Employee Reconciliation
Core Product: Aloha Quick Service, Aloha Table Service
Complimentary Products: No
Separate License Required? No
Other References: Aloha Quick Service Reference Guide, Aloha Quick Service Report Guide, Aloha Quick Service Report Guide, Aloha Table Service Reference Guide, Aloha Table Service Report Guide, Aloha Table Service Report Guide
View/Download/Print: Employee Reconciliation Feature Focus Guide - HKS307
About Employee Reconciliation
The Employee Reconciliation feature, available in Aloha® Table Service and Aloha Quick Service, is an enhancement to the checkout function and provides a simple, automated method for reconciling a cash drawer used by a single employee before you close it, allowing you to maintain good control of funds handled by employees.
Caution: Do not implement Employee Reconciliation and Drawer Reconciliation together. This is considered an incorrect configuration.
Benefits of the Employee Reconciliation feature:
- You can configure the location from which the employee initiates the Employee Reconciliation process.
- You can set the variance level for tenders. The employee running the reconciliation must enter a total within the variance guidelines before completing the reconciliation.
- You can define the number of reconciliation attempts allowed before requiring a manager to intervene.
- You can configure non-cash tenders to require the entry of detailed information, the entry of totals only, or auto-fill the information for verification.
- The system provides a calculator to assist in counting cash and non-cash payments.
The difference between the entered amounts and the system-calculated amounts must be within the specified requirements prior to the completion of an employee reconciliation. If successful completion of the reconciliation exceeds a specified number of attempts, a message appears and an employee with sufficient access must approve it to complete the reconciliation.
Additionally, you can enable the system to automatically transfer the reconciled amount as a deposit in the BOH. This automates deposit entries and eliminates the chance of entering the wrong amount in Functions > Edit Deposits.
When you start the process, the FOH Checkout button changes to Resume Checkout and the employee is no longer assigned to a cash drawer and cannot ring sales. Once Employee Reconciliation is completed, the button changes to Print Checkout for the employee to select and complete their checkout. After the checkout prints with the enhanced reconciliation information, the Clockout button displays so the employee can clock out. illustrates the progression of changes in this button.

Front-of-House (FOH) RECONCILIATION SCENARIO: A restaurant wants an account of all tenders for a single employee’s cash drawer. Before the End-of-Day occurs, the employee touches the Checkout button. The employee enters currency totals and performs a drawer reconciliation. If the employee cannot balance the drawer, the manager must force the reconciliation. If the employee cannot balance the drawer, an employee with sufficient access must force the reconciliation.
Back-of-House (BOH) RECONCILIATION SCENARIO: A restaurant wants an account of all tenders for a single employee’s cash drawer. Before the End-of-Day occurs, the employee touches the Checkout button. The manager must go to the BOH and continue the reconciliation. In the back office, the manager enters currency totals and completes the reconciliation. If the employee cannot balance the drawer, an employee with sufficient access must force the reconciliation.
Configuring Employee Reconciliation
- Determining the location from which to initiate Employee Reconciliation.
- Specifying which job codes must run Employee Reconciliation.
- Providing the ability to force Employee Reconciliation.
- Setting the variance for each tender to reconcile.
- Defining coin and bill values for multi-currencies.
- Automatically transferring reconciled amounts as deposits.
- Refreshing POS data
Using Employee Reconciliation
- Initiating employee reconciliation.
- Entering cash and bills.
- Entering credit card tender types.
- Entering personal checks, house accounts, and gift cards/certificates.
- Reconciling the cash drawer.
- Transferring declared reconciliation amount to a deposit.
Reporting Employee Reconciliation
Discover the reports that help you manage employee reconciliation.
Troubleshooting Employee Reconciliation
Learn possible solutions to problems you may encounter with employee reconciliation.
Revision History
View the development history of the Employee Reconciliation feature.