing
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Load Balancing to access the Load Balancing function.
Settings tab
Use the Settings tab to specify the load balance method and the percentages used to balance the load of order or items routed to stations.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the load balance ID.
Load balance method — Specifies the method to use for load balancing.
By item — When load balancing by item, additional options appear to specify what to analyze, such as unstarted items, cooking items, delayed items, and more.
By order — When load balancing by order, the system looks at the number of active orders on a station and balances the load accordingly. Related Options: This option enables the 'Item balance method' option.
Item balance method — Specifies the method to use when you configure load balancing by item. Required Options: You must select 'By item' from the 'Load balance method' drop-down list to enable this option.
All items — Uses all items, whether active or delayed, for the item balance method.
Cooking items — Uses only cooking items for the item balance method.
Unstarted items — Uses only unstarted items for the item balance method.
Group Bar: Group percentages
Use the 'Group percentages' group bar to define the percentages, broken down in groups of items or orders, that the load balance function targets. The total between all the groups must add up to 100.
Group A — Indicates the first group of items or orders.
Group B — Indicates the second group of items or orders.
Group C — Indicates the third group of items or orders.
Group D — Indicates the fourth group of items or orders.
Group E — Indicates the fifth group of items or orders.
Details tab
Use the Details tab to define additional requirements for load balancing.
Group Bar: Rows
Number — Specifies the row assigned to the load balancing. There can multiple rows per grid. You must click Add to add each additional row.
Description — Identifies the row.
Available — Specifies the list of all defined stations.
Included — Specifies the list of stations using this load balancing.