Family Style: Family Style Groups (TS only)
Select Maintenance > Menu > Family Style > Family Style Groups to access this function.
Family Style dining is a unique dining experience where parties of five or more can select meal items from a designated, restricted menu set. Appetizers, entrées, side dishes, and desserts are brought to the table on platters or in serving bowls, and guests serve themselves. Family Style Groups allow you to offer several different family style menus from which your guests can make their selections. For example, Five Choices, Seven Choices, or Light Choices.
Note:: You must access Maintenance > Business > Additional Features (Corporate Administration) and select ‘Display Family Style ordering’ under the ‘Options to display’ group bar to expose the Family Style functions and related options.
Group tab
Use this tab to identify the group and designate the number of items guests can order from the group, as well as the additional cost to add to the check for each guest.
Group Bar: Settings
Short name — Indicates the abbreviated name to appear in the Front-of-House for this family style group.
Long name — Indicates the formal and more descriptive name for the family style group.
Maximum items — Indicates the maximum number of items guests can order from this family style group. A value of 0.00 indicates there is no maximum restriction.
Additional item amount — Designates the cost to add to the guest check for each guest when guests order an additional item from this family style group. Required Options: You must access Maintenance > Menu > Items > Items tab and select ‘Apply premium item price’ under the ‘Family Style’ group bar.
Substitute group — Designates a family style group from which you allow guests to make item substitutions.
Layout tab
Use this tab to define the items from which guests can choose for this family style menu selection. Only items of the Standard type with ‘Sold as a Family Style item’ selected under the ‘Settings’ group bar in Maintenance > Menu > Items appear for selection.
Group Bar: Family Style Item
Item — Allows guests to purchase this item as part of a family style meal.
Premium item — Indicates this item carries an additional charge when guests order it from a family style menu.
Premium amount — Designates the additional charge, per guest, to add to the guest check when guests order it from a family style menu.