Modifier Codes
Select Maintenance > Menu > Modifier Codes to access this function.
Modifier codes allow you to send additional information about a modifier to the kitchen staff, such as the preparation method, omissions, substitutions, and additions. When needed, you first select a modifier code on the Front-of-House (FOH) screen and then select the affected modifier. The modifier code indicator precedes the modifier on the screen and appears on the guest check, chit, and video screen. For example, NO Onions or XT Mustard.
The Modifier Codes function includes a standard set of modifier codes that are considered protected, meaning you cannot delete them (Delete button is disabled), nor can you change their functionality. They are active, by default; however, you can change the active status and color of these modifier codes. To prevent a modifier code from appearing, clear ‘Active.’
Code ID | Default Modifier Code | Indicator |
1 | With | |
2 | No | NO |
3 | Extra | XT |
4 | Side | SD |
5 | Message | MSG |
6 | Sub | SUB |
7 | For | FOR |
14 | Light | LT |
15 | Heavy | HV |
16 | Only | ONLY |
17 | Half | 1/2 |
18 | Quarter | 1/4 |
19 | Add | ADD |
202 | Included | INCL |
Modifier Codes quick tips
There are several rules or tips to follow when you use modifier codes:
- A modifier code must be set to active before you can use it on a FOH terminal.
- You cannot delete record numbers 1 through 19, and 202, as these are protected modifier codes; however, you can make a copy of a modifier code and customize it for your needs. You are able to delete a copy of a protected modifier code.
- You cannot change the text that appears in ‘Indicator’ for the protected modifier codes.
- (QS only) In Quick Service, you have the option of using the standard Classic or system-generated modifier panels or you can use Panel Editor to create and add modifier code buttons to a Quick Service panel of your own creation.
- You can define up to 99 modifier codes, including the standard set of modifier codes. For COM features using the interface, such as handheld devices, the system continues to synchronize the default codes, as appropriate, to retain existing functionality. For any new modifier codes, you must configure the COM interface to link to the new modifier codes.
- When you configure modifier codes with the standard Classic modifier screen setup, the FOH Modifier screen shows four modifier codes, and left and right scroll arrows, where appropriate.
- Modifier codes 14 through 19, while visible in both Table Service and Quick Service, are reserved for Quick Service. If you select ‘Active’ for one of these modifier codes in Table Service, it appears on the hard-coded modifier screen, but does not function and the indicator does not appear.
- (TS only) For Table Service operations that use substitution modifier groups, the Substitute button always appears in the fourth position on the first page of modifier codes.
- (QS only) When you configure modifier codes for use with the system-generated modifier screen, the modifier screen displays all active modifier codes. If you add a modifier code to a panel, but the code is inactive, an error message appears when you select the modifier code.
- (QS only) When you use a user-defined modifier panel, the FOH operates as normal. You assign as many modifier codes as you want to a button. If you add an inactive modifier code to a panel, an error message appears when you select the modifier code.
- The FOH and Back-of-House (BOH) PMix reports show the usage of the item per the quantity defined for the code. For example, if you configure the ‘Heavy’ modifier code with a quantity of ‘3,’ all modifiers applied with the ‘Heavy’ modifier code assume three times the portion sold.
Modifier Codes tab
Use the Modifier Codes tab to provide basic information, and to designate how the modifier code functions on the FOH.
Group Bar: Settings
Description — Provides a description of the modifier code. Type a maximum of 20 characters.
Display name — Specifies the text, up to 20 characters, to appear on the FOH button. Type ‘\n’ between words to display text on separate lines.
Active — Activates the selected modifier code.
Indicator — Specifies the text, up to four characters, to use as a prefix on the kitchen chit and guest check.
Quantity — Specifies the item count, from -999.99 to 999.99, to remove from inventory when you apply the modifier code.
Display graphical modifier image — Associates an image with the modifier code. The image appears on the FOH screen on the next modifier you select after selecting the modifier code. For example, if you associate a double plus sign (++) with the Extra modifier code, when you touch Extra and then touch the Pickles order modifier button, ++ appears on the Pickles order modifier button.
Note: The Aloha POS system supports images on modifier code buttons only when placed on a system-generated panel, the classic modifier screen, or a panel designated as being a ‘context’ panel.
Kitchen modifier image — Designates the image to print to the left of a modifier code on a kitchen chit, when using a production chit layout in Print Designer. You may want to use a plus sign for a modifier added to an item (Add), a minus sign for a modifier removed from an item (No), and others. You could also use an image with the word ADD or NO. We recommend using 22x22 as the dimensions for your image. Documented Version: AK v19.3. Required Options: You must import the image using the Aloha Kitchen application type in the Media Files function to make the image available in the drop-down list.
Use graphical modifier color — Stipulates to associate a color with a modifier button when you select an order modifier using this modifier code. Related Options: This option enables the ‘Custom graphical modifier color’ option. Documented Version: v12.3.
Custom graphical modifier color — Associates a color with the modifier code. On the FOH screen, the next modifier button you touch after selecting the modifier code changes to the color you select. For example, if you associate blue with the Extra modifier code, when you touch Extra and then touch the Pickles order modifier button, the Pickles order modifier button turns blue. The system supports color on modifier code buttons only when you place them on a system-generated panel, the classic modifier screen, or a panel designated as being a ‘context’ panel. Related Options: You must select ‘Use graphical modifier color’ to enable this option. Documented Version: v12.3.
Used in pizza matrix (QS only) — Indicates this modifier code is used in the pizza inventory depletion matrix. Once you select this option, an additional column appears on the Pizza Topping Matrix tab in Maintenance > Menu > Items. Clear this option if you are not using the pizza matrix. You cannot use this option when configuring the Pizza Modifier screen. Required Options: You must select ‘Use graphical modifier color’ to enable this option. Documented Version: v12.3.
Item highlight — Configures the selected RGB color set to appear as the background color of an item assigned this modifier code. This color overrides the default color defined for the background of the kitchen video screen.
Group Bar: Video options
The ‘Video options’ group bar is not available for some of the protected modifier codes, but does appear for all new modifier codes you create. You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Enable VideoMX’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose these options and access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > VideoMX group and select ‘Enable VideoMX’ to use these features.
Video color — Designates the color to use for the modifier code.
Intensify — Indicates the selected modifier code appears in a brighter or more intense color. The normal 16 bit color display is changed to a 255 bit color display.
Reverse — Displays the selected modifier code in reverse. For example, black text appears as white text and a white background appears as a black background.
Blink — Causes the selected modifier code to blink when it appears on the video screen.
Group Bar: Pricing (QS only)
The ‘Pricing’ group bar is not available for some of the protected modifier codes, but does appear for all new modifier codes you create.
Affects pricing — Designates the modifier code as one that calculates and controls the price of a priced modifier item when you add a priced modifier item to the check using a modifier code. You cannot affect the price of a ‘No’ modifier code. Related Options: This option enables the ‘Charge X percent’ and ‘Charge X percent if included’ options. Documented Version: v12.3.
Charge X percent — Defines the percentage, from 0 to 9999 with 100% being the default, to use when calculating the price of a modifier not already included as part of the standard item, by first selecting a modifier code; for example, when a guest requests “heavy” mushrooms on a Pepperoni pizza. Required Options: 1) You must select ‘Affects pricing’ to enable this option. 2) You must configure a price for the modifier for this option to affect its pricing. Documented Version: v12.3.
Charge X percent if included — Defines the percentage, from 0 to 9999 with 100% being the default, to use when calculating the price of a modifier already included as part of the standard item, by first selecting a modifier code; for example, when a guest requests “extra” pepperoni on a Pepperoni pizza. Required Options: 1) You must select ‘Affects pricing’ to enable this option. 2) You must configure a modifier as an included modifier for this option to operate. 3) You must configure a price for the modifier, for this option to calculate a percentage for the modifier item pricing. Documented Version: v12.3.
A BLT is priced at $3.00. Avocado is priced at $1.00 and is not an included modifier for the BLT. The Heavy modifier code is set to 120% for non-included modifiers. You order the BLT and select Heavy Avocado. The system charges the BLT as $3.00 + ($1.00 x 120%) = $4.20.
A BLT is priced at $3.00. Avocado is priced at $1.00 and is not an included modifier for the BLT. TheLight modifier code is set to 80% for non-included modifiers. You order the BLT and select Light Avocado. The system charges the BLT as $3.00 + ($1.00 x 80%) = $3.80.