Select Maintenance > Menu > Items to access this function.
The Items function enables you to store all items you sell at your establishment in a central database. You can add up to 999,999 items; however, you can enforce a limit using the ‘Maximum number of items’ option located under the ‘Item limits’ group bar in Maintenance > Business > Installed Products > Global tab. Increasing the number of menu items to 30,000 uses more memory and should be used only when necessary.
Menu items are the building blocks that form the base of the Aloha POS system. You should add every item available to sell or consume at a restaurant to the Aloha POS item database. This means not only do you add ‘Double Cheeseburger’ to the database; but, also the items used to modify the ‘Double Cheeseburger,’ such as cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, and hamburger buns.
Modifier items are the items or elements that help you customize your menu items, and to customize the preparation of your menu items. For example, if you add an ‘8oz Steak’ to your item database, this typically means that you plan to offer steak as an entrée item for your restaurant. But when a customer orders steak at a restaurant, they do not simply tell the server, “I would like to order the steak.” Instead, they often say, “I would like to order the steak, prepared medium rare” or “I would like to order the steak, and make sure it is prepared well done.” In these examples, the customer is attempting to customize their order, and the server must have a way to enter the custom requests. To do this, you add modification items to the database, such as meat temperatures, toppings, quantities, and sizes, and anything else that is normally written on a guest check or kitchen chit to modify a menu item.
Retail items are items you plan to sell, such as shirts, mugs, hats, gift cards, and other sales items your establishment offers.
Each item you add to the database is called an ‘item.’ And each item requires data from other functions, including Taxes, Surcharges, Modifiers, and Categories, for the item to be complete.
Once you add items to the database, use these items to form the submenus, modifier groups, and exception modifier groups you need for the Aloha Front-of-House POS system.
Item types
When you create a new item in the database, you must select the type of item you want to create. Select from the following types, when you click the New drop-down arrow to add a new item:
Standard represents a basic food, beverage, retail, or modifier item. You generally use the standard type for most items in the database.
Cash card represents a cash card item, when you want to sell cash cards from the FOH terminals. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display cash card’ to expose this item type in Item Maintenance.
Gift card represents a gift card item, when you want to sell gift cards from the FOH terminals. Required Options: 1) If you are creating a corporate-owned gift card, you must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration)> Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display gift card’ to expose this item type in Item Maintenance. 2) If you are creating a store-owned gift card, in addition to option 1, you must also select one of the below gift card types in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > ‘Gift Card/Certificate Sales’ group > ‘Gift sales’ group bar > Gift card/certificate provider. 3) You must be licensed to use gift cards to enable gift cards.
- Basic gift certificate
- Aloha Stored Value
- Paymentech
- Stored Value System
- Value Link
- Vantiv
- Private Label
Basic gift certificate represents a basic gift certificate item, when you want to sell gift certificates from the FOH terminals. Required Options: 1) If you are creating a corporate-owned gift certificate, you must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display basic gift certificate’ to expose this item type in Item Maintenance. 2) If you are creating a store-owned gift certificate, in addition to option 1, you must also access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > ‘Gift Card/Certificate Sales’ group > ‘Gift sales’ group bar > Gift card/certificate provider and select ‘Basic gift certificate.’ 3) You must be licensed to use Gift Certificate Manager to enable gift certificates.
Aloha gift certificate (TS only) represents an Aloha gift certificate item, when you want to sell Aloha gift certificates from the FOH terminals. Record numbers ranging from 30200 to 30299 are reserved for Aloha Gift Certificate items. Required Options: 1) If you are creating a corporate-owned Aloha gift certificate, you must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display aloha gift certificates’ to expose this item type in Item Maintenance. 2) If you are creating a store-owned Aloha gift certificate, in addition to option 1, you must also access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > ‘Gift Card/Certificate Sales’ group > ‘Gift sales’ group bar > Gift card/certificate provider and select ‘Aloha stored value.’ 3) You must be licensed to use Gift Certificate Manager to enable gift certificates. You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display Aloha TableService settings’ to expose this option.
Family style (TS only) designates the item as a family style menu item, meaning you bring the item to the table in large serving dishes and guests serve themselves.
Build (QS only) represents a grouping of included, zero-priced modifiers that you can use as a base to prepare one or more menu items. For example, you could group oil and vinegar, lettuce, red onions, and flat bread into one build item, group lettuce, tomato, red onions, mayonnaise, and sourdough bread into another, and so on.
Items Quick tips
An item database can be as simple or as complex as required, but there are several rules or tips to consider when you add a new item to the database:
Assign numbers to your items in groups, using a uniform method. For example, create appetizers using a number between 3000-3999, and create entrées using a number between 4000-4999.
You can assign an item a specific ownership level. The owner assigned to an item determines how the record is filtered, when data is distributed to a store, and who has the ability to view and edit the record.
Item numbers range from 1 to 999998 (999999 is reserved for the PLU button).
Item numbers 30100-30199 are reserved for ‘Open’ items and can only be used in the Aloha Table Service environment, not Quick Service. These numbers are also unavailable when your item type is ‘gift certificate.’
Item numbers 30200 to 30299 are reserved for the ‘Aloha gift certificate’ item type only.
The short name for an item appears on the order button and can be up to 15 characters; however, if you type more than 11 characters, the short name might appear cropped on a button. As a solution, type ‘\n’ at the desired line break in the ‘Short name’ text box to configure the short name to appear as two lines on a button.
The chit name for an item can be up to 15 characters and is typically in ALL CAPS. Consult with the chef for preferences and names.
The long name for an item can be up to 25 characters and appears on the guest check; therefore, be sure to double-check the spelling.
It is mandatory to apply a tax, category, and printer group, to an item.
If applicable, remember to assign a modifier group to an item. You can assign more than one modifier group, if necessary.
You can price an item at the ‘item’ level; however, there are alternative pricing methods available to price items, and which one you use depends on your business needs.
Item tab
The Item tab enables you to define basic information about an item, such as the item type, owner type, number, name, and other identification properties of the item. You also use this tab to store tax information for the item, as well as any functional groups to which the item is assigned.
Group Bar: Settings
Short name — Indicates the abbreviated name for the item. The short name appears on item buttons in submenus, modifier groups, and exception modifier groups. The text is centered on the button; therefore, the length of the short name is a factor. Type a maximum of 15 characters; however, if you type over 11 characters, the short name might appear cropped on a button. As a solution, type ‘\n’ at the desired line break in ‘Short name’ to configure the short name to appear as two lines on a button. For example, type ‘Hot\nTamale’ to have ‘Hot’ appear on the top line and ‘Tamale’ appear on the bottom line of a button. Keep in mind, ‘\n’ takes up two of the allotted 15 characters.
Chit name — Indicates the name of the item that appears on the kitchen chit. A chit is a printed order confirmation receipt the kitchen receives after you send an order to the kitchen. The chit name can be up to 15 characters and can contain menu items as well as modifiers, depending on how you enter the order in the system. You typically type the ‘Chit name’ in ALL CAPs, to make the name easier to recognize. This option is useful if your restaurant uses nicknames for menu items. For example, if the kitchen staff of your restaurant refers to a lobster tail as ‘LOB,’ type LOB in ‘Chit name’ and ‘LOB’ appears on the kitchen chit each time a server enters an order for a lobster tail.
Chit name alternate — Displays another name in place of the standard chit name. When you configure an item in Item Maintenance, the chit name appears on the kitchen chit and on any video display system in use; however, some kitchens do not use kitchen printers and rely primarily on video screens to prepare orders. In v6.4.2, you can now type an alternate chit name, using the language of your choice, and the operator can toggle the video screen to display the alternate name. This is very helpful for kitchen staff who speak and read a different language. Type a maximum of 15 characters, and trailing spaces are not allowed.
On the video screen, the chit name appears as defined by ‘Chit name’ for the video device. If you select ‘Chit name,’ the text entered for ‘Chit name’ appears. If you select ‘Alternate chit name,’ the text entered for ‘Alternate chit name’ appears. If you leave ‘Alternate chit name’ blank, the text for ‘Chit name’ appears. For example, if you configure items ‘Cheese’ and ‘Bacon’ in Item Maintenance with a Spanish translation for ‘Alternate chit name’ and the guest orders a #1 with bacon and no cheese, the text in ‘Chit name’ appears on the video cell.
The employee in the kitchen presses ‘Refresh Display’ on the bump bar. The video screen switches and the text from ‘Alternate chit name’ appears (‘No Queso,’ and ‘Add Tocino’). If they press ‘Refresh Display’ again, the screen returns to ‘Chit name’ (‘No Cheese,’ and ‘Add Bacon’).
Long name — Indicates the formal, more descriptive name of the item. The long name, which can be up to 25 characters, prints on the guest check and is used in conjunction with the item number to create a unique ID for each item in the system.
Long name alternate — Allows you to add a second line of text, in conjunction with Long name, to print on the guest check. You can use this for such things as displaying items in dual languages or for exceptionally long names. The additional line does not appear on the guest check window, reports, or a video screen in use, nor does it contain a price. Starting in v6.4, you can now print a second line of text for an item on the guest check. You may want to print a second line for any of the following reasons:
- In the International market, it is customary to print an item on the guest check in its native language and in English.
- Some menu items have exceptionally long names or include patented signature items that need to appear on the check, such as the ‘Aloha® Cafe Triple-Decker Hamburger Deluxe.’
- Reserve the second line for the number of calories included in a menu item.
Button image — Specifies the image to assign to the item button. For example, if you add ‘soft drink’ as an item, you can select the graphic file for a specific brand of soft drink to appear on an item button, on the FOH terminal. To select an image, click the down-arrow to display the Media Files dialog box. Select an image from the list of graphics preloaded into the system database. Related Options: An image must be uploaded using the Media Files function, before you can select it from the image list.
Control name — Indicates the global, corporate-level name for an item, when a menu item name is different in certain regions or restaurant locations. Situations arise where geographical or language differences mandate that an item have a different ‘Short name’ at different locations; although, the corporate office considers both items the same. For example, the corporate office of fast food chain XYZ might use ‘French Fries’ as their control name, but use the short name ‘Chips’ for their restaurants located in England, as the name ‘Chips’ is more common in that region. ‘Control name,’ which can be up to 20 characters, is available for the Standard item type only.
Kitchen chit item image — Designates the image to print to the left of the menu item on a kitchen chit, when using a production chit layout in Print Designer. You may want to do this to promote signature items or identify generic items, such as an image of a drink for your drink items. You could also use an image to indicate the serving temperature recommended for items, such as HOT for a coffee, or use an image containing the first letter of an item, such as the letter B for a burrito. We recommend using 22x22 as the dimensions for your image. Documented Version: AK v19.3. Required Options: You must import the image using the Aloha Kitchen application type in the Media Files function to make the image available in the drop-down list.
Ask for description — Indicates you want the FOH system to prompt for a description of the item when you order or sell the item. When you select this option, a keyboard appears on the FOH screen, allowing you to type a brief description of the item. Related Options: To create an ‘open item’ that prompts for a description and amount in the FOH, for adding items to the guest check that are no longer, or will never be, in the Items database 1) Select ‘Ask for description,’ here on this tab.’ 2) Select the Pricing tab and select Ask for Price from the ‘Pricing method’ drop-down list. 3) Select the Print tab and based on your preference, select or clear ‘Print on check when price is zero,’ under the ‘Check printing’ group bar and ‘Hide price when zero’ under the ‘Chit printing’ group bar.
Cost — Specifies the dollar amount required to produce the item. For example, this amount might be the standard cost of the menu item, based on the specific ingredient purchase costs. do not confuse this option with the sell price (Default price) of the item. Effective with CFC v17.5, ‘Cost’ is moved to the Item Cost function. You must access Maintenance > Labor > Security Roles > POS tab and select a minimum of Read and Edit for the Standard security level for the Item Cost function under the ‘Maintenance > Labor’ group bar.
Gift card action — Indicates how the system handles the gift card item when you sell it to customers. The system handles the gift card item based on the type of gift cards you purchase from the vendor. Required Options: You must select an item type of ‘Gift card’ to enable this option. Choose from the following options:
- Activate card — Activates the gift card when it is approved by the card vendor. This option applies to new and not yet activated cards.
- Add value — Use if you order pre-activated cards from your card vendor and allow guests to increase the value of the gift card. This option is available for the Gift card item type only. If you are using Aloha stored Value, this option is not available.
Gift certificate tracking — Indicates you want to keep numerical track of each gift certificate you sell. Basic gift certificate is a feature within the Aloha system to track paper gift certificates. When you select this option, a keyboard appears on the FOH screen each time you sell a gift certificate, allowing you to type the valid gift certificate number. Required Options: You must select an item type of ‘Aloha gift certificate’ to enable this option.
Sold as Family Style item (TS only) — Indicates the item is sold as part of a Family Style menu. All items for which you select this option appear as an item for selection on the Layout tab in the Family Style Groups function. Related Options: 1) Selecting this option enables the ‘Portion matrix’ option and disables the Pricing tab.
Portion matrix (TS only) — Designates which portion matrix to associate with this family style menu item. Related Requirements: Access Maintenance > Menu > Family Style > Portion Matrix to define one or more portion matrices.
Export Id — Associates the item with an equivalent item in a third-party system.
Group Bar: Assignments
Tax group — Indicates the specific group of taxes assigned to the item. A tax group contains one or more taxes. You first set up a tax group, and then assign a tax group to an item. Later, when you order the item on the FOH system, the system applies the applicable taxes to item, based on the corresponding tax group.
Reference: See also Tax Group
Concept — Specifies the type of establishment, or operation to associate with the item, if applicable. A concept is a type of branded operation, that typically sells a focused line of products. Examples include coffee houses, ice cream parlors, donut shops, sandwich shops, to name a few. If you create items in a single master database, for multiple concepts, you can assign the item to a specific concept. For example, assign the item ‘banana split’ to the concept ‘ice cream parlor,’ if you sell banana splits only at your ice cream parlors.
Sales/retail category — The Categories function enables you to combine similar menu items into groups that you can use for reporting and forecasting purposes. You can also use categories to effectively manage special item promotions and comps, or to support other features in the system, such as order modes, labor groups, and performance measures.
Although there are three different types of categories, there are two major category types: Sales and Retail.
Use sales category for consumable goods, such as food and beverage items. Quite often, restaurants want to track the sale of their menu items, to know if a certain item is popular with customers, or if they need to replace it with a different menu item. Restaurants can assign a menu item to a sales category, and use various reports to quickly determine the sales level of a specific item. Very generic sales categories might be called Food, Beverages, Liquor, Beer, and Wine. Whereas, more specific sales categories might be called Coffee/Tea, Burgers, Sides, Appetizers, Desserts, or Fountain Drinks.
Use retail category for non-consumable goods, such as shirts, mugs, and other retail items. If a coffee shop wants to know how many coffee mugs they sell, in addition to their beverages, they can assign coffee mugs to a retail category, and use various reports to quickly determine the number of coffee mugs sold at their establishment.
Caution: Every item you add to the item database must be assigned to at least one Sales or Retail category; otherwise, you may receive errors when you attempt to validate your database.
Group Bar: Auto menu (TS only)
Priority — Specifies the default order in which the item appears on an auto menu, if you do not specify a value in ‘Position priority’ for the item in the Auto Menus function. An auto menu is a temporary menu that you can implement on your FOH system, such as a ‘Late Night’ menu, that you only want available for a specific period of time. A valid range is from 1 to 255, with an item assigned a priority of one appearing above an item assigned a priority of 255.
Slave to item — Designates the item to which this item automatically links, when used for submenu linking. Related Requirements: You must access Maintenance > Business > Installed Products > Global tab and select ‘Enable slave to submenu and items’ under the ‘Menus’ group bar to enable this option.
Group Bar: Family Style (TS only)
Use the Family Style group bar to define factors that apply to family style ordering, such as the multiplier used to determine cost per guest, and food cost for reorders. The Family Style group bar appears when the item type is ‘Family style.’
Teen factor — Designates the multiplier to use for a teenager when calculating the guest count in a family style environment. For example, type 1.0 if a teenager is equal to an adult when calculating the guest count.
Child factor — Designates the multiplier to use for a child between the ages of five and 13 when calculating the guest count in a family style environment. For example, type .5 if a child between the ages of five and 13 is equal to half an adult when calculating the guest count.
Child under 5 factor — Designates the multiplier to use for a child under the age of five when calculating the guest count in a family style environment. For example, type .25 if a child under the age of five is equal to one fourth of an adult when calculating the guest count.
Order weight — Designates the multiplier to use when establishing the order price of the 'Family style' item based on the effective guest count. For example, if the 'Order weight' is 1, for a party of two adults (count = 2), one teenager (count = 1, three children (count = 1.5, and one child under five (count =.25), the total guest count equals 4.75. Guest count fractions round up to the nearest whole unit, so 4.75 rounds up to a guest count of five. Five * the order weight of 1.
Reorder weight — Designates the multiplier to use when establishing the reorder price of the 'Family style' item based on the effective guest count. For example, if the 'Reorder weight is .4, following the above example, the guest count calculation is 5 * the reorder weight of .4.
Maximum number of reorders — Specifies the maximum number of times, from 0-999, that you can reorder a family style item without manager approval.
Maximum minutes for reorder — Specifies the maximum number of minutes, from 0-999, allowed for reordering a family style item. The time starts when you first open the check. Reordering past this time requires manager approval. If you select zero, there is no maximum allowed time.
Apply premium item price — Designates you want to apply an additional amount to the price of the item when a guest orders it from a family style group for which you designate an additional item amount. Related Options: Access Maintenance > Menu > Family Style > Family Style Groups > Group tab and establish the additional amount to add to the price of the item in 'Additional item amount' under the 'Settings' group bar.
Group Bar: Advanced Pizza
Use the options under the 'Advanced Pizza' group bar to configure the Aloha POS system to support Advanced Pizza functionality only. These options are not intended for use with the classic Pizza Modifier screen. You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select 'Display advanced pizza' under the 'Options to display' group bar to expose these options.
Topping — Indicates this item represents a pizza topping. Required Options: 1) You must clear ‘Pizza’ and ‘Fraction,’ to enable the selection of this option. 2) Selecting this option enables the Pizza Topping Matrix tab. You need to configure this tab only if you are using pizza topping inventory depletion.
Pizza — Indicates this item represents a pizza menu item. Related Options: 1) This option enables the ‘Fraction pricing override,’ ‘Initial topping,’ ‘Size,’ and ‘Sum of fractions must equal a whole’ options. 2) You must clear ‘Topping’ and ‘Fraction,’ under the ‘Pizza’ group bar, to allow you to select this option. 3) Selecting this option enables the Included Topping Matrix tab. You need to configure this tab only if you are using pizza topping inventory depletion.
Fraction — Indicates this item represents a fraction of a pizza. Required Options: 1) You must select the fraction represented by this item from the ‘Fraction Type’ drop-down list to complete this configuration. 2) You must clear ‘Topping’ and ‘Pizza’ to enable the selection of this option.
Fraction type — Specifies the fraction represented by this item. Select from ‘Quarter,’ ‘Half,’ and ‘Third.’ Required Options: You must select ‘Fraction’ to enable this option. Related Requirements: You must access Maintenance > Screen Designer and add a button for each pizza fraction you support, using the Fraction button function.
Fraction pricing override (QS only) — Designates the method for pricing toppings on pizza portions instead of the global method defined in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Order Entry group for 'Portion pricing' under the ‘Pizza' group bar. Required Options: You must select 'Pizza' to enable this option.
Initial Topping — Specifies the number of toppings that come on the pizza, by default. For example, if a Veggie Lovers pizza has four toppings, type '4.' The system only uses this number for pizza topping inventory depletion. Leave this blank if you are not using pizza topping inventory depletion. Required Options: 1) You must select 'Pizza' to enable this option and for the Included Topping Matrix tab to appear. 2) You must configure the Included Topping Matrix tab for this option to have any value. Related Requirements: You must configure topping levels in Maintenance > Menu > Advanced Pizza Depletion > Topping Levels.
Size — Specifies the size of the pizza for the system to use for pizza topping inventory depletion. The size you select here does not denote the size of the pizza for order entry. The system only uses this size for pizza topping inventory depletion. Leave this blank if you are not using pizza topping inventory depletion. Required Options: 1) You must select 'Pizza' to enable this option. Related Requirements: You must first define your pizza sizes in Maintenance > Menu > Advanced Pizza Depletion > Pizza Sizes.
Sum of fractions must equal a whole — Enforces the logic that when you enter an order for a fractional pizza, you cannot complete the item until the sum of all fractions equals a whole. For example, when you enter a ‘Halves’ pizza and only fulfill one half of the pizza, you cannot enter the next item until you order both halves of the pizza. Select this option for fractional pizza menu items only, such as ‘Halves,’ ‘Thirds,’ ‘Quarters,’ and more. Required Options: You must select ‘Pizza’ to enable this option.
Goup Bar: Catalog
Available for online — Indicates the selected item can be exported to the BSP catalog service. Required Options: You must select ‘Export to Platform - Catalog‘ in Maintenance > Business > Store to expose this option.
Online name — Specifies the online name for this item. Defaults to the item long name if no name specified. Required Options: You must select ‘Export to Platform - Catalog’ in Maintenance > Business > Store to expose this option.
Online Description — Specifies the online description for this item. Required Options: You must select ‘Export to Platform - Catalog’ in Maintenance > Business > Store to expose this option.
Link to online image — Specifies the URL associated to the image of this item for use in online systems. Required Options: You must select ‘Export to Platform - Catalog’ in Maintenance > Business > Store to expose this option.
Groups tab (TS only)
Use the Groups tab to specify the family style groups attached to the item. The Groups tab appears when the item type is ‘Family style.’
Group Bar: Family Style Groups
Group 1 through Group 10 — Specifies the family style group to attach to the item. You can attach up to 10 family style groups to an item. Related Requirements: Define your family style groups in Maintenance > Menu > Family Style > Family Style Groups.
Modifier tab
Use the Modifier tab to attach up to ten modifier groups to an item, as well as define the behavior of an item if you use the item as a modifier. The Modifier tab appears when the item type is ‘Standard.’
Group Bar: If used as modifier
Use the following options to define additional criteria when using the item as a modifier.
Apply surcharge — Applies a surcharge to the item when you order the item as a modifier for another item. This option is related to the ‘Surcharge tax’ option. Related Requirements: 1) You must define surcharges in Maintenance > Taxes > Surcharge 2) You must associate a surcharge with a tax group in Maintenance > Taxes > Tax Group 3) You must then assign the tax group to an item on the Item tab under the 'Assignments' group bar.
Apply price multiple (TS only) — Enables you to specify if the price of the item behaves differently when used as a modifier. This option is available for the Standard item type only, and is useful for environments such as a bar, when a customer orders a double shot of an alcoholic drink. For example, you can set up an item called ‘Double’ and assign a percent of base item price of 1.00, which is 100%. Include the item ‘Double’ in a modifier group and assign that modifier group to an alcoholic drink item, such as Tequila. Later, when a customer orders a double shot of Tequila, you can modify it with the ‘Double’ modifier, and the price of the Tequila doubles on the guest check. Related Options: Selecting this option enables ‘Modifier price method’ and ‘Percent of base item price.’
Note: The option, as used in this example, does not remove item usages from on-hand quantities, in inventory program systems.
Modifier price method (TS only) — Enables you to increase the base price of the item being modified by the values specified for ‘Percent of base item price’ or ‘Multiplier of base item price’ options. The base price is the price in effect at the time you order the item, which is determined by the pricing hierarchy of the system. Required Options: You must select ‘Apply price multiple’ to enable this option.
Percent of base item price (TS only) — Enables you to increase the base price of an item you are modifying by a specified percentage. The base price is the price in effect at the time you order the item, which is determined by the pricing hierarchy of the system. Required Options: You must select Percent as the ‘Modifier price method’ to enable this option.
Multiplier of base item price (TS only) — Enables you to increase the base price of an item you are modifying by a specified dollar amount. The base price is the price in effect at the time you order an item, which is determined by the pricing hierarchy of the system. Required Options: You must select Multiplier as the ‘Modifier price method’ to enable this option.
Combine price with parent item — Combines the price of the modifier item with the price of the item being modified. If you do not select this option, the price of the modifier and the price of the parent item appear separately on the order screen and the guest check.
Highlight if modifier — Prints the item in reverse type on the chit — white on black on monochrome printers, and in red on color printers, when you order the item as a modifier for another item.
Print independently — Prints the modifier on the chit in the same format as a regular item. Normally, a modifier item prints to the same printer as the item it is modifying; however, if you select this option, the modifier item prints to the specific printer group to which it is assigned in Maintenance > Menu > Item Routing.
Display context panel (QS only) — Indicates a context panel automatically appears when you select the modifier from the guest check window. Required Options: 1) You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display Context Panels’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose options related to context panels. 2) You must access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > User Interface group and select ‘Uses context panels’ under the ‘POS Order Entry Check’ group bar to activate the context panel functionality. 3) You must select a context panel from the ‘Context Sensitive Panel’ option on the Display Options tab to configure a context panel. Related Requirements: You must access Screen Designer and select ‘Context Panel’ on the Properties dialog box to configure a panel as a context panel.
Reference: Refer to the Context Panels Feature Focus Guide for more information on context panels.
Default weight (TS only) — Determines how the POS system counts an item when you order the item as a modifier for another item. For example, Mike’s restaurant offers entrées with a choice of two sides and each side item has a default weight of ‘1.’ When a customer substitutes a salad in place of two side items the salad uses a default weight of ‘2,’ so that the POS system counts the salad as the equivalent of two sides.
Group Bar: Modified by
Modifier 1 through Modifier 10 — Specifies the modifier group to attach to the item. The modifier group provides additional choices for an item. Example groups include ingredients, side items, temperature, and quantity, to name a few. You can attach up to 10 modifier groups to an item. Related Requirements: You must define a modifier group in Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Groups, before you can assign a group to an item.
Pricing tab
Use the Pricing tab to define the price for the item. Select from the available methods to price an item: Item Price, Price Level, Quantity Price, and Ask for Price; however, the pricing method you select depends on the type of item itself. For example, you must use the ‘Item Price’ method to price a basic gift certificate item.
Group Bar: Pricing options
Eligible for fixed pricing (TS only) — Indicates eligibility for fixed item pricing, which allows you to attach a specific, fixed price to an item. The ‘AutoMenu’ and ‘Slave to Submenu’ features require fixed item pricing to attach a price to an item.
Pricing method — Indicates the specific method to use to determine the price of the item. The default price method is Item Price. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and clear ‘Restrict price edit’ under the ‘Restrictions settings’ group bar to expose all available pricing methods.
Allow sites to change price — Enables each store to change the price of the item using the Price Changes function. If you clear this option, store-level operators can view the price, but they cannot change the price. This check box is available at the ‘corporate level’ only.
Reference: Refer to Pricing methods described
Minimum price — Indicates the lowest price you can assign to the item. The system compares any price changes made to the item, to the minimum and maximum price settings. This option is available for the Standard item type only.
Maximum price — Indicates the highest price you can assign to the item. The system compares any price changes made to the item, to the minimum and maximum price settings. This option is available for the Standard item type only.
Default price — Indicates the default price assigned to the item, unless you specify an alternative pricing method. ‘Default price’ is available only when the selected price method is ‘Item Price.’ Every item must have a default price. $0.00 is a valid default price.
Price level — Designates the price level to use for the item. Price levels enable you to assign a common price to items in a group. For example, if you sell all your medium soft drinks at the same price, you can assign the ‘Medium Soft Drink’ price level to each medium soft drink item you add to the system. When you must change the price for your medium soft drinks, you can change the price of the ‘Medium Soft Drink’ price level, and every item to which you assigned the ‘Medium Soft Drink’ price level, changes accordingly. Required Options: ‘Price level’ is available only when you select ‘Price Level’ as the pricing method.
Group Bar: Quantity price options
Unit name — Indicates the descriptive name for the specified unit of measure. For example, if the unit name is ‘lb.,’ the price per unit is the price of the item per pound (lb.).
Precision — Designates up to five decimal points to use when you enter a weight measurement for an item on the FOH system. For example, if the precision is 2, you can specify a weight of up to 1/100th of a pound (e.g., 2.50 lb.). If the precision is 3, you can specify a weight of up to 1/1000th of a pound (e.g., 2.495 lb.). Valid entries range from 0 to 5.
Tare — Indicates the weight of the container in which the item is weighed to determine the sell price. The system automatically deducts the tare weight of the container from the weight entered in the FOH system. However, the system does not subtract the tare weight if you use the Scales function to enter the item weight.
Affects inventory — Indicates you want to deduct the item from inventory, when sold.
Apply item quantity to modifiers (QS only) — Applies the item quantity to any associated modifiers, when an item uses quantity pricing. This is useful in certain environments, such as catering, when you want to order large numbers of items on a single check, and have the system quantify an associated modifier accordingly. For example, if you place an order for 50 hamburgers and include cheese as a modifier, the system orders 50 slices of cheese, as well, as part of the single order entry transaction. If you attach a price to the modifier, the system applies the appropriate price for the designated quantity. This option ensures that the modifier quantity reflects correctly in the PMix report. Required Options: You must select ‘Affects inventory’ to enable this option. Related Options: If you select ‘Combine price with parent item,’ on the Modifier tab, the price of the modifier appears as part of the item price on the guest check.
Price per unit — Indicates the price of the item per unit sold. For example, if the unit of measure for lobster is (pound) lb., the price per unit might be $7.99 per lb. The price depends on the unit of measure specified in ‘Unit name.’
Group Bar: Pricing options (TS only)
These options appear only when you select ‘Family style’ as the item type.
Tip: Each price method option has three tiers: ‘None,’ ‘Item Price,’ and ‘Ask for price.’ At least one price tier must be different than ‘None.’ Selecting ‘Item price’ for any guest count level displays the individual price option per level, allowing you to designate an amount for the family style item based on the age of the guest. Selecting ‘Ask for price’ allows you to type the price on the FOH terminal.
Adult price method — Determines the price of the family style item based on the following calculation: adult price * number of adult guest count. Selecting ‘Item price’ as the pricing method enables ‘Adult price.’
Adult price — Allows you to type a specific price for adult guests for this item. Required Options: You must select ‘Adult price method’ to enable this option.
Teen price method — Determines the price of the family style item based on the following calculation: teen price * number of teen guest count. Selecting ‘Item price’ as the pricing method enables ‘Teen price.’
Teen price — Allows you to type a specific price for teenage guests for this item. Required Options: You must select ‘Teen price method’ to enable this option.
Child price method — Determines the price of the family style item based on the following calculation: child price * number of child guest count.Selecting ‘Item price’ as the pricing method enables ‘Child price.’
Child price — Allows you to type a specific price, for guests older than five and younger than teenage, for this item. Required Options: You must select ‘Child price method’ to enable this option.
Child under 5 price method — Determines the price of the family style item based on the following calculation: child under five price * number of child under five guest count. Selecting ‘Item price’ as the pricing method enables ‘Child under 5 price.’
Child under 5 price — Allows you to type a specific price, for guests younger than five, for this item. Required Options: You must select ‘Child under 5 price method’ to enable this option.
General Settings tab
The General Settings tab enables you to set videos for an item, guest counts, token distribution properties, and more. You can also use this tab to store recipe information for an item. For example, you can store recipes for an item, upload pictures of how an item should look when served, and even store videos that show exactly how to prepare an item.
Group Bar: General
Revenue item — Indicates a revenue item that you do not want include in net and gross sales. For example, select this check box for such things as party deposits, amusement or slot machines, admissions, club dues, and more. This option is available for the Standard item type only.
Refill (QS only) — Configures the item to allow refills of the menu item. ‘Refill’ is available in Quick Service only and for the Standard item type only.
No gratuity (TS only) — Exempts the item from gratuity calculations.
Guest count weight — Establishes the weight value of the item when counting guests by category. For example, you can set the guest count weight of an item named ‘Fajitas for Two’ so that it increases the guest count by two when ordered. Valid entries range from 1 to 999, and the default guest count weight is 1.
Label — Designates the specific label to print when you order the item. Use this option if the item requires a printed label. Related Requirements: You must first define a label of the Item type in Maintenance > Hardware > Labels.
Product mix report multiplier — Specifies the quantity sold for the item, with one being the default. For example, specify a multiplier of six for the item Bud Lite 6 Pack because you are selling six bottles of Bud Lite in a pack. When you review the Weekly Product Mix report, the report shows that six bottles of Bud Lite were sold. This option has no impact on the Daily Product Mix report. Valid entries range from 1 to 999.
Group Bar: Video
Note: Video options are available for only the Standard item type.
Do not show when item — Prevents an item from appearing on the video screens, when you order the item as a regular item and not as a modifier. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Do not show on summary cell when item — Prevents an item from displaying on the video summary cell, when you order the item as an item and not as a modifier. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Do not show when modifier — Prevents an item from appearing on the video screens, when you order the item as a modifier for another item. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Show modifier independently — Displays the modifier on the video screen in the same format as a menu item, even though the item is ordered as a modifier. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Do not show on summary cell when modifier — Prevents an item from appearing on the video summary cell, when you order the item as a modifier for another item. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on. For example, you can hide cooking temperature modifiers, such as ‘Well Done’ from the summary cell.
Show on tracking summary (QS only) — Enables the item to appear on the kitchen video summary cell. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Prep time in seconds — Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that an item takes to prepare before cooking can begin. The time is an indicator for the food prep to have items ready at a specific time. Use this option when one item takes longer to prepare than another. Use this option with a kitchen display system add-on.
Typically, you specify a time for the item that takes the longest to prepare. This time appears on the video monitors to which any other items on the order are sent. When you bump an item with a specified prep time, the system initiates a countdown on the other video monitors. You cannot bump an order until the countdown for the item with the longest prep time begins. If more than one item on the order has a prep time specified, the system uses the longest prep time.
Assembly time in seconds — Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, it takes to assemble the item after cooking. For example, after the burger patty is cooked, it takes a few seconds to assemble the non-cooked items and condiments.
Item Highlight — Designates a highlight color to appear on the kitchen screen, for the selected item.
Group Bar: Token distribution (QS only)
Note: Token distribution options are exposed and available only when you select Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > ‘Display token distribution.’
Override default token calculation — Indicates you want to override the token distribution amount for the item. If you use token distribution in your operation, all items are subject to the calculation of how many tokens to distribute to the guest based on the subtotal of the check. However, you can control the number of tokens to distribute for certain items, if you wish. For example, if you dispense four tokens for every dollar amount across the board, and you want to dispense ten tokens if the guest orders your largest pizza, you can override the distribution number at the item level.
Tokens per item — Indicates the number of tokens to dispense when you order the item, when you want to override the normal token distribution amount. Type a maximum of four digits. Required Options: You must select ‘Override default token calculation’ to enable this option.
Group Bar: Recipe information
Note: Recipe information is available for the Standard item type only.
Auto display recipe — Automatically displays the recipe for the item you select in the FOH. Three red asterisks in the top left corner of the item button indicate items with recipes.
Print recipe frequency — Indicates the number of times you must order the item before a copy of the recipe prints. The recipe prints on a kitchen chit or appears on a remote display system monitor, per the print group or video group to which it is assigned. If you do not want the recipe to print, type ‘0’ in this text box. Valid entries range from 0 to 99.
Recipe text — Enables you to type recipe or ingredient information for the item. For example, if you list the ingredients for item ‘chocolate brownies,’ a server can view the recipe information on the FOH system to determine if the brownies contain nuts, a common food allergen. Click the ellipsis (...) to activate the MemoExEdit dialog box, in which you type the recipe information. The system stores recipes in a .txt format, in the Recipe folder. Type a maximum of 2000 characters.
Recipe bitmap — Assigns an image to a recipe, in addition to text. Store bitmap files in the Recipe folder. The file naming convention is ITM(item number).bmp, where ‘item number’ is the number of the item in the Item file, with no leading zeros. To assign a new or different image, click the ellipsis (...) next to ‘Recipe bitmap’ to display the Media Files dialog box. Select an image from the list of graphics preloaded into the system database. Related Requirements: You must access Maintenance > System Settings > Media files and upload an image before you can select it from the image list.
Recipe movie — Assigns an audiovisual (.avi) file to a recipe in addition to the text. Store the audiovisual files in the Recipe folder. The file naming convention is ITM(item number).avi, where ‘item number’ is the number of the item in the Item file. To assign a new or different audiovisual file, click the ellipsis (...) next to ‘Recipe Movie’ to display the Media Files dialog box. Select a movie from the list of .avi files preloaded into the system database. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > User Interface group and select ‘Enable multimedia’ under the ‘Display’ group bar to allow a movie to play on the FOH terminal. Related Requirements: You must access Maintenance > System Settings > Media files and upload a movie before you can select it from the movie list.
Print tab
The Print tab enables you to define printing options for an item, such as how, and if, the item needs to print on a guest check or a chit.
Note: Multiple, related options also control how an item prints. See the Chit Printing and Check Printing groups located in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab for more information.
Group Bar: Check printing
Print on check when price is zero — Prints the item on the guest check when you use the item as a modifier; otherwise, the item prints only on the kitchen chit.
Group Bar: Chit printing
Print when held (TS only) — Automatically prints a modifier item on the kitchen chit when you order an item, even when the main menu item is on hold. For example, if a customer orders a steak platter, with salad as a side dish, the server can put the steak platter menu item on hold; however, the salad, which is a modifier item to the steak platter, prints immediately on the kitchen chit.
Never print on chit (TS only) — Prevents the item from printing on kitchen chits, even if you select ‘Print all items on all kitchen chits’ located in Maintenance > Store > Store Settings > ‘Chit Printing’ group under the ‘Content’ group bar.
Highlight if item — Prints the item in alternate type on the chit (white on black on monochrome printers, and in red on color printers) when you use the item as a modifier for another item.
Consolidate first modifier group — Prints and consolidates modifiers based on the first modifier group of the item. Use this option in conjunction with ‘Consolidate items with different modifiers’ located in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > ‘Chit Printing’ group under the ‘Appearance’ group bar. This is for food items, such as steaks, which commonly have prep temperature as the first modifier group. The kitchen can then know how many steaks to prepare based on preparation time. This option is available for the Standard item type only.
Print in bold — Prints the item in bold on the chit.
Justification — Selects the printing justification on the guest check for the item. Available options are left, centered, and right, with left being the default.
Independent mod parent print behavior — Specifies whether the info for the parent item prints along with its independent modifiers.
- Mod only — Indicates only the modifier prints.
- Mod and parent — Indicates the modifier and its parent item print.
- Mod and parent and its mods — Indicates the modifier prints, along with its parent and any other modifiers attached to the parent item.
Hide price when zero — Prevents zero-priced open items from printing on the kitchen chit. Required Options: You must configure the open item in Maintenance > Menu > Items as ‘Ask for description,’ ‘Ask for Price,’ ‘0.00’ as the minimum price, and clear ‘Print on check when price is zero’ to use this feature effectively. Documented Version: v19.3.
Display Options tab (QS only)
When you configure the system to use system-generated panels for quick combo item selection and item substitution, the system uses a default gray background and black text color for all buttons on these panels.
Using a template panel, you can now change these attributes. You can customize the display properties of individual buttons by assigning a bitmap to the button, changing the text color, and selecting a different background color.
Group Bar: Context panel
Context Sensitive Panel — Specifies the context panel to automatically appear when you add this item to the guest check and when you select the item from the guest check window. Required Options: 1) You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display Context Panels’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose options related to context panels. 2) You must access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > User Interface group and select ‘Uses context panels’ under the ‘POS Order Entry Check’ group bar to activate the context panel functionality. Related Requirements: You must access Screen Designer and select ‘Context panel’ equals True in the Properties dialog box to configure a panel as a context panel. Related Options: To associate a context panel to a modifier, you must also access Maintenance > Menu > Items > Modifier tab and select ‘Display context panel’ under the ‘If used as modifier’ group bar for the appropriate modifier item.
Reference: Refer to the Context Panels Feature Focus Guide - HKS346 for more information on context panels.
Group Bar: Quick combo generated panel display settings
Set text color — Specifies the color to use for the text on the button when the item appears on a quick combo system-generated panel.
Text color — Enables you to select a color for the button text. Select the color from the drop-down color palette.
Set background color — Specifies the color to use for the background of the button when the item appears on a quick combo system-generated panel.
Background color — Enables you to select a color for the button backdrop. Select the color from the drop-down color palette.
Display bitmap — Enables the ability to use a bitmap on the button when the item appears on a quick combo system-generated panel.
Bitmap — Enables you to specify a unique, previously uploaded, bitmap image to apply to the button background.
Hide text — Omits the item short name from appearing on the button, displaying only the bitmap.
Quick Count tab
The Quick Count tab enables you to manage ingredient inventory for an item. You can determine which items you want to track, and for each tracked item, specify exactly what you want to track. For example, you can track how many hamburger buns are used and wasted. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display quick count’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose this option. Related Requirements: If you plan to use the Tracking Items feature on this tab, you must define the items you want to track in Maintenance > Quick Count > Tracking Item.
Tip: The ‘Quick Count’ tab is available in Quick Service (QS) and Table Service (TS) modes, and for the Standard item type only. Also, see the “Quick Count Feature Focus Guide” for instructions on how to configure and use Quick Count.
Group Bar: Quick count settings
FOH quick count report — Enables the tracking item to appear on the FOH Quick Count report. Press the Report Quick Count button on the FOH system, to access this report.
Auto depletion and replenishment — Adjusts the sale and void counts automatically for a tracking item, based on sales, voids, and refunds of the associated menu items (composite tracking items). Do not use this function in conjunction with ‘Add,’ ‘Waste,’ and ‘Usage’ under the ‘Display item on these count screens’ group bar.
Group Bar: Display item on these count screens
The following options control whether the item appears on the corresponding count screen, as well as how to track the item. Select all that apply for each item. Because QS enables you to customize button names, the buttons for each of the following options may be named differently on the FOH system.
Open — Includes the tracking item on the Open Counts report.
Usage — Includes the tracking item on the Usage Counts report.
Close — Includes the tracking item on the Close Counts report.
Add — Includes the tracking item on the Add Counts report.
Waste — Includes the tracking item on the Waste Counts report.
Display on projection item reports — Includes the item on the Prep Projections reports. These reports compile tracking item data from prior days and weeks, to provide forecast information. This option works with the Prep Projections Interface and database.
Group Bar: Select tracking items
Tracking item — Displays the list of items to track, each time you sell the selected menu item. For example, a menu item called ‘Big Burger’ might have the following ingredients defined as tracking items: Beef, Bun, Tomato, and Lettuce. You use a unit of measure, such as unit, lb., oz., or cup, to count these ingredients; therefore, one ‘Big Burger’ uses 1 Beef Patty, 1 Bun, 1 Tomato Slice, and 1 oz. Lettuce. Related Requirements: You must define a tracking item in Maintenance > Quick Count > Tracking Item, before the item can appear for selection.
Usage — Indicates the quantity that applies to the selected composite tracking item. If the unit of measure is one beef patty, type the usage as 1.0000. If the unit of measure is pounds and the quantity used for the composite tracking item is less than one pound, such as a quarter pound (1/4 lb) hamburger, type the usage as .25000.
Gift Certificate tab
Use the Gift Certificate tab to define valid ranges for gift certificate numbers. You must select ‘Aloha gift certificate’ as the item type to enable this tab.
Group Bar: Valid Range
From — Indicates the beginning number for the range of valid gift certificate numbers. Type a maximum of 20 characters.
To — Indicates the ending number for the range of valid gift certificate numbers. Type a maximum of 20 characters.
Dynamic Modifiers tab
Use the Dynamic Modifiers tab to define and add modifiers to an item. You can also use this tab to designate the modifier items within each modifier group that are included (come standard) with an item. (QS only) Use the ‘Move up’ and ‘Move down’ buttons to control the order in which the modifier items appear on the area of a context panel reserved for Dynamic Modifiers. It only rearranges modifier buttons added using the Dynamic Included Modifier button function.
Modifier Group — Indicates the group to which the modifier item belongs.
Modifier Item — Identifies the modifier item.
Included — Indicates the modifier comes standard with the item. For example, when the food item is a hamburger, lettuce can be an included modifier.
Auto Add — Automatically adds the modifier selected in ‘Modifier Item’ to a check when you add the menu item you are editing to the guest check. When using modifiers with pizza, any modifier you configure with ‘Auto Add’ is added to the whole pizza, instead of just to a portion. If you have multiple items configured in the Included Modifiers grid, you should place modifiers configured with ‘Auto Add’ at the top of the list. Documented Version: v15.1.
Substitution charge (QS only) — Allows you to define rules regarding price differences when substituting an included modifier with another modifier. Documentation Version: While visible in TS and QS, this option was introduced in v6.7 and is QS only.
None — Specifies this included modifier cannot be substituted for another modifier from the same modifier group. This is the default selection and counts against the minimum/maximum/free settings for the applicable modifier group only when you add the included modifier to the check. Required Options: You must select ‘Included’ to enable this option.
No charge — Specifies this included modifier can be substituted for another modifier from the same modifier group at no charge. The included modifier and replacement modifier do not count against the minimum/maximum/free settings for the applicable modifier group. Required Options: You must select ‘Included’ to enable this option. Related Options: You can override this rule and not make the substitution at all when you access Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Groups > Layout tab and select ‘Not eligible for substitution’ under the ‘Modifier item’ group bar for the modifier you are substituting.
Charge difference — Specifies this included modifier can be substituted for another modifier from the same modifier group and charged the difference between the two modifiers. If the price of the included modifier is greater than the replacement modifier, the system prices the substitution at $0.00, instead of pricing a negative amount. The included modifier and replacement modifier do not count against the minimum/maximum/free settings for the applicable modifier group. Required Options: You must select ‘Included’ to enable this option. Related Options: You can override this rule and not make the substitution at all when you access Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Groups > Layout tab and select ‘Not eligible for substitution’ under the ‘Modifier item’ group bar for the modifier you are substituting.
Print in kitchen (QS only) — Enables the dynamic modifier to print in the kitchen. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > User Interface group and under the ‘POS Order Entry Check’ group bar, select ‘Use included modifiers’ to activate the printing of included modifiers in the kitchen and clear ‘Print in kitchen.’ The ‘Print in kitchen’ option appears when you select ‘Use included modifiers.’ Related Options: For optimal use, access Maintenance > Menu > Items > Item tab and select a priority for the individual modifier under the ‘Auto menu’ group bar. Documentation Version: While visible in TS and QS, this option was introduced in v6.7 and is QS only.
Takeout checklist — Indicates the item is a sundry item given to a guest who orders this item. This item needs to appear on the bag manifest. For example, when the food item is soup, a plastic spoon should be given to the guest.
Reference: Refer to the Bag Manifests Feature Focus Guide - HKS338 for further information.
Pizza Topping Matrix tab
You must access Maintenance > Menu > Items > Item tab and select ‘Topping’ under the ‘Advanced Pizza’ group bar to enable the Pizza Topping Matrix tab.
Reference: Refer to the Advanced Pizza in Quick Service Feature Focus Guide - HKS1673 or the Advanced Pizza in Table Service Feature Focus Guide - HKS321 for more information.
Group Bar: Settings
Unit of measure description — Indicates the unit of measure in which you weigh or dispense the topping, such as each, ounce, slice, and more.
Group Bar: Topping Matrix
Pizza Size — Relates the size of pizza to the selected topping level.
Topping level — Specifies the topping level to calculate in relation to the pizza size for the pizza topping depletion matrix. Related Requirements: You must first access Maintenance > Menu > Advanced Pizza Depletion > Topping Levels and create the pizza topping levels to appear in this list.
Whole qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping you use for the whole pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. Once you enter a value, the system automatically populates the ‘1/2 qty,’ ‘1/3 qty,’ and ‘1/4 qty’ columns for you.
1/2 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on half of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 2. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight fraction, you can change the value, as needed.
1/3 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on a third of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 3. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight fraction, you can change the value, as needed.
1/4 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on a quarter of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 4. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight fraction, you can change the value, as needed.
Extra % — Specifies the percentage, from -100 to 999, to adjust to the quantities when you apply an eligible modifier code to the topping. Type in percentage values such as, 50% to indicate half of the regular depletion, 100% to indicate no change in depletion, 200% to double the regular depletion, and more. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Codes and select ‘Used in pizza matrix’ under the ‘Settings’ group bar to enable a modifier code to be included in the pizza topping depletion matrix and to have a column appear.
Light % — Specifies the percentage, from -100 to 999, to adjust to the quantities when you apply an eligible modifier code to the topping. Type in percentage values such as, 50% to indicate half of the regular depletion, 100% to indicate no change in depletion, 200% to double the regular depletion, and more. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Codes and select ‘Used in pizza matrix’ under the ‘Settings’ group bar to enable a modifier code to be included in the pizza topping depletion matrix and to have a column appear.
Included Topping Matrix tab
You must access Maintenance > Menu > Items > Item tab and select ‘Pizza’ under the ‘Advanced Pizza’ group bar to enable the Included Topping Matrix tab.
On a pizza, when you apply a modifier code to a topping, the quantity can either increase or decrease depending on your operations. You use the modifier codes in the pizza topping depletion matrix to reflect an adjustment in depletion.
Group Bar: Included Topping Matrix
Topping Name — Identifies the included topping item.
Unit of measure description — Indicates the unit of measure in which you weigh or dispense the topping, such as each, ounce, slice, and more.
Topping level — Specifies the topping level to calculate in relation with the pizza size for the pizza topping depletion matrix. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Menu > Topping Level and create your pizza topping levels to appear in this list.
Whole qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping you use for the whole pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. Once you enter a value, the system automatically populates the ‘1/2 qty,’ ‘1/3 qty,’ and ‘1/4 qty’ columns for you.
1/2 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on half of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 2. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight divisor, you can change the value, as needed.
1/3 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on a third of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 3. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight divisor, you can change the value, as needed.
1/4 qty — Specifies the quantity or amount of the topping when you order the topping on a quarter of a pizza, in relation to the size and topping level in place. This option automatically populates based on the following calculation: ‘Whole qty’ / 4. If your operation uses a calculation other than a straight divisor, you can change the value, as needed.
SKU Numbers tab
Use the SKU Numbers tab to associate SKU numbers to an item for scanning with a scanner, instead of selecting the item on the screen. SKU numbers can be alphanumeric. You can associate multiple SKU numbers to a single item.
Group Bar: SKU numbers
Note: ‘SKU’ options are available for only the Standard item type. If you print multiple bar codes on the chit for the item, only the first five SKU numbers print.
Number — Associates the string of alphanumeric characters for the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) to an item to use with a scanner. This is typically shown on a bar code. Additional entries allow you to assign more than one SKU number to an item. The SKU number must be unique across all records. Type a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters.
Production Line Assembly tab
Use the Production Line Assembly tab to optionally configure a modifier that is included with the menu item and is only used with production line assembly screen types in Aloha Kitchen > Maintenance > Hardware > Kitchen Screen. You can use an implied modifier to indicate the type of the item, but it is not considered a base ingredient pulled from the make-line. For example, a taco might use a crispy corn tortilla, by default, but the tortilla is not housed in a hotel pan on the make-line. The implied modifier appears below the base item name on the production line assembly screen.
Group Bar: Implied Modifiers
Select the modifier from the ‘Available’ list and click >> to move the modifier to the ‘Included’ list.