Clock In Message
Select Maintenance > Messaging > Clock In Message to access this function.
Use the Clock In Message function to create special messages that target individual employees, or specific job codes. The Clock In Message function uses message types to trigger the message that is to appear when certain conditions are met. For example, if you verify the liquor certification for employees who sale alcohol, the system uses the ‘Liquor certification warning’ and Liquor certification expiration’ message types to notify employees at clock in when their liquor certification is either close to or has expired. Clock In messages appear on the screen at clock in only and do not print on the clock in chit.
Clock In Message types
General displays a message for which you configure the message text, such as a meeting reminder. The same text appears at every clock in until you change the text and run a Refresh. You typically do not impose restrictions for messages of the “General’ type; they appear for all employees regardless of the job code under which the employee clocks in.
Liquor certification warning displays a system generated message that states, “Your liquor certification will expire in n days” where n is the number of days prior to the liquor expiration date for the employee clocking in to the system. You can expand the text to appear on the screen at clock in within the message definition. You must access Maintenance > Labor > Jobcodes and create a job code for which you enable liquor verification, and establish the number of days prior to expiration for the message to begin appearing, and then assign that job code to employees who sell alcohol. Access Maintenance > Labor > Employees > Certification tab to establish the liquor certification expiration date.
Liquor certification expiration displays a system-generated message that states, “Your liquor certification has expired” when the liquor certification for the employee clocking in has expired. You can expand the text to appear on the screen at clock in within the message definition. You must access Maintenance > Labor > Jobcodes and create a job code for which you enable liquor verification, and then assign that job code to employees who sell alcohol. You establish the liquor certification expiration date on the Certification tab in Maintenance > Labor > Employees.
Punch adjustment displays a system-generated message for an employee when they clock in on the following business day after their manager performs an edit punch for their clock in, clock out, break in, or break out punch, letting them know that their time was edited. At that point, the employee can approve the adjustment or reject it so it can be further reviewed between the employee and their manager. Additionally, you can configure the system to require manager approval for a rejection and prevent the employee from clocking in. This ensures all adjustments the manager makes to time records are acknowledged by the employee on a timely basis. You must access Maintenance > Labor > Jobcodes and configure punch edit acknowledgments under the ‘Time and attendance’ group bar for each job code for which you want punch adjustment messages to appear.
Rate change acknowledgement displays an acknowledgment for an employee when they clock in on the following business day after a manager performs a tip credit or pay rate change, essentially tracking employee acknowledgments for audit reporting. NCR Back Office provides the tip credit amount to the Aloha POS. Use the Jobcodes tab to send the acknowledgment to a specific or group of job codes; use the Employees tab to send the acknowledgment to one or more specific employees.
Sales and tip distribution adjustment displays an acknowledgment for an employee when they clock in on the following business day after a manager redistributes sales and tips and alters the tip amount received by the employee. Use the Jobcodes tab to send the acknowledgment to a specific or group of job codes; use the Employees tab to send the acknowledgment to one or more specific employees. You must access Maintenance > Labor > Jobcodes and configure sales and tip acknowledgments under the ‘Time and attendance’ group bar for each job code for which you want sales and tip adjustment messages to appear.
Reference: Refer to the Sales and Tip Distribution Feature Focus Guide - HKS379.
Message tab
Use the Message tab to determine the number and name of the clock in message and to define the message text. Valid message numbers range from 1 to 999999.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the message. Message names must be between 1 and 20 characters long.
Group Bar: Clock in message
Line 1 through Line 5 — Provides up to five lines for the message that appears at clock in, such as when the liquor certification for an employee is about to expire. Type a message, such as “Please provide your manager with a renewed certification number and expiration date or you will not be able to clock in with this job assignment.”
Jobcodes tab
Use the Jobcodes tab to assign a clock in message to one or more job codes.
Group Bar: Jobcodes
Use the >> and << arrows to move job codes between the ‘Available’ list and the ‘Included’ list.
Employees tab
Use the Employees tab to assign a clock in message to one or more employees.
Group Bar: Employees
Use the >> and << arrows to move employees between the ‘Available’ list and the ‘Included’ list.