Revenue Center
Select Maintenance > System Settings > Revenue Center to access this function.
Use the Revenue Center function to summarize income from different sections in the restaurant, such as the drive-thru windowbar, a patio dining area, a main dining area, or a take-out service. These income sources are reported as revenue centers on the various financial reports available through the Aloha POS system.
The Revenue Center function also allows you to:
- Disable tips for the revenue center.
- Assign automatic gratuities to the revenue center.
- Enable pivot seating for the revenue center.
- Configure the revenue center for use with a property management system (PMS) interface.
Revenue Center Hierarchy
(TS only) The system assigns a revenue center to every guest check you open, based on either the table you select or the terminal from which you initiate the guest check, as soon as you add the first item to the guest check. This revenue center stays with the guest check regardless if you transfer the check or add items to the check using a different terminal. Because you can configure a revenue center in multiple functions in the system (Order Modes, Table Definitions, Terminals, and Jobcodes), if you apply an order mode to the guest check, the revenue center assigned to the order mode overrides the table definition, which overrides the terminal definition. The revenue center in the Jobcodes function only applies to sales reports and has no bearing on revenue center assignment for a guest check.
(QS only) The system assigns a revenue center to every guest check as soon as you start the guest check, based on the terminal from which you initiate the guest check. The revenue center changes only if you merge the guest check with another guest check belonging to another revenue center. You can also configure a revenue center in the Jobcodes function but this only applies to sales reports and has no bearing on revenue center assignment for a guest check.
Revenue Centers tab
Use the Settings tab to configure basic information to work with revenue centers.
Group Bar: Settings
Name — Identifies the revenue center. We recommend you use a name that is descriptive of the order entry queue, such as Counter, Drive Thru, or Main. Type a maximum of 15 characters.
Disable tips — Disables tip tracking for the selected revenue center only. The system does not prompt you to enter a tip or print a tip line, however, you can adjust tips for payments tendered from this revenue center. Related Options: This option overrides ‘Allow tips’ in Maintenance > Payments > Tenders > Tender tab under the ‘Tips’ group bar.
Use numeric tab name (TS only) — Allows only numeric tab names to be used for the defined revenue centers. If cleared, you can use alphanumeric tab names.
Wait for credit card authorization (QS only) — Pauses the terminal while a credit card transaction is taking place. The Authorization in Progress screen displays during credit card authorizations and the terminal is not available for input until the authorization is complete.
Print check on close — Used to determine how often to print a receipt when a check is tendered on a terminal linked to the specific revenue center.
- Default — Disables the Print Receipt option and reverts to the default settings in the Tender function to dictate whether a receipt prints.
- Always — Forces a receipt to always print when closing a check on a terminal linked to the specific revenue center.
- Never — Prevents receipts from printing when a check is closed on a terminal linked to the specific revenue center.
Close open checks at EOD to tender — Specifies the tender to which to close all checks left open from this revenue center when the end-of-day runs. We recommend you use a tender of the house account type. Documented Version: v19.9.
PMS Revenue Center — Allows you to correlate a revenue center used in a property management system (PMS) with a POS revenue center. Any number other than 0 (zero) exports the PMS revenue center ID to the EDC transaction files in place of the POS revenue center ID, allowing for more accurate allocation of sales in the PMS. If left blank or 0 (zero), the Aloha POS revenue center ID continues to export. Required Options: Access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display property management’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose this option.
Concept — Specifies the concept to use for this revenue center. You can only associate one concept per revenue center. Use this option for a virtual kitchen solution. Required Options: Access Maintenance > System Settings > Concepts to define a concept. Documented Version: v19.9.
Gratuities tab (TS only)
The Gratuities tab enables you to assign automatic gratuities to a specific revenue center. To assign a gratuity to a revenue center, you must already have the gratuity configured in the system. You configure gratuities in Maintenance > System Settings > Gratuities. The gratuities that currently exist in the database appear in the ‘Available’ list. The gratuities currently assigned to the revenue center appear in the ‘Included’ list.
Group Bar: Revenue Center Gratuity Assignments
Use the >> and << arrows to move gratuities between the ‘Available’ and ‘Included’ lists. The column headings that appear in the ‘Available’ and ‘Included’ lists are as follows:
Number — Indicates the number of the gratuity record.
Name — Identifies the gratuity.
Options tab
Use the Options tab to configure how you track guest counts for the revenue center, club member information tracking, and to refine the revenue center for interfacing with a property management system (PMS). If you do not define information on this tab, the ‘+Tip’ text prints on the check by default when you access Maintenance > Payments > Tenders > Tender tab and select ‘Print signature line’ under the ‘Settings’ group bar. Group bars and options only appear on this tab when you select one of the features in Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration).
Reference: Refer to the Aloha PMS Integration Guide for more information.
Group Bar: Guest count tracking (TS only)
Use the ‘Guest count tracking’ group bar to define how to count guests by revenue center.
Enable pivot seating — Configures the order entry screen to order using numbered seating assignments at each table. Related Options: This option applies pivot seating to only a specific revenue center. If you access Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Order Entry group and select ‘Enable pivot seating’ under the ‘Guest count’ group bar, pivot seating becomes active for all revenue centers.
Require guest count when using Pivot Seating — Requires the manual entry of number of guests per table, if you selected ‘Enable pivot seating’ for this revenue center.
Auto increment pivot seat on category — Determines the category on which to base seat increments. This feature adds a seat to the check every time a customer orders an item from the specified category.
Use entrees for guest counts — Determines the guest count using the category selected in ‘Auto increment pivot seat on category.’ Use this option to enable guest count tracking by a specific category for the revenue center. Each time a customer orders an item from the selected category, the system adds one customer to the guest check count.
Entree category — Specifies the category of entrée items to use for guest counts. Required Options: You must select ‘Use entrees for guest counts’ to enable this option.
Bartender must enter a guest count — Requires bartenders to enter the number of guests. Bartenders use the ‘# Guest’ button on the FOH order entry screen to override any default value.
Group Bar: Hotel management
The ‘Hotel management’ group bar appears only if you access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display property management’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar and you are interfacing with a Property Management System.
Tip line text — Specifies the text to print for the tip line on the guest check in place of the standard text when an order originates from this revenue center.
Room line text — Specifies the text to print for the room number line on the guest check in place of the standard text when an order originates from this revenue center.
Verify Hotel information on all tenders — Requires verifying the room number for all tenders applied as payments in this revenue center.
Group Bar: Club members (TS only)
Use the ‘Club members’ group bar to define the order in which tabs appear on the Working-with-Tabs screen and tables appear on the Working-with-Tables screen. The ‘Club members’ group bar appears only if you are interfacing with the Membership program and you access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display club membership’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar.
Include club members information on tab screen — Enables you to display or suppress member information, and sorts the list of open tabs on FOH screens based on the additional options that appear when you select this option. This works in conjunction with the ‘Enable member lookup’ option located in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Order Entry group under the ‘Club Members’ group bar. When you select this option, the system adds the name of the member on the FOH Working-with-Tables or Working-with-Tabs screen. Required Options: You must interface with the Membership program and access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display club membership’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar for the Member tab to appear on FOH screens.
Club member number displayed — Specifies the order in which the club member number appears on the FOH Working-with-Tables or Working-with-Tabs screen. Required Options: 1) You must select ‘Include club members information on tab screen’ to enable this option. 2) You must interface with the Membership program and access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display club membership’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar for the Member tab to appear on FOH screens.
Tab name displayed — Specifies the order in which the club member tab name appears on the FOH Working-with-Tables or Working-with-Tabs screen. Required Options: 1) You must select ‘Include club members information on tab screen’ to enable this option. 2) You must interface with the Membership program and access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display club membership’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar for the Member tab to appear on FOH screens.
Club member name displayed — Specifies the order in which the club member name appears on the FOH Working-with-Tables or Working-with-Tabs screen. Required Options: 1) You must select ‘Include club members information on tab screen’ to enable this option. 2) You must interface with the Membership program and access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) > Corporate Owner tab and select ‘Display club membership’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar for the Member tab to appear on FOH screens.