With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Metrics to access the Metrics function. Metrics help employees gauge their progress and facilitate their station. You configure the metrics that appear on the metrics bar using the Metrics function. When you create a new metric, we recommend you always click the 'New' drop-down arrow on the Command panel and select a metric type to create.
Metric tab
Use the Metric tab to define basic requirements for your metrics.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the metric, up to 40 characters. We recommend you use a name that is descriptive of the metric.
Label — Defines the text to appear as the label. If you leave this option blank, the system uses the text in the 'Name' option. Type '/n' between words to display multiple lines of text, as needed.
Type — Specifies the type of metric. You should select the type from the 'New' drop-down arrow when you create a new metric.
Average item time — Displays the average time items are active in the kitchen.
Average order time — Displays the average time orders are active in the kitchen.
Bin — Displays the defined bin.
Bump time threshold minutes — Specifies the number of minutes within which you must bump an order from the kitchen screen before considering the order bumped outside the standard goal time. The default value is 0 (zero). This option is only supported with a 'Bump time within threshold for order view screens' metric.
Current staff level — Displays the current staff level in use.
Current time — Displays the current system time. We recommend you place this metric on each kitchen screen.
Current time plus minutes — Displays a configurable number of minutes ahead of the current time. You may want to use this metric to pinpoint the time for the shelf life of an item. Required Options: This metric enables the 'Minutes to add to current time' option. Documented Version: v16.2.
Guest Manager wait quote — Displays the guest manager wait quote time. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Guest Manager to use this option.
Items on time percentage — Displays the percentage of items that are prepared before reaching a warning status.
Maximum item time — Displays the maximum time that any one item has been active in the kitchen.
Maximum order time — Displays the maximum time that any one order has been active in the kitchen.
Orders on time percentage — Displays the percentage of orders that are served before reaching a warning status.
Quote time — Displays the predicted quote time for guests who have not yet ordered. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this option.
Total active and bumped items — Displays the combined total number of active and bumped items.
Total active and bumped orders — Displays the combined total number of active and bumped orders.
Total active items — Displays the total number of items yet to be bumped.
Total active orders — Displays the total number of active orders yet to be bumped.
Total delayed items — Displays the total number of delayed items.
Total delayed orders — Displays the total number of delayed orders.
Total over quote — Displays the total number of active orders that have exceeded their actual quote time. Required Options: You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this option.
Total suspended orders — Displays the total number of suspended orders.
Icon — Specifies a specific icon to display with this metric. These icons are provided for you in the Aloha Kitchen/Bin directory; however, you can select 'Custom' to use a custom icon.
Custom icon — Contains the file name for a custom icon to display with this metric. Required Options: You must select 'Custom' from the 'Icon' drop-down list to enable this option.
Bin — Specifies the bin to display with this metric. Required Options: You must use a metric of the 'Bin' type to enable this option.
Display method — Determines the unit of time to display for this metric. Select from 'Normal (HH:MM),' 'Total minutes,' and 'Total seconds.' Required Options: 1) You must interface with Aloha Takeout to use this option. 2) You must use a metric of the 'Quote' type to enable this option.
Aloha Guest Manager quote id — Specifies the quote time ID record, as defined in Aloha Guest Manger, to use for this metric. Required Options: 1) You must interface with Aloha Guest Manager to use this option. 2) You must use a metric of the 'Guest Manager wait quote' type to enable this option.
Minutes to add to current time — Specifies the number of minutes ahead of the current time to appear on the metric. Required Options: You must use the 'Current time plus minutes' to enable this option. Documented Version: v16.2.
Group Bar: Restrictions
Use the 'Restrictions' group bar to limit the metric to a specific kitchen station, order mode, course, or current day part. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this group bar.
Station — Limits the metric to items ordered for this station. If you need to add or modify a kitchen station record, click Station to access the Kitchen Station screen. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this option.
Order mode — Limits the metric to items ordered with this order mode. If you need to add or modify an order mode record, click Order Mode to access the Order Mode screen. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this option.
Course — Limits the metric to items ordered with this course. If you need to add or modify a course record, click Course to access the Course screen. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this option.
Current day part — Limits the metric to items ordered during the current day part. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this option.
Group Bar: Alerts
Use the 'Alerts' group bar to configure an alert when a metric is not in range of a threshold. Required Options: You must select an applicable metric from the 'Type' drop-down list to enable this group bar.
Alert — Enables the metric to appear in a different color when the count is outside the minimum and maximum range defined for this metric. Related Options: This option enables 'Alert min count,' 'Alert max count,' and 'Alert flash.'
Alert min count — Specifies the minimum count, from 0 - 999, that is acceptable for this metric before an alert appears. Required Options: You must select 'Alert' to enable this option.
Alert max count — Specifies the maximum count, from 0 - 999, that is acceptable for this metric before an alert appears. Required Options: You must select 'Alert' to enable this option.
Alert flash — Causes the text of the metric to blink when the metric is outside of the minimum and maximum count. Required Options: You must select 'Alert' to enable this option.