Payment Device: Payment Device Settings
Select Maintenance > Hardware > Payment Device > Payment Device Settings to access this function. Use this function to define global settings for all wireless payment devices defined in Maintenance > Hardware > Payment Device > Payment Devices, such as the timeout thresholds in which the payment device either confirms, approves, or cancels a transaction.
Payment Device Settings tab
Group Bar: Identification
The Payment Device Settings function allows for only one record into which you establish the default wireless payment device settings. You cannot change the name and number assigned to this record.
Group Bar: Timeouts
Swipe timeout in seconds — Specifies the number of seconds from 0 to 180, allowed for a guest to insert or slide a payment card on the payment device before the system cancels the transaction. We recommend 20 seconds. Documented Version: v14.1.
Confirm amount due timeout in seconds — Specifies the number of seconds, from 0 to 180, allowed to confirm or reject the amount of the voucher presented by the payment device before the system cancels the transaction. We recommend 20 seconds. Documented Version: v14.1.
Approved message timeout in seconds — Specifies the number of seconds, from 0 to 180, allowed for viewing the approved status of the transaction presented by the payment device. We recommend 10 seconds. Documented Version: v14.1.
Declined message timeout in seconds — Specifies the number of seconds, from 0 to 180, allowed for viewing the declined status of the transaction presented by the payment device. We recommend 10 seconds. Documented Version: v14.1.
Group Bar: Languages
Under the ‘Languages’ group bar, select the language to appear to the employee on the PIN pad device. You must select at least one language. If you select both English and French, the employee must choose a language each time they log in to a PIN pad device. Note: The card issuer controls the language that appears to the guest when using a PIN pad device, including the voucher.
English — Sets the display language to appear to the employee on the wireless PIN pad device to English. If you select both English and French, the employee must select the language to use on the PIN pad device for each transaction. Documented Version: v14.1.
French — Sets the display language to appear to the employee for the wireless PIN pad device to French. If you select both English and French, the employee must select the language to use on the PIN pad device for each transaction. Documented Version: v14.1.