Production Line Categories
With Kitchen selected in the product panel, select Maintenance > Kitchen Configuration > Production Assembly Line > Production Line Categories. Allows you to associate production line groups with the appropriate kitchen station; however, the function serves multiple purposes. You also determine the category of items that appear on the production and expo screens, the number of columns to appear on the expo screen, whether the guest name appears with an ingredient on the 'Assembly line production screen,' and more.
Reference: Refer to the Production Assembly Line Feature Focus Guide - HKS1548 for more information.
Production Line Category tab
Group Bar: Settings
Category — Designates the category of items to appear on the production and expo screens.
Column width on expo screen — Specifies the number of columns to use in the order details area of the 'Assembly line expo screen.' Select from one to four columns; however, two is typically the maximum number for optimal readability.
Consolidate items in this category in production screens — Consolidates two or more like items on a production screen. For example, if the consumer orders three sides of guacamole, (3) Guacamole appears on the screen.
Show seat name with items on expo screen — Displays the consumer name with each item on the order details area of the 'Assembly line expo screen.' The system first searches for a name coming from BSP (Business Services Platform) with the format of "Message": "Name: <name>", where <name> is the name of the consumer. If found, that name appears with the item. If a name from BSP is not found, the system uses the consumer name from the sub-order feature in Aloha Quick Service or the pivot seating feature in Aloha Table Service. If 'Show seat name with items on expo screen' is cleared, a name does not appear.
Show on expo reprint screen — Displays the items within the category on the Reprint screen so you can select and reprint.