Charitable Donations
Core Product: Aloha Quick Service
Complimentary Products: No
Separate License Required? No
Other References: Aloha Quick Service Reference Guide, Aloha Quick Service Report Guide, Aloha Quick Service Screen Designer Guide
View/Download/Print: Charitable Donations Feature Focus Guide - HKS1490
About Charitable Donations
Some Aloha® Quick Service restaurants like to support local charities by hosting donation drives. Prior to the implementation of this feature, referred to as Charitable Donations, it was not easy to add a donation to the guest check. Speed of service metrics were impacted to the point that cashiers bypassed the prompt to ask guests if they would like to make a donation, reducing the fundraising efforts. Effective in Quick Service v19.3.8, it is much easier to support local charities with easily configured buttons that allow guests to donate the change due, a predefined amount (i.e. $1.00, $2.00), or an open amount suggested by the guest.
When a donation drive is active, if a guest agrees to make a donation to the fundraiser you are sponsoring, touch the Donation button on the Tenders screen to open the charitable donations panel, select the button that coincides with the donation the guest would like to make, and follow the prompts until you return to the Tenders screen where you tender the check as you normally would.

Note: The Aloha Point-of-Sale (POS) system also supports a feature called Round It Up America. The implementation to support charitable donations discussed in this document is separate from, and does not require, Round It Up America.
Configuring Charitable Donations
- Creating a retail category for reporting and accounting purposes
- Creating the charitable donations revenue item
- Creating a general category for printing a thank you message
- Providing buttons for adding a charitable donation to guest check
- Printing a thank you message on the guest check
- Providing the ability to enter open amount donations
- Refreshing POS data
Using Charitable Donations
Learn how to perform procedures related to using charitable donations.
Troubleshooting Charitable Donations
Learn possible solutions to problems you may encounter with charitable donations.
Revision History
View the development history of the Charitable Donations feature.