Tracking Item
Select Maintenance > QuickCount > Tracking Item to access this function.
Use the Tracking Item function to define items that the restaurant counts for inventory purposes as tracking items. You can specify on which reports and screens that tracking items appear, such as the FOH Quick Count report and count screens. You can also make a specific tracking item automatically update when used, and define a priority for the item when it appears in the video summary cell.
Tracking Items tab
The Tracking Items tab allows you to define each tracking item to include in the Quick Count feature.
Group Bar: Settings
Description — Provides a brief description of the tracking item. The description appears on various reports that include tracking items. Type a maximum of 25 characters.
Short name — Specifies the name that appears on the kitchen video summary cell, when using the Video Display Systems feature. Type a maximum of 15 characters. If you leave this option blank, it defaults to the same text as the Description option, but truncates at the 15 character limit.
Show on FOH quick count report — Indicates the tracking item appears on the FOH Quick Count report. When using the POS, touch the Report Quick Count button to access this report.
Auto depletion and replenishment — Adjusts the selected item sale and void counts automatically, based on sale, void, and refund quantities of the associated menu items (composite tracking items). Use this for ‘Open Counts,’ and ‘Close Counts;’ however, you must still type ‘Add Counts,’ ‘Waste Counts,’ and ‘Usage Counts’ because the system cannot determine these values to automatically deplete and replenish.
Show tracking item on video summary — Enables the tracking item to appear on the kitchen video summary cell. Related Options: Selecting this option exposes the ‘Priority’ and ‘Video group’ options, when using the Video Display Systems feature.
Priority — Dictates the order in which tracking items appear in a video summary cell, and the order in which they print on the kitchen chit, if necessary. A valid range is from 1 to 255, with an item assigned a priority of 1 appearing above an item assigned a priority of 255. Required Options: You must select ‘Show tracking item on video summary’ to expose this option.
Video group — Indicates on which monitor to show the tracking item, if necessary. Changing a video group changes the video group for all items to which it is assigned. Required Options: You must select ‘Show tracking item on video summary’ to expose this option.
Show if item is not in queue — Enables this tracking item to appear in the summary cell of the selected video group, whether the menu item appears in that cell. Required Options: You must select ‘Show tracking item on video summary’ and then select a ‘Video group’ other than ‘None’ to expose this option.
Display on projection item reports — Specifies to include the item on the Prep Projections reports. These reports compile tracking item data from prior days and weeks, to provide forecast information. This option works with the Prep Projections Interface and database.
Display item on the Open count screen — Specifies the tracking item appears on the Open Counts screen, when you press the Opening Counts button, allowing you to type the opening count for the item. Related Options: Type open counts manually or allow the system to automatically track the item using the ‘Auto depletion and replenishment’ function. If manually typed, open counts include the existing item inventories at the start of the business day. If automatically calculated, opening counts equal the closing counts on the previous business day.
Display item on the Usage count screen — Specifies the tracking item appears on the Usage Counts screen when you press the Usage Counts button, allowing you to type usage counts. Usage counts refer to items that you use but do not sell or enter through the POS in the FOH, such as donations to the local school, or free employee meals.
Display item on the Close count screen — Specifies the tracking item appears on the Close Counts screen when you press the Close Counts button, allowing you to type closing counts, or allowing the system to automatically calculate the closing count based on the other counts for the day. Close counts include the existing item inventories at the close of the business day, which then roll over to the following business day for the opening count.
Display item on the Add count screen — Specifies the tracking item appears on the Add Counts screen when you press the Add Counts button, allowing you to type add counts for item deliveries for the restaurant to add the count to inventory.
Display item on the Waste count screen — Specifies the tracking item appears on the Waste Counts screen when you press the Waste Counts button, allowing you to type waste counts for items thrown away or unused, such as over-production and spoilage.