Debug Event
Select Maintenance > System Settings > Debug Event to access this function.
This function enables you to configure a debug event for the current store. The debug event file writes to Debug.cfg in the %Iberdir%\Data directory to report data on specific actions by the Aloha POS system for troubleshooting.
Note: As a best practice, we recommend that you not add or activate any debugging events unless you are actively troubleshooting problems, and that you remove these debugging events as soon as possible. Additional data added to Debug.cfg can make the files very large.
Debug Event tab
Use the options on the Debug Event tab to identify the specific event, define its parameters, and schedule when the event is active.
Group Bar: Identification
Name — Identifies the debug event.
Group Bar: Debug Event Terminals
Type — Identifies the type of debug event.
Touch — Actions passed from screen touches.
EDC — Actions passed from Aloha EDC to the Aloha POS system.
PMS — Actions passed from the PMS in use, to the Aloha POS system.
Events — Writes events that were scheduled using Event Schedule.
Customer Display — Actions passed from the Aloha POS system to a customer defined display in use.
Custom Debug — Actions passed based on specific criteria that you define.
FOH COM 1 — Actions passed from FOH COM 1.
FOH COM 2 — Actions passed from FOH COM 2.
FOH COM 3 — Actions passed from FOH COM 3.
Activation schedule — Uses the selected activation schedule to control when the debug event occurs. You define activation schedules in Maintenance > System Settings > Activation Schedules.
Terminal — Allows you to run the debug event for one or all terminals. The debug event for the Custom Debug type defaults to All terminals and cannot be changed.
Text — Specifies a custom filter you configure to require the debug event to report on specific text. This option applies to Custom Debug events only.
Active — Indicates the debug event is active/inactive.
Note: If you configure a debug event you want to repeat on an irregular schedule, you clear Active under the Debug Event Terminals group bar until you want to run the event again, to eliminate the need for recreating the event each time you wish to run it.
Start time — Indicates the time to activate the event at the store. This option is ‘read only,’ and populates from the selected activation schedule.
Start date — Indicates the date you want the event to become active at the store.
End date — Indicates the date you want the event to no longer be active at the store.